Override default json format for errors in Rails API - ruby-on-rails

When an error occurs in Rails API Only, the server responds with an error in json with the following format: {"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error"}.
The format is the same for other errors as well: {"status":404,"error":"Not Found"}.
I want to render the errors with the format: {"errors": [{status: 404, title: "Not found"}]}.
Basically I want to change the format of all errors to be the same and I don't find a way to do that.
I know I can use (for example) rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :my_method and override the single exceptions but this means I have to list all possible exceptions and return the appropriate code, when Rails is already doing that.
What I am looking for is a method that can be overridden, and that I can use to change the "default" error format of Rails.

The best way to do this in Rails is probably defining an exceptions_app (see config.exceptions_app) which must be a custom rack app. This will let you render your exceptions however you choose. An example can be found here.
config.exceptions_app = ->(env) { ErrorsController.action(:show).call(env) }
class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
layout 'error'
def show
exception = env['action_dispatch.exception']
status_code = ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.new(env, exception).status_code
# render whatever you want here
You can also check what the default implementation by rails is.
There is also a gem called exception_handler that might be an alternative here.
More resources: https://devblast.com/b/jutsu-12-custom-error-pages-in-rails-4

You can configure an exceptions_app in Rails.
The default Middleware which manages exceptions and render the errors is ActionDispatch::PublicExceptions.
First thing is to override this middleware to implement our custom behavior. Inside app/middlewares/action_dispatch folder create a public_exceptions_plus.rb file with the following:
module ActionDispatch
class PublicExceptionsPlus < PublicExceptions
def call(env)
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
status = request.path_info[1..-1].to_i
content_type = request.formats.first
# define here your custom format
body = { errors: [{ status: status,
title: Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES.fetch(status, Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[500]) }] }
render(status, content_type, body)
after that, inside config/application.rb add the following:
config.exceptions_app = ->(env) { ActionDispatch::PublicExceptionsPlus.new(Rails.public_path).call(env) }
Thanks #smallbutton.com for the input. I think this is a better solution since it does not require a controller but just a middleware.


Rails 5 way to handle ActionController::ParameterMissing

If a parameter that's required is missing using strong parameters, the Rails server will respond with an HTTP 500.
This does not give me control over giving the user feedback with what exactly went wrong. Does it not make sense to be able to send them back a message such a required parameter is missing?
What is the "Rails way" of giving appropriate user feedback on ActionController::ParameterMissing? Is one supposed to capture the exception and handle your request response there? It seems wrong to do that in every controller.
You can use
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing do |e|
render 'something'
in your ApplicationController (or whatever your parent controller is).
As to whether you should inform users or not, I think it depends on what your controllers are doing. If they are API controllers, it definitely makes sense to handle that gracefully, as the users are responsible for preparing the input.
If they are accepting data from your HTML forms it's, in my opinion, not that important as the missing parameters probably mean that the user tinkered with the HTML, or something went really wrong inside the browser.
Since you mention wanting to communicate the error specifics back to the user, you could do something like the following:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing do |exception|
render json: { error: exception.message }, status: :bad_request
You can also define a method to handle a specific exception, if you'd prefer to break up the handling logic:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing, with: :handle_parameter_missing
def handle_parameter_missing(exception)
render json: { error: exception.message }, status: :bad_request
Both of the above examples will return a JSON response like so: {"error"=>"param is missing or the value is empty: [field_name]"}
For an API-only application, I think this is valuable information to pass on.
More info:
Rails API rescue_from documentation
Handling Errors in an API Application the Rails Way

