How to animate a navigation bar large title while resizing bar? - ios

I have a UITableViewController embeded in a UINavigationController, with the property navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles set to true. As it would react normally, when you scroll the tableView, the navigation bar will shrink in size, and with it, the large title will get pushed behind the rest of the navigation bar, and a new small title will appear. What I want to do is to change this animation, to make the large title move to the center of the shrunk navigation bar and shrink in size. How could I do that?


Transparent Navigation bar becomes solid colour when scrolling to bottom

I have a tableview controller which has an embedded navigation bar. I managed to make my nav bar transparent. Now I am trying to achieve a solid color nav bar when I scroll towards the bottom of the table view. I am relatively new to iOS development. So please answer accordingly. I have no idea about scroll views either. I am not sure if I need to add a scroll view or not. If I do, where do I add it? Above the tableview or below it?
Here are a few images of what I want to achieve:
Image 1: Transparent nav bar, but bar button items are visible
Image 2: Transparent nav bar becoming white, bar button items' color changing from white to red
Image 3: This is the final image, where nav bar becomes white and bar button items become red.
If we scroll back up to the top, everything goes back to being the way it was at the start.

Can't get translucent navigation bar on tableviewcontroller. Works fine with view controller and tableview

I've got a gradient background that I want to show through both the navigation bar and the tab bar. I have them set to "translucent black". If I create a ViewController and put a TableView on it, this works perfectly. However, I can't get it to work properly with a TableViewController. The tab bar works fine, but the navigation bar ends up black. If I turn off "Adjust Scroll View Insets", then the navigation bar looks the way I want it, but the top half of the first table view row gets cut off (see examples). The gradient is on the background view. The background colour of the tableview is clear.
Is there any way to get the same effect on a TableViewController? Do I need to somehow make the heading or first row of the tableview be the background that goes under the nav bar?
ViewController with TableView added:
TableViewController with "Adjust Scroll View Insets" ON:
TableViewController with "Adjust Scroll View Insets" OFF:
After doing a test I think you'd need:
Adjusts Scroll View Insets ON
Extend Edges - Under Top Bars ON
No. 1 allow the UITableView to cover the entire screen (including under the navigation bar) and No. 2 adds a space at the top of the UITableView content so that the content is not hidden under the navigation bar.
I ran into a similar issue trying to set a full screen background on a static table view controller with a clear navigation bar. I solved it by using a backgroundView on my tableView instead of setting backgroundColor. For example:
myTableView.backgroundView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "backgroundImg.png"))
I set my navigation bar to clear, but you could style that however you like:
navigationController?.navigationBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
I also had to set Extend Edges - Under Top Bars ON

Navigation bar too large -- unnecessary room above; text "scrunched"

The navigation bar on my initial view controller is larger than the nav bars on all my other view controllers. In IB, my bar button item and title are distorted; and on the simulator, the bar simply looks too big.
When I transition between views, the bar visibly shrinks.
What's up?

How to give automatically top space to navigation bar in ios?

I have a UIViewController. I am designing the screen for iPhone 5s. I have a UIImageView & I am giving top space to container of 20. I also have UINavigationBar at top.So the space given of 20 is not enough. UIImageView is hidden behind the UINavigationBar. I can resolve this issue by giving much space from top. But in that case at design time my UI will not look proper. So is there any way by which space from UINavigationBar is automatically calculated?
In Attribute Inspector set Top Bar to Translucent Navigation Bar like this
then set Top Space of imageView to Top Layout Guide like,
set navigation bar type as opaque Navigation Bar so it will opaque that much space from your view controller and show your view content after navigation bar space they will not hide inside of navigation bar.
but if you set navigation bar type as Translucent Navigation bar then your content will hide inside of navigation bar so set "Opaque Navigation Bar" type. no need to do any other stuff for that.
I hope it will help you!

setting navigationcontroller bar to opaque moves detail scroll view down

I am using a search bar plus controller for a UITableview in my MasterController. When the view shows up, the navigationbar in the MasterController is black until the view fully loads (not sure why?). In order to fix this I set the self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = false; This fixed the issue I was having with the navigation bar being black initially, but now it looks like when I click a cell in the uitableview of the MasterController, the content in the DetailView that loads shifts down approximately the size of the search bar, but it's just blank space above the content that has been shifted... When I remove the translucent property in the MasterController the content in the DetailView is fine and not shifted...
SO my question is, what is shifting this content down and how can I stop the content from being shifted AND having an opaque navigation bar...
In iOS 7, by default your view controller's view extends under a translucent navigation bar when contained in a UINavigationController but not on an opaque one. You could set the extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars property of the view controller if you want it to extend under opaque nav bars too.
When you say your scroll view is shifted on your detail view controller it's probably because its y origin is not set to zero to offset for your view extending under a translucent nav bar, but because your nav bar is now opaque and your view is not extending under it the space is now visible.
One thing more view controllers will actually automatically add insets on scroll views they contain so that their contents are not obscured when the view controllers view extends under navigation bars. It is set by the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets property which is by default is set to YES.
