Unable to change GitLab timezone - timezone

I am having a little bit of an issue trying to find where to change the GitLab timezone for my profile through the web UI.
Looking at some other posts and documentation which mentioned there was an option between Public email and Preferred language, this option I am unable to find under my profile settings.
Hopefully someone else has experienced the same issue, and found a solution to this, that could help point me in the right direction

If this is not exposed by the GitLab UI, you would need to modify the GitLab configuration itself (config/gitlab.rb, or for Omnibus: /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb).
See "Changing your time zone "
The global time zone configuration parameter can be changed in config/gitlab.yml:
# time_zone: 'UTC'
Uncomment and customize if you want to change the default time zone of GitLab application.
To see all available time zones, run bundle exec rake time:zones:all.
With Omnibus installations, run:
gitlab-rake time:zones:all`
# edit the timezone
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl restart
Note: since Sep. 2018, this has evolved:
See GitLab 14.2 (August 2021)
Display local time on user’s profile
Local time is now displayed on user profiles.
In previous releases, you could set the timezone but it was not visible throughout GitLab. This improvement is extremely helpful for distributed teams to help others know when others are likely to be available.
See Documentation and Issue.

GitLab does not currently support specifying the timezone per-user. It is a global configuration for the entire GitLab server.
There was a merge request to add it (from July 2015), but it doesn't seem to have been accepted.
There was a similar question about this to the #gitlab Twitter account. The reply was:
No, the timezone settings are instance wide.


The DB2 stored procedure that runs automatically not triggered

I have a stored procedure created some time ago, actually in 2016 and it is set to run every year in the first day. The procedure automatically ran in 2017.01.01 but now in 2018 this did not happened automatically and i had to trigger it manually. Do you have any hints of what can i check to see what went wrong?
Below you can find the requested details:
DB2 server operating system: Linux ;
DB2 version: ;
Scheduler: I am using cron.
I have checked the ADMIN_TASK_LIST and the END_TIME column is NULL, so from my point of view this should never stop running;
2.On first of January there is no entry for this in 2018, only in 2017;
I will check the files and let you know ;
I don't find any ATS_TASK_LIST, do you mean ADMIN_TASK_LIST?
I have checked db2diag and there was a space error identified but as per my colleagues feedback should have nothing to do with this. Also, i want to mention that yesterday we have created a test task which was set to be executed today at a certain hour and was not triggered. I have attached an image with the TEST task details in order for you to see if there is anything set wrong. Also, here is the error that i was talking about:"The Event Monitor "DB2DETAILDEADLOCK" has reached its file capacity"
It appears you don't know what schedules your job.
If cron is the scheduler (as you originally wrote), then most likely your question has nothing to do with Db2, see checks at the end of this answer. If you lack the skills with cron, ask your linux admin or study the docs and there's plenty of online info.
If the Db2 Administrative Task Scheduler (ATS)is the scheduler (as you subsequently imply from your comments), then the problem can be with Db2. Cron has nothing to do with the ATS, they are unrelated. So then your question is "why did ATS not run my job". This is also often asked.
Suggested checks for ATS jobs.
Check if the job is still present in ADMIN_TASK_LIST with correct definition , especially the END_TIME column.
Check if there is an entry in ADMIN_TASK_STATUS for this job on 01-January and study the entry for details of why the job failed
If the job is present in ADMIN_TASK_LIST with correct definition, and if there is no entry for the job in ADMIN_TASK_STATUS then check if the db2acd is still running, and check if db2acd has run out of memory (evidence in db2diag). I have seen that stopping db2acd cures this problem (Db2 watchdog will immediately restart db2acd).
If you are still stuck then edit your question to show the ATS_TASK_LIST entry and the ADMIN_TASK_STATUS entry for the failed run. Take care to give accurate responses to requests for clarification.
If cron is the scheduler, the advice below applies:
It is likely that your question is "why did cron not run my job".
That is a frequently asked question, so you can research that (there are many pages giving advice on that topic).
See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/207/where-are-cron-errors-logged
Check the crontab entry to ensure it is still valid.
Check the cron entry command (usually a script) still exists, and has
the correct permissions and that it can run with the
account specified .
Investigate the cron log file (if that is still available) and study that file
for clues . This will show if cron attempted to start the job, and what the exit code was.
When cron fails to run a job and that job had some output, cron emails the crontab owner with the output of the failed job.
But this can depend on the exact command that is in the cron entry
(in case it redirects stdout and stderr to some file instead, in
which case you should consult that file).
If the cron entry does not redirect stdout/stderr, and the script/command gives output when run then refer to the mailbox of the cron owner to see what emails arrived on first of january.