How to find current abstract route in Rails middware

Rails version: '~>'
Spree version: '3.1.1'
How do I get route as /api/products/:id or controller and action of that route in a middleware of Rails 4 application.
I am adding a middleware in my rails app which is similar to gem scout_statsd_rack. This adds following middleware to rails app to send metrics via statsd:
def call(env)
(status, headers, body), response_time = call_with_timing(env)
statsd.timing("#{env['REQUEST_PATH']}.response", response_time)
# Rack response
[status, headers, body]
rescue Exception => exception
def call_with_timing(env)
start = Time.now
result = #app.call(env)
[result, ((Time.now - start) * 1000).round]
What I want is to find current route in the middleware so that I can send metrics specific to each route.
I tried approach described here, which tells env['PATH_INFO'] can provide path, which it does, but it gives with URL params like this: /api/products/4 but what I want is /api/products/:id as my puropose is to track performance of /api/products/:id API.
env['REQUEST_PATH'] and env['REQUEST_URI'] also gives same response.
I tried answer provided here and here:
Rails.application.routes.router.recognize({"path_info" => env['PATH_INFO']})
or like this
But it gave following error:
NoMethodError (undefined method path_info' for {"path_info"=>"/api/v1/products/4"}:Hash):
vendor/bundle/gems/actionpack- recognize'
This answer discusses request.original_url, but How do I access variable request, I think it should be same as env but not able to get route as want from this.
Edit #1
You can see the sample repo here, with code of rails middleware here, Setup of this can be done as stated in README and than this API can be hit: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/products/1.
Edit #2
I tried approach given by #MichałMłoźniak like following:
def call(env)
(status, headers, body), response_time = call_with_timing(env)
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
request = Rack::Request.new("PATH_INFO" => env['REQUEST_PATH'], "REQUEST_METHOD" => env["REQUEST_METHOD"])
Rails.application.routes.router.recognize(request) { |route, params|
puts "I am here"
puts params.inspect
puts route.inspect
But I got following response:
I am here
#<ActionDispatch::Journey::Route:0x007fa1833ac628 #name="spree", #app=#<ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Constraints:0x007fa1833ace70 #dispatcher=false, #app=Spree::Core::Engine, #constraints=[]>, #path=#<ActionDispatch::Journey::Path::Pattern:0x007fa1833acc90 #spec=#<ActionDispatch::Journey::Nodes::Slash:0x007fa1833ad230 #left="/", #memo=nil>, #requirements={}, #separators="/.?", #anchored=false, #names=[], #optional_names=[], #required_names=[], #re=/\A\//, #offsets=[0]>, #constraints={:required_defaults=>[]}, #defaults={}, #required_defaults=nil, #required_parts=[], #parts=[], #decorated_ast=nil, #precedence=1, #path_formatter=#<ActionDispatch::Journey::Format:0x007fa1833ac588 #parts=["/"], #children=[], #parameters=[]>>
I have pushed the changes as well here.
You need to pass ActionDispatch::Request or Rack::Request to recognize method. Here is an example from another app:
main:0> req = Rack::Request.new("PATH_INFO" => "/customers/10", "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET")
main:0> Rails.application.routes.router.recognize(req) { |route, params| puts params.inspect }; nil
{:controller=>"customers", :action=>"show", :id=>"10"}
=> nil
The same will work with ActionDispatch::Request. Inside middleware, you can easily create this object:
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
And if you need more information about recognized route, you can look into that route object that is yielded to block, by recognize method.
The above solution will work for normal Rails routes, but since you only have spree engine mounted you need to use different class
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
Spree::Core::Engine.routes.router.recognize(request) { |route, params|
puts params.inspect
I guess the best would be find a generic solution that works with any combination of normal routes and engines, but this will work in your case.
Update #2
For more general solution you need to look at the source of Rails router, which you can find in ActionDispatch module. Look at Routing and Journey modules. What I found out is that the returned route from recognize method can be tested if this is a dispatcher or not.
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
Rails.application.routes.router.recognize(req) do |route, params|
if route.dispatcher?
# if this is a dispatcher, params should have everything you need
puts params
# you need to go deeper
# route.app.app will be Spree::Core::Engine
route.app.app.routes.router.recognize(request) do |route, params|
puts params.inspect
This approach will work in case of your app, but will not be general. For example, if you have sidekiq installed, route.app.app will be Sidekiq::Web so it needs to be handled in different way. Basically to have general solution you need to handle all possible mountable engines that Rails router supports.
I guess it is better to build something that will cover all your cases in current application. So the thing to remember is that when initial request is recognized, the value of route yielded to black can be a dispatcher or not. If it is, you have normal Rails route, if not you need to recursive check.

