iTunes Connect - Primary Language question - ios

So my apps Primary Language is currently Norwegian in iTunes Connect, but in the new version I have added localization for English language. When I test on my device and set language to Sweden (just for testing), it still shows Norwegian. But what I want is to have English language in the app in all countries, and Norwegian only for Norway. Anyone know how I can do this?

You should use a Base language in the project as default language for other localizations not supported by your app. Means, if you want Norwegian as default for other localizations, then under localizations for your Localizable.strings select "Base" which will generate Base.lproj folder and a localization file. Just make sure you have Norwegian strings in that file, Xcode may choose English in that file, just copy paste Norwegian content and replace. It should work fine.

Itunes Connect language has not effect on the language in the app.
If you want to change the app language you need to set the base localization to english as explained here:


CFBundleDevelopmentRegion doesn't work while setting not supportive language

I'm designing an app which supports English, German and Simple Chinese(The app default is English).
However, while I set a language (like German, supportive language) to launch my app, it's normal. Then I set another language (like Korean, not supportive) and launch the app. The app still shows German version but English.
I'm pretty sure my CFBundleDevelopmentRegion is set en.
What to do to make the app show English version in other language?
I found the solution by myself.
First, go to info.plist to see CFBundleDevelopmentRegion
Before Xcode 7, we only need to choose the language as below.
enter image description here
We want English to be default language. Then we set "en".
However, Xcode 7 update Localization choices for same language.
Like en-UK and en-US are actually English.
So just choose the Localization wiz country
enter image description here
I choose United State then the bug is solved.

iOS app in non-english language

I have developed an app which should be in Norwegian language only. The app does not use localisation, since it should appear in one language only (Norwegian). However, I have set "Localisation native development region" to "no" in the Info.plist file. I also use base localisation.
The app launches and behaves correctly in Norwegian language for any device language and regional setting. So far, so good.
The problem arises on the app-store, where the app language states English and not Norwegian as I would expect. I have created the iTunes Connect record for Norwegian only, and I believe the problem is related to information iTunes Connect extracts from the app-image it self. However, I cannot figure out which setting in Xcode that needs to be altered in order to reflect Norwegian on the app-store. I use Xcode 7.2.
Any clue on how to solve this issue would be very much appreciated.
I finally managed to get this working by:
Use the latest version (7.3.1) of Xcode
Add InfoPlist.strings and Localizable.strings to the project
Add Base and Norwegian Localisation to the project
Localize InfoPlist.strings and Localizable.strings to Norwegian
Localise Storyboard/XIB files to Base and Norwegian
Make sure all other localisations are removed from the project and delete the belonging files and folders. Only Base and Norwegian should be left
Set "Localisation native development region" to "nb-NO" in info.plist
Add "CFBundleDisplayName" = "Your App" to InfoPlist.strings
This should also apply to any other language for single language apps.
What you need to do is the following:
Go to iTunes Connect
Select your app
Choose a new build
Tap on the language (Where the arrow points)
Select a new language
When you have added the new language you are able to delete the english.

(Base) localization not working in iOS 7?

It seams base localization does not work on iOS7?
I have an app (its available on the app store) that has localisations for Dutch, Chinese and a base localization = English. This looks like this in xcode 6:
The plist file contains the "Localization native development region" key:
When the app runs on on iPhone iOS7 configured for English, it
uses the Dutch localization ?! I would expect that iOS uses the base
localization since its configured as English?
I do not have a "development language" entry in the Localizations
section of Xcode, I have seen this in some posts, what is the meaning of this "development language"? And could this be a possible cause or something?
I can solve the problem by adding an localization language "English" (which then seams to become the development language, I have tested this) but this would simply be a duplicate of my "base" language. Surely this is not the way to go?
I know there are many topics on localizations already but I have read them all (I believe) and cannot find a clear answer.
1.Localization native development language states the preferred language to be use if the iOS language and your app languages doesn't match, so I'm thinking about a storyboard that has been localized in english and a strings file in english, to make your app use english language.
2.Development language is not the same of the first point, is the base language, by default is set to english and it doesn't seems to exist a clear way to change that (I've filed a radar to Apple about it asking for xcode to show a menu at the beginning of each project). To change it you need to do it manually, but appstore will always show english as language
3.This is the solution, when iOS doesn't find a suitable localization it iterates through an array of laguages until it finds an existing one, if you add an english localization you could solve the problem.
Appstore reads directories in your app bundle

iOS: Localization / German language for Germany, English language for the rest of the world