Jenkins: Tracing the history of unsaved new test definition (copied from another test definition)?

Recently, in our enterprise production setup, it seems someone has tried to setup a new job / test definition by using another (copying) from identical job. However, (s)he seems to have NOT saved (and probably, am guessing here, closed the browser with the session being lost).
But the new job got saved though it was not set to stable or active; we knew about this because changes uploaded to gerrit, started failing in this newly setup partial job (because, these changes were in certain repos that met certain TDD settings).
Question: Jenkins system does not have trace of who setup the system in 'configure versions' option. Is there anyway to know the details of who setup the job / when was that done ?
No, Jenkins does not store that information by default.
If your Jenkins instance happen to be running behind an Apache or Nginx web server, there might be access logs that can help you. To find out when the job was created you could look at when its config.xml file was created/modified.
However, there are a few plugins that can add this functionality so that you won't have this problem again:
JobConfigHistory Plugin – Tracks changes in your job configurations and gives the ability to restore old versions.
Audit Trail Plugin – Keeps a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

Change configuration once, and gets multiple config change history

I work with a Jenkins server in which JobConfigHistory plugin is installed.
This server has been used for a while, and I think many other plugins are installed as well.
On this server, I get multiple config change history recorded when I make a change to job configuration.
I don't want this behavior; I want only single history change for a single configuration change.
I guess some Jenkins server config or some installed plugin is the cause of this problem, but I have no clue what I should do to find it out.
Any idea?
There is a Jenkins issue that has been resolved recently:
[JENKINS-22224] one job configuration change results in three Job Config History entries.
Danny Staple added a comment - 20/Nov/14 5:17 PM
We are seeing a general problem here - some of the plugins appear (parameterizedTrigger, ThrottleConcurrentbuilds, NodeLabel, ExtendedChoice are current suspects) to do this too - we are now having as many as 8 (!!) saves in the config. For some plugins, it seems that when there is no change, they save a no-diff config. Almost as if each is doing their own save in order.
Marc Günther added a comment - 20/Nov/14 5:23 PM
We are not using disk-usage plugin anymore, cause it's so slow, but I still see this behaviour. So it's definitely not restricted to disk-usage plugin alone....
The plugin persists the changes whenever the configurable entity is saved regardless there is any change or not. Note there is a global option for the plugin Do not save duplicate history to save only unique changes.

Jenkins - how do I find out who updated the global security settings

Someone updated our global security and need to find out who did it.
Right now, using github authentication and the github commiter strategy.
The system logs (Manage Jenkins > System Log > All Jenkins Logs) show time and date, but not WHO.
Help appreciated!
Use this plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/JobConfigHistory+Plugin . It provide jobConfigHistory option. with help of this option you can see who made the change.

Why is my travis-ci build status always reflected as unknown?

I setup travis-ci for a new rails project, but for some reason the build status is always shown as unknown in my README. I have googled a bit and not been able to find any solutions. Although I have had some similar symptoms as others. E.g., all of my builds show they are still building, but if you look at the individual builds they are passed or failed.
BTW, should this be reported as a travis-ci issue?
I ran in to the same issue. I was able to address the issue by adding the branch parameter to the image url:
This url did not work
This url worked
.com will not work here, as per latest. This works for me
## Travis-Build
[![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/sananand007/genTspsolver.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sananand007/genTspsolver)
I use the Travis badge in our project's README in Github and I had the same issue. It turned out I did not have the correct settings in Travis.
From your Travis dashboard, go to More options => Settings. For me, I needed to turn on "Build pushed branches." After that, I clicked More options => Trigger build, and triggered a build.
Once Travis ran (and passed), I went back to Github and hard refreshed the page. The Travis badge had updated to green, or "build: passing".
In my case, the links I used were based on travis-ci.org when as of May 2018, all links should use travis-ci.com
See this announcement
This registered unknown
This registered passing
My issue was just that I this was my first build on travis-ci.org after I made my app public instead of private. I just had to wait for the image to be updated to reflect the new build status, which took a couple minutes. It is a free service on the .org rather than the paid service on the travis-ci.com so we have to wait on the shared resources to create the build status image.
In my case, the issue resolved by opening the image url on browser. You can get the image url from the Status Image popup by clicking build status badge on your project dashboard. The build status changed immediately after the image url fully loaded on the browser. For example click me
Follow a simple rule: use link of your travis repository dashboard.
In my case it's https://travis-ci.com/<username>/<repository>