Custom Devise 401 unauthorized response

I'm working on a JSON-based API for my Rails 3.1 app. I'd like to provide a custom failure response instead of the default, which is:
{"error":"You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."}
My API controller includes a before_filter call to authenticate_user!, which is what is rendering this JSON response.
While searching, I came across this StackOverflow question, which references this Devise wiki entry. Unfortunately, the wiki entry isn't verbose enough for me to understand what it's telling me. Specifically, I have no clue where I'm supposed to put that code such that Devise/Warden knows to render what I want returned.
From the comments on the other SA question, it sounds like I don't need to call custom_failure! since I'm using a version of Devise above 1.2 (1.4.2 to be specific). However, the wiki entry doesn't explain where the render call should go such that authenticate_user! knows to use that instead of its own render call.
Where does this render call go?
Edit: I'm not just trying to change the message itself (a la the devise en.yml config); I'm trying to change the actual format of the response. Specifically, I want to return this:
render :text => "You must be logged in to do that.", :status => :unauthorized
For reference in case anyone else stumbles upon this question when looking for how to customize the json error response when a failed login attempt is made using Devise, the key is to use your own custom FailureApp implementation. (You can also use this approach to override some redirect behavior.)
class CustomFailureApp < Devise::FailureApp
def respond
if request.format == :json
def json_error_response
self.status = 401
self.content_type = "application/json"
self.response_body = [ { message: i18n_message } ].to_json
and in your devise.rb, look for the config.warden section:
config.warden do |manager|
manager.failure_app = CustomFailureApp
Some related info:
At first I thought I would have to override Devise::SessionsController, possibly using the recall option passed to warden.authenticate!, but as mentioned here, "recall is not invoked for API requests, only for navigational ones. If you want to customise the http status code, you will have better luck doing so at the failure app level."
Also https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To%3a-Redirect-to-a-specific-page-when-the-user-can-not-be-authenticated shows something very similar for redirection.
If you're simply wanting to change the text displayed with the error message, I believe you can just edit the locale file (/config/locales/devise.en.yml).
The RailsCast on this topic might be helpful too, if you want more specific details. You can find it at http://railscasts.com/episodes/210-customizing-devise

Ruby equivalent to PHPs set_error_handler

I have just barely gotten into Ruby / ROR but need to quickly write a class for handling errors and doing something with them. I've been able to find the important examples/tutorials for the rest of what I need but I'm having trouble finding what the best alternative to PHP's "set_error_handler" is.
My goals are:
I'd like to write a class that will capture any ruby-level errors automatically.
I'd like for the class to also be called by the user when there are custom errors/exceptions to report.
I'd like this work for any ruby app, but my main focus is for ruby-on-rails applications as well. Thanks for your advice.
I think the closest equivalent in Rails is rescue_from - it allows you to specify code will catch any given exception (except some template errors - though there are ways round that). If you want, you could then hand it off to some other class. So I guess what you'd do in your case would be:
in app/controllers/application_controller.rb:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from Exception do |e|
in lib/my_exception_handler.rb:
class MyExceptionHandler
def self.handle_exception exception
# your code goes here
If that helps, let me know and I'll dig out the link to how you catch template errors.
#require all_kinds_of_things
# rest of brilliant app
rescue Exception => e #Custom, catch-all exeption handler
puts "Doh...#{e}"
print "Do you want the backtrace? (Y) :"
puts e.backtrace if gets.chomp == "Y"
Define ApplicationController#rescue_in_public(exception) and put your custom handling code there.
This augments Rails' default exception handling at the top level - right before the HTTP response is generated. As your Rails apps grow in complexity and use external resources, there will be more exceptions that you'll want to handle much closer to where the exceptions are thrown, but this can get you started.
This method will only work on HTTP requests and will not catch exceptions in any custom rake tasks you create or code executed via rails runner.
Here's an example from one of my applications:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def rescue_action_in_public (exception)
case exception
when ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
if request.xhr?
render :update do |page|
page.redirect_to '/sessions/new/'
redirect_to '/sessions/new/'
when ActionController::NotImplemented
render :nothing => true, :status => '500 Error'

Can a mobile mime type fall back to "html" in Rails?