The scenario:
i'm developing an iOS app an it should be uploaded in all app stores all over the world.
The application should support 2 languages, german and english. German language for Germany, English language for the rest of the world.
What i've done:
When i started to develop the app i choosed German as "Localization native development region" in Info.plist file and added Localization for English in the project settings...
I used the NSLocalizedString and write the text strings in all in german.
Then i submit the Localization.string file to the customer for translation...
The Question:
Am I doing it right to achieve the scenario above, when i want to submit the app to the appstore?
What have i to do in iTunesConnect to archive this scenario...?
It's the other way around, use English as "Localization native development region" and then add a German localization.
kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey The name of the development language of the bundle. When CFBundle looks for resources, the fallback is to look in the lproj whose name is given by the kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey in the Info.plist file. You must, therefore, ensure that a bundle contains an lproj with that exact name containing a copy of every localized resource, otherwise CFBundle cannot guarantee the fallback mechanism will work. Available in iOS 2.0 and later. Declared in CFBundle.h.
The thvanarkel could be right, but I actually use another trick :
When you match your pair - keys in the Localizable.strings, I name every keys with their english translation like
"Delete the current shopping list?" = "Delete the current shopping list?";
"Delete the current shopping list?" = "Löschen Sie die aktuelle Einkaufsliste?"
If the key match in your Localizable.string, it will be translated, if not, the key will be used.
Maybe not the best practice but it works for me.

Release one iOS app with multiple (foreign lang.) names?

Is it possible to re-release an existing iOS app with a different title?
The app supports multiple languages, but only has an English title in the app store. My thinking, which could very likely be wayward, is that my potential Russian/Indian/Chinese/French audiences have no visibility of it.
Doesn't sound like something Apple would support, but thought I'd ask anyway.
If in the slim chance it is do-able, what would I need in the way of bundle id's/prov profiles/dist certificates? One of each per app?
thanks in advance.
Yes you can - just localise the value of CFBundleDisplayName:
Open your project in Xcode
Make sure the Project Navigator is in view (View > Navigators > Show Project Navigators, or CMD+1)
Make sure the File Inspector is in view (View > Utilities > Show File Inspector, or OPT+CMD+1)
Select InfoPlist.strings in the Project Navigator
In the File Inspector, under Localization click the + button and add the language you want to translate into (e.g. French)
In the Project Navigator, expand the disclosure triangle that now appears next to InfoPlist.strings and select InfoPlist.string (French)
Add the following line:
CFBundleDisplayName = "Translated app name here";
As #runmad has suggested, you can also provide localised marketing content in iTunes Connect, including a localised app name. This is not obligatory, although it does make sense. Note however that iTunes Connect only supports a small set of languages. The languages currently support for localisation in iTunes Connect at listed in Apple's iTunes Connect Developer Guide (PDF). As of the current version of that document (7.4) the languages supported are:
Australian English
Brazilian Portuguese
Canadian English
French Canadian
Latin American Spanish
Simplified Chinese
UK English
If you want to localise the app name to a language outside that list (let's say, Hungarian) you can do that just fine using the process outlined above in Xcode, and the name you provide in Xcode is the name that a Hungarian user will see when they install your app on their device, but in the Hungarian App Store the app will be listed under (I assume) its English name.
Yes it is. You'll need to localize the app in iTunes Connect for all the countries, including app name and description.
Finally you will also need to localize your app's bundle ID.
