Navigation bar too large -- unnecessary room above; text "scrunched" - ios

The navigation bar on my initial view controller is larger than the nav bars on all my other view controllers. In IB, my bar button item and title are distorted; and on the simulator, the bar simply looks too big.
When I transition between views, the bar visibly shrinks.
What's up?


How to animate a navigation bar large title while resizing bar?

I have a UITableViewController embeded in a UINavigationController, with the property navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles set to true. As it would react normally, when you scroll the tableView, the navigation bar will shrink in size, and with it, the large title will get pushed behind the rest of the navigation bar, and a new small title will appear. What I want to do is to change this animation, to make the large title move to the center of the shrunk navigation bar and shrink in size. How could I do that?

How to contain UIViewController view between navigation bar and tab bar?

I have created a storyboard layout which contains UIViewControllers within UINavigationControllers which all connect back to a UITabBarController. There is a login page which is not connected to anything (just a UIViewController) which segues into the UITabBarController when the app detects user authentication. You can see what this looks like in the following image:
When I set the translucent property of the Navigation Bar to "false" or "No", the view y origin gets pushed down to the bottom of the Navigation Bar (which is the behavior that I am looking for). However, when I set the translucent property of the Tab Bar to "false" or "No", the Tab Bar DOES become opaque, but the view is not resized to fit between the top and bottom bars. I have unchecked the Extend Edges property for both Under Top Bars and Under Bottom Bars for all UIViewControllers, UINavigationControllers, and the UITabBarController.
When I add subviews programmatically (no auto-layout), the UIViewController's view is still the height of the entire screen, and is only pushed down from the top bar, but not pushed up from the bottom bar. While creating this question, this is the result I got on the simulator (subviews are not even starting below the Navigation Bar):
The layout that I'm trying to achieve is to have the view fit between the Navigation Bar and the Tab Bar so that both bars are opaque and no content goes underneath them. Any ideas or suggestions?
After eliminating individual Navigation Controllers and adding a single one before the TabBar Controller, I'm getting weird behavior including navigation items disappearing and one of my subviews still goes under bottom bar.
After doing some research, It seems that having navigation controllers inside each tab is a normal view hierarchy. Unfortunately, I still have not figured out how to limit a view controller's view to be between a navigation bar and a tab bar. Any suggestions?

How to overlap navigation bar

Anyone had this problem before ?
I had set my navigation bar to be transparent .When i push to a new view controller the view does not overlap the navigation bar . It leaves a white spaces which i don't want to . I want the uiview to be full to the top of the screen rather than below the navigation bar because i want it to be transparent so that it show the transparent navigation bar with image view .
Here some example
Navigation bar is not there on the image you put as example. It looks like an image view positioned an appropriate amount of space below the top.
Navigation bar will always be visible if there is one. If you don't want the navigation bar to be displayed, present the view controller instead of pushing it onto the navigation stack.

Adding a Tab Bar to NavigationController using interface builder, not intuitive at all

I have this ViewController as the root view controller. This VC is embed in a navigation controller. So, the navigation controller is the initial controller.
I have worked millions of times with an app like this.
If I want to add buttons to my nav bar I go to the navigation controller, turn on TOP BAR property to translucent navigation bar and now I can add buttons to the nav bar on my view controller.
But this app is different. I need a tab bar at the bottom too. So, I follow the same logic. I go to the navigation bar, turn on BOTTOM BAR property to Translucent Black Tab Bar, a black rectangle appears at the bottom of my view controller and BOOM, I cannot add buttons to it. Same logic, different behaviors.
If I try to add a tab bar to the black rectangle Xcode will not accept.
I want to add this tab bar to the bottom of the view controller and make it translucent, so the collectionView this controller has will be partially visible thru it.
So the question is: what is the purpose of the BOTTOM BAR property of the navigation controller if it will not accept dragging tab bar items to it? How do I add a tab bar to my navigation controller or to its root view controller using this stuff? Or in other words: how do I add a tab bar to the bottom of a view controller that has a collection view covering the whole are and make that tab bar translucent, so I can see the contents of the collection view passing thru...
The bottom bar of a UINnavigationController is a UIToolbar and if shown the navigation controller should automatically adjust the insets of the collectionView (and other scrollView) to make the content appear under them when you scroll.
I've encountered the problem of adding elements to that bar myself and the only way that I've found is to do that in code accessing the toolbar property of your navigation controller and set the items property with your UIBarButtoItems. As you want to make a segmented controller-like component I suggest an item with a custom view.
I can't answer the first question, but as for the second- drag a Tab Bar Controller onto the canvass the same way you would with a new View Controller. Make this new Tab Bar Controller the initial View Controller. CTRL-drag from the Tab Bar Controller to any of the view controllers (or navigation controllers) for which you want a tab bar button. Select "View Controller" as the segue type. The tab bar button for that segue will appear at the bottom of both the Tab Bar Controller and the View Controller itself, and you can change the text or image by clicking it and opening the Identity Inspector.

iOS 7 navigation bar style to look like navigation controller nav bar

When using the navigation controller or embedding a view controller in navigation controller, the navigation bar light grey color covers the status bar also (the carrier, time, battery, etc). When dragging a navigation bar onto the view controller, the status bar is still white. You can't change the height of the navigation how can I make everything look and feel the same? Here's the two images:
As you can see, Chat shows that white space above the nav bar, whereas Social doesn't...any workout for this?
In this case navigation bar looks like non-transparent.
Please check properties of navigation bar and/or initialization of this bar to be sure that it's transparent.