I'm using this code (taken from here) in ApplicationController to detect iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad requests:
before_filter :detect_mobile_request, :detect_tablet_request
def detect_mobile_request
request.format = :mobile if mobile_request?
def mobile_request?
#request.subdomains.first == 'm'
request.user_agent =~ /iPhone/ || request.user_agent =~ /iPod/
def detect_tablet_request
request.format = :tablet if tablet_request?
def tablet_request?
#request.subdomains.first == 't'
request.user_agent =~ /iPad/
This allows me to have templates like show.html.erb, show.mobile.erb, and show.tablet.erb, which is great, but there's a problem: It seems I must define every template for each mime type. For example, requesting the "show" action from an iPhone without defining show.mobile.erb will throw an error even if show.html.erb is defined. If a mobile or tablet template is missing, I'd like to simply fall back on the html one. It doesn't seem too far fetched since "mobile" is defined as an alias to "text/html" in mime_types.rb.
So, a few questions:
Am I doing this wrong? Or, is there a better way to do this?
If not, can I get the mobile and tablet mime types to fall back on html if a mobile or tablet file is not present?
If it matters, I'm using Rails 3.0.1. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
EDIT: Something I forgot to mention: I'll eventually be moving to separate sub-domains (as you can see commented out in my example) so the template loading really needs to happen automatically regardless of which before_filter has run.
Possible Duplicate of Changing view formats in rails 3.1 (delivering mobile html formats, fallback on normal html)
However, I struggled with this exact same problem and came up with a fairly elegant solution that met my needs perfectly. Here is my answer from the other post.
I think I've found the best way to do this. I was attempting the same thing that you were, but then I remembered that in rails 3.1 introduced template inheritance, which is exactly what we need for something like this to work. I really can't take much credit for this implementation as its all laid out there in that railscasts link by Ryan Bates.
So this is basically how it goes.
Create a subdirectory in app/views. I labeled mine mobile.
Nest all view templates you want to override in the same structure format that they would be in the views directory. views/posts/index.html.erb -> views/mobile/posts/index.html.erb
Create a before_filter in your Application_Controller and do something to this effect.
before_filter :prep_mobile
def is_mobile?
request.user_agent =~ /Mobile|webOS|iPhone/
def prep_mobile
prepend_view_path "app/views/mobile" if is_mobile?
Once thats done, your files will default to the mobile views if they are on a mobile device and fallback to the regular templates if a mobile one is not present.
You need to do several things to wire this up, but the good news is that Rails 3 actually makes this a lot simpler than it used to be, and you can let the router do most of the hard work for you.
First off, you need to make a special route that sets up the correct mime type for you:
# In routes.rb:
resources :things, :user_agent => /iPhone/, :format => :iphone
resources :things
Now you have things accessed by an iphone user agent being marked with the iphone mime type. Rails will explode at you for a missing mime type though, so head over to config/initializers/mime_types.rb and uncomment the iphone one:
Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :iphone
Now you're mime type is ready for use, but your controller probably doesn't yet know about your new mime type, and as such you'll see 406 responses. To solve this, just add a mime-type allowance at the top of the controller, using repsond_to:
class ThingsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :xml, :iphone
Now you can just use respond_to blocks or respond_with as normal.
There currently is no API to easily perform the automatic fallback other than the monkeypatch or non-mime template approaches already discussed. You might be able to wire up an override more cleanly using a specialized responder class.
Other recommended reading includes:
Trying removing the .html from the .html.erb and both iPhone and browser will fallback to the common file.
I have added a new answer for version 3.2.X. This answer is valid for <~ 3.0.1.
I came to this question while looking to be able to have multiple fallbacks on the view. For example if my product can be white-labeled and in turn if my white-label partner is able to sell sponsorship, then I need a cascade of views on every page like this:
Sponsor View: .sponsor_html
Partner View: .partner_html
Default View: .html
The answer by Joe, of just removing .html works (really well) if you only have one level above the default, but in actual application I needed 5 levels in some cases.
There did not seem to be anyway to implement this short of some monkey patching in the same vein as Jeremy.
The Rails core makes some fairly wide ranging assumptions that you only want one format and that it maps to a single extension (with the default of NO extension).
I needed a single solution that would work for all view elements -- layouts, templates, and partials.
Attempting to make this more along the lines of convention I came up with the following.
# app/config/initializers/resolver.rb
module ActionView
class Base
cattr_accessor :extension_fallbacks
##extension_fallbacks = nil
