#3x image, Iphone 8 Plus, Iphone X - ios

Let's assume, I have selected 'View as: iPhone 8 Plus' on Main.storyboard in Xcode. We know these details:
Iphone X: 375 x 812 points (#3x) 1125x2436 pixels
Iphone 8 Plus: 414 x 736 points (#3x) 1242 × 2208 pixels
Iphone 8: 375 x 667 points (#2x) 750x1334 pixel
Let's assume I would like to put an UIImageView (top bar, header bar image) like below:
Remember, I have selected 'View as: iPhone 8 Plus'. So width of the image must be 414 points. And let's assume height of the image is 100 points. So image size must be 1242 x 300 pixels. (because 414points*3=1242px, 100points*3=300px)
#3xBackground.png must be 1242 x 300 pixels.
#2xBackground.png must be 828x200, right? **(this is question 1)**
#1xBackground.png must be 414x100, right? **(this is question 2)**
What about IPhone X? Iphone X also uses #3xBackground.png image, right? (this is question3)
I see this image so sharp at iphone 8 plus. Because I create this image regarding to the iPhone 9 plus. But i can't see this image so sharp in iPhone x. Because width of iPhone X is 375points(1125 pixels) but my image width is 414 points(1242 pixels) Am i right? iphone x and iphone 8 plus use same image: #3xBackground.png. Device tries to put 1242pixel image in to 1125 px place. So how does this picture look so sharp?
Does Iphone X reduce height of the image when it puts 1242 pixel image in to 1125 px place ? (This is question 4) If reply yes. So it should be fine.


Iphone 5 - 6plus image size/resolutions?

I'm working on the graphics for an app that will run in portrait mode only for the iPhone 5 - 6 plus. The images should be the total width of the portrait screen. Based on this page:
http://www.paintcodeapp.com/news/ultimate-guide-to-iphone-resolutions it looks as if my image widths should be as follows:
x = 640 pixels in width,
2x = 750 pixels in width,
3x = 1125 pixels in width
Does the above look correct?
When creating these images in Photoshop is it best to save them at 72 ppi?
Thank you for your assistance.
Not sure why your refer to them as "x", "2x" and "3x", but the screen widths (native for iPhone 4/5/6, virtual for 6 Plus) are:
640 pixels (iPhone 4/5)
750 pixels (iPhone 6)
1242 pixels (iPhone 6 Plus)
The ppi resolution doesn't matter if you set the sizes in pixels. It only matters if you set the size in cm, inches or similar length units. If you want to see them at their "real" size, you should select 326 ppi for iPhone 4/5/6 and 461 ppi for 6 Plus.

What pixel size do images need to at least fill the iPhone 6 Plus display?

The iPhone 6 Plus has 414 x 736 points. It renders at 3x to get 1242 x 2208 pixels, which are mapped to 1080 x 1920 of physical pixel.
Since the physical pixels are the pixels which are actually drawn and shown to the user, I guess that full screen images have to be at least 1080 x 1920 px to match the full screen potential. Each image which is bigger than that will be downscaled to 1080 x 1920 px.
Am I right that you need at least have full screen images in size 1080 x 1920 px to get the best resolution on an iPhone 6 Plus?
Do not confuse with 'mapped to physical size'. You just use 1242 x 2208 px size for you full screen images.
The screen bounds of iPhone6+ is;
NSLog("Screen Size \( UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)"); // on iPhone 6+ - 414 x 736 (1x)
Which we are using in our development calculations so,
in development, there is no concept of physical screen size. it is handled by the device at its own.

iPhone 6/6+ camera | size of taken photos?

What is the size (in pixels) of a photo taken by iPhone 6/6+ cameras? Or where can I find any info about this? I need to setup GPUImageCameraView's frame size.
If you are referring to the physical pixels on the screen, the iPhone 6+ is 1080 x 1920, while the iPhone 6 is 750 x 1334.
If you are referring to screen size, the iPhone 6+ is 414 x 736 points, while the iPhone 6 is 375 x 667 points.
Hope this helps!

simulate uiview bounds with physical size of iphone 6/ iphone 6 plus on ipad air(v1)

I want to create UIView with bounds that will be the same size as physical screen size of iphone6/iphone 6 plus, and run this in ipad air(v1)
Now, I read this info :
Size for iPhone 6 Plus with #3x scaling (Apple name: Retina HD 5.5),
Coordinate space: 414 x 736 points and 1242 x 2208 pixels, 401 ppi,
screen physical size is 2.7 x 4.8 in or 68 x 122 mm.
Size for iPhone 6 with #2x scaling (Apple name: Retina HD 4.7),
Coordinate space: 375 x 667 points and 750 x 1334 pixels, 326 ppi,
screen physical size is 2.3 x 4.1 in or 58 x 104 mm.
What is the correct bounds/coordinate space I need to set in my UIView that will show on the ipad, the physical screen size for iphone 6/iphone 6 plus ?
You should take coordinate space values as bound size for your view and align it as you want, for iphone 6+ it is 414 x 736 and for 6 it is 375 x 667.

IOS 8 asset catalog image sizes confusing

Say I want to make a button that takes up half the width of the iPhone screen (portrait) at #1x. This would be 160 pixels, #2x this would be 320 pixels.
Now with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus it gets confusing. The iPhone 6 has 750 pixels width and uses #2x but the asset catalog has only one box for adding #2x images, so do I make my image 320 pixels or 375 pixels?
Also, the iPhone 6 Plus has width of 1080 pixels or 1242 pixels (any idea which one?), but my standard image of 160 pixels multiplied by 3 = 480 pixels but half the iPhone 6 Plus screen is either 540 pixels or 621 pixels??
What size I should be making my images and why?
The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have the same aspect ration as the iPhone 5/5C/5S, so they automatically scale the image for your screen. For the iPhone 6, your image should be 320 pixels, just like with a 4-inch screen.
For the 6 Plus, you should make it 480 pixels for the same reason.
