How to create Dnn Text Editor as Rich Editor only? - dotnetnuke-9

I have a Dnn module that contains a Dnn text editor. I want to show that editor on 'Rich' mode only. I try:
<dnn:TextEditor runat="server" id="txtUpdate" Width="100%" DefaultMode="RICH" Mode="RICH"></dnn:TextEditor>
..but it doesn't work once I set Basic Text Box option.


TCPDF, making custom font text bold without separate ttf file

My project involves me creating a pdf with imputed text (with a custom font) that looks something like this:
<p><span style="font-family: 'font1'; font-size: 12px;"><This is<strong>test</strong> text</span></span></p>
It uses the custom font perfectly except that bold and italic text look normal. The text is formatted bold when you copy/paste it out of the pdf it's just not showing in the pdf. I know I can incorporate a separate bold ttf file for my custom font, but I'd like to know if I can get around that. If I open the text above as an html, it is properly displayed so I know it must be possible

Input text field size not increasing using in MVC 5 bootstrap 3

I am trying to increase the width of textbox(input) which has applied bootstrap 3 styling in my project.
The size is increasing in the Link but when I try to run this code in Visual Studio designer it is nor increasing the width of the text box.
In a default Asp Mvc web project they add a default stylesheet file in the Content/ folder called Site.css
This file has the style
textarea {
max-width: 280px;
This is for the horizontal form in the default t4 templates.
If you remove that it should work as expected

For iOS, Safari, VoiceOver, how do I get VoiceOver to read something other than the text content?

I am trying to get VoiceOver to say something other than the specified text content in an HTML span element:
<span tabindex="0" class="myClassName" id="DateLabel" role="heading">1:02a</span>
Consider the case where I might like VoiceOver to say the full time text.
When I add the aria-label attribute, VoiceOver is still reading the text, despite desktop browsers like IE and Chrome correctly reading the aria-label instead.
When I add the aria-labelledby attribute plus a hidden aria label element, I am able to get VoiceOver to read the alternate narration, and NOT the text content. However, I find this only works if the aria-role is a widget role like button or link. This is bad because I don't want to imply to users that this is an interactive element they can activate. VoiceOver annoyingly appends "button" to the end of the narrated sequence. I would prefer to use a structural role like "heading" but then VoiceOver just reverts reading the text content instead of reading my hidden narration.
Please help! I've been bashing my head against this but I simply cannot stand iOS's non-standard implementation of ARIA. I don't understand why they must be different from desktop browsers for something so simple but they are in so many places and I cannot find a good document outlining the exact behavior anywhere.
You can use aria-label like this:
<span tabindex="0" class="myClassName" id="DateLabel" role="heading" aria-label="1 0 2 am">1:02a</span>
However, why are you setting tabindex to 0? For a heading this is not a good practice because screen reader users can navigate between headings using the keyboard commands. Also, you will want to set aria-level on your heading to indicate what level it is.
The best markup to use for this is:
<span class="myClassName" id="DateLabel" role="heading"
aria-level="2" aria-label="1 0 2 am">1:02a</span>
Update: This appears to no longer work for at least some versions of VoiceOver, it will read the visible content and ignore the aria-label. See this bug -
In my case I used for iOS VoiceOver:
<span role="text" aria-label="audible text">visible text</span>
it is important to add the attribute role="text" so that VoiceOver reads the attribute aria-label=""
In this case you could use a pattern that hides the visual text from screen-readers and hide the screen-reader text from showing visually. Like this:
<span aria-hidden="true">1:02a Dec</span>
<span class="visually-hidden">1:02 AM December</span>
and use CSS to hide .visually-hidden for example like this:
.visually-hidden {
position: absolute;
left: -999em;
Don't use display:none since it removes the element from being sent to the accessibility API.
As a side note: use role="heading" carefully if ever, and if so use an appropriate aria-leve="#" number/level.
You could use the abbr html element.
For example :
<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>

how to change text color of <p:watermark>

In my jSF 2.0-PrimeFaces application I am using component and I need to change the color of the text in the component.
The sample can be found at here
how to change text color of JSF 2-PrimeFaces component?
From primefaces documentation:
There’s only one css style class applying watermark which is ‘.ui-watermark’, you can override this
class to bring in your own style. Note that this style class is not applied when watermark uses html5
placeholder if available.
PrimeFaces Userʼs Guide page:433
Primefaces uses jquery's watermark. Check here for more information.
try this:
input::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: red !important;
Note: That the above only works in some browsers as mentioned in the link. I tested it on chrome and IE7, it is working in Google Chrome but not in Internet Explorer

Where is CSS for jQuery UI's .ui-selected Defined?

I'm trying to apply jQuery UI Selectable to a portion of my website. However, I do not see either the selection box while dragging the mouse, nor does the color of selected li elements change.
So to understand the problem, I went back to the source:
I see (using IE9 developer tools) that a style .ui-selected is applied to selected elements. Using Trace Styles, IE shows that background-color is originally defined in jquery-ui.css but overridden (ultimately) by #selectable .ui-selected. However, IE does not show the source of #selectable .ui-selected. Searching the jQuery UI style sheet I reference, jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css, finds no mention of ui-selected, nor do I find it in jquery.ui.selectable.css.
Where exactly is the demo page getting the CSS for the background color?
I found one of the other jQueryUI demos defines the style for those classes in a custom style sheet, so I ended up following that lead.
It seems odd that those styles are not part of jQueryUI Themeroller. Perhaps that will change in the future.