class PathResolver < Resolver
def find_templates_with_fallbacks(name, prefix, partial, details)
fallbacks = Rails.application.config.action_view.extension_fallbacks
format = details[:formats].first
unless fallbacks && fallbacks[format]
return find_templates_without_fallbacks(name, prefix, partial, details)
deets = details.dup
deets[:formats] = fallbacks[format]
path = build_path(name, prefix, partial, deets)
query(path, EXTENSION_ORDER.map {|ext| deets[ext] }, details[:formats])
alias_method_chain :find_templates, :fallbacks
# config/application.rb
config.after_initialize do
config.action_view.extension_fallbacks = {
html: [:sponsor_html, :partner_html, :html],
mobile: [:sponsor_mobile, :partner_mobile, :sponsor_html, :partner_html, :html]
# config/initializers/mime_types.rb
register_alias 'text/html', :mobile
# app/controllers/examples_controller.rb
class ExamplesController
respond_to :html, :mobile
def index
#examples = Examples.all
Note: I did see the comments around alias_method_chain, and initially did make a call to super at the appropriate spot. This actually called ActionView::Resolver#find_templates (which raises a NotImplemented exception) rather than the ActionView::PathResolver#find_templates in some cases. I wasn't patient enough to track down why. I suspect its because of being a private method.
Plus, Rails, at this time, does not report alias_method_chain as deprecated. Just that post does.
I do not like this answer as it involves some very brittle implementation around that find_templates call. In particular the assumption that you only have ONE format, but this is an assumption made all over the place in the template request.
After 4 days of trying to solve this and combing through the whole of the template request stack its the best I can come up with.
The way that I'm handling this is to simply skip_before_filter on those requests that I know I want to render the HTML views for. Obviously, that will work with partials.
If your site has a lot of mobile and/or tablet views, you probably want to set your filter in ApplicationController and skip them in subclasses, but if only a few actions have mobile specific views, you should only call the before filter on those actions/controllers you want.
If your OS has symlinks you could use those.
$ ln -s show.html.erb show.mobile.erb
I am adding another answer now that we have updated to 3.2.X. Leaving the old answer as it was in case someone needs that one. But, I will edit it to direct people to this one for current versions.
The significant difference here is to make use of the "new" (since 3.1) availability of adding in custom path resolvers. Which does make the code shorter, as Jeroen suggested. But taken a little bit further. In particular the #find_templates is no longer private and it is expected that you will write a custom one.
# lib/fallback_resolver.rb
class FallbackResolver < ::ActionView::FileSystemResolver
def initialize(path, fallbacks = nil)
#fallback_list = fallbacks
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
format = details[:formats].first
return super unless #fallback_list && #fallback_list[format]
formats = Array.wrap(#fallback_list[format])
details_copy = details.dup
details_copy[:formats] = formats
path = Path.build(name, prefix, partial)
query(path, details_copy, formats)
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
append_view_path 'app/views', {
mobile: [:sponsor_mobile, :mobile, :sponsor_html, :html],
html: [:sponsor_html, :html]
respond_to :html, :mobile
# config/initializers/mime_types.rb
register_alias 'text/html', :mobile
Here's a simpler solution:
class ApplicationController
def formats=(values)
values << :html if values == [:mobile]
It turns out Rails (3.2.11) adds an :html fallback for requests with the :js format. Here's how it works:
ActionController::Rendering#process_action assigns the formats array from the request (see action_controller/metal/rendering.rb)
ActionView::LookupContext#formats= gets called with the result
Here's ActionView::LookupContext#formats=,
# Override formats= to expand ["*/*"] values and automatically
# add :html as fallback to :js.
def formats=(values)
if values
values.concat(default_formats) if values.delete "*/*"
values << :html if values == [:js]
This solution is gross but I don't know a better way to get Rails to interpret a request MIME type of "mobile" as formatters [:mobile, :html] - and Rails already does it this way.
Yes, I'm pretty sure this is the right way to do this in rails. I've defined iphone formats this way before. That's a good question about getting the format to default back to :html if a template for iphone doesn't exist. It sounds simple enough, but I think you'll have to add in a monkeypath to either rescue the missing template error, or to check if the template exists before rendering. Take a look a the type of patches shown in this question. Something like this would probably do the trick (writing this code in my browser, so more pseudo code) but throw this in an initializer
# config/initializers/default_html_view.rb
module ActionView
class PathSet
def find_template_with_exception_handling(original_template_path, format = nil, html_fallback = true)
find_template_without_exception_handling(original_template_path, format, html_fallback)
rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => e
# Template wasn't found
template_path = original_template_path.sub(/^\//, '')
# Check to see if the html version exists
if template = load_path["#{template_path}.#{I18n.locale}.html"]
# Return html version
return template
# The html format doesn't exist either
raise e
alias_method_chain :find_template, :exception_handling
Here is another example of how to do it, inspired by Simon's code, but a bit shorter and a bit less hacky:
# application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# ...
# When the format is iphone have it also fallback on :html
append_view_path ExtensionFallbackResolver.new("app/views", :iphone => :html)
# ...
and somewhere in an autoload_path or explicitly required:
# extension_fallback_resolver.rb
class ExtensionFallbackResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver
attr_reader :format_fallbacks
# In controller do append_view_path ExtensionFallbackResolver.new("app/views", :iphone => :html)
def initialize(path, format_fallbacks = {})
#format_fallbacks = format_fallbacks
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
fallback_details = details.dup
fallback_details[:formats] = Array(format_fallbacks[details[:formats].first])
path = build_path(name, prefix, partial, details)
query(path, EXTENSION_ORDER.map { |ext| fallback_details[ext] }, details[:formats])
The above is still a hack because it is using a private API, but possibly less fragile as Simon's original proposal.
Note that you need to take care of the layout seperately. You will need to implement a method that chooses the layout based on the user agent or something similar. The will only take care of the fallback for the normal templates.
Rails 4.1 includes Variants, this is a great feature that allow you to set different views for the same mime. You can now simply add a before_action and let the variant to do the magic:
before_action :detect_device_variant
def detect_device_variant
case request.user_agent
when /iPad/i
request.variant = :tablet
when /iPhone/i
request.variant = :phone
Then, in your action:
respond_to do |format|
format.html # /app/views/the_controller/the_action.html.erb
format.html.phone # /app/views/the_controller/the_action.html+phone.erb
format.html.tablet do
#some_tablet_specific_variable = "foo"
More info here.
You can in this case for the format to html. By example you want always use the html in user show method
class UserController
def show
render :show, :format => :html
In this case, if you request show on User controller you render all the time the html version.
If you want render JSON too by example you can made some test about your type like :
class UserController
def show
if [:mobile, :tablet, :html].include?(request.format)
render :show, :format => :html
I made a monkey patch for that, but now, I use a better solution :
In application_controller.rb :
layout :which_layout
def which_layout
mobile? ? 'mobile' : 'application'
With the mobile? method you can write.
So I have a different layout but all the same views, and in the mobile.html.erb layout, I use a different CSS file.
I need the same thing. I researched this including this stack overflow question (and the other similar one) as well as followed the rails thread (as mentioned in this question) at https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/3855 and followed its threads/gists/gems.
Heres what I ended up doing that works with Rails 3.1 and engines. This solution allows you to place the *.mobile.haml (or *.mobile.erb etc.) in the same location as your other view files with no need for 2 hierarchies (one for regular and one for mobile).
Engine and preparation Code
in my 'base' engine I added this in config/initializers/resolvers.rb:
module Resolvers
# this resolver graciously shared by jdelStrother at
# https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/3855#issuecomment-5028260
class MobileFallbackResolver < ::ActionView::FileSystemResolver
def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details)
if details[:formats] == [:mobile]
# Add a fallback for html, for the case where, eg, 'index.html.haml' exists, but not 'index.mobile.haml'
details = details.dup
details[:formats] = [:mobile, :html]
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
tmp_view_paths = view_paths.dup # avoid endless loop as append_view_path modifies view_paths
tmp_view_paths.each do |path|
Then, in my 'base' engine's application controller I added a mobile? method:
def mobile?
request.user_agent && request.user_agent.downcase =~ /mobile|iphone|webos|android|blackberry|midp|cldc/ && request.user_agent.downcase !~ /ipad/
And also this before_filter:
before_filter :set_layout
def set_layout
request.format = :mobile if mobile?
Finally, I added this to the config/initializers/mime_types.rb:
Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :mobile
Now I can have (at my application level, or in an engine):
and in any view a .mobile.haml instead of a .html.haml file.
I can even use a specific mobile layout if I set it in any controller:
layout 'mobile'
which will use app/views/layouts/mobile.html.haml (or even mobile.mobile.haml).
I solved this problem by using this before_filter in my ApplicationController:
def set_mobile_format
request.formats.unshift(Mime::MOBILE) if mobile_client?
This puts the mobile format to the front of the list of acceptable formats. So, the Resolver prefers .mobile.erb templates, but will fall back to .html.erb if no mobile version is found.
Of course, for this to work you need to implement some kind of #mobile_client? function and put Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :mobile into your config/initializers/mime_types.rb
