App icon showing before Splash screen image on Mobile App - ios

I recently starting seeing the icon selected for the App display before the image selected for Mobile App. Please advise if any one notice similar thing with latest iOS update and how to avoid displaying the icon.

This was discussed here it's an old feature which is now on by default. You should customize the XIB to get a different look for the splash screen. We might add additional default configurations in the future based on RFE's.


iOS app missing splash screen, new black borders and ui glitching after visualstudio 8.10.10 and xcode 13 update

Just updated to Xcode 13 and Visualstudio Mac to 8.10.10. Since then my app:
Wont display the splash screen.
The app is cropped at top and bottom.
Ui is acting generally weird.
Now I have read old threads on similar problems and adding the Launch screen interface file base name. in the info.plist file does make the app cover the whole screen.
I have tried switching splash screens and change location. But it's just black. I don't use a storyboard for the splash and instead provide several different resolutions, which have worked fine for several years.
The UI is glitching like the loader picture, and several different ui elements where colors are provided are "cut" in the middle showing two colors when it should switch.
I have read the release notes for xcode13 but haven't found anything related that would break the whole UI.
The interface glitching and no splash screen I can't seem to find a solution for. Everything worked fine before the update.
What could be the problem? Some setting in the info.plist, a checkbox in the storyboard?
I'm still new to Xamarin and iOS development and greatly accept suggestions.
Let me know if I can clarify anything.
iOS load glitch picture
According to your statement, you are not using a storyboard, so you need to replace the Launch Screen with a LaunchImage, then check the LaunchImage file (if it does not exist, you need to create it yourself) and add all strictly standardized pictures inside.

Not able to set Launch Image in iOS

I am a newbie in iOS. I want to set Launch Image in my app. And I'm using Asset Catalog. And I know I have to drag and drop the image to the boxes that shows up when I'm using Asset Catalog. But a weird thing which is happening at that time is when I'm trying to drag-drop, it just comes back . As if Xcode is telling me NO PLACE HERE. Xcode doesn't let me set my Launch Images. I'm not able to DROP my images in those boxes. And I know the sizes of my images are quite correct. 640*960, 640*1136, 750*1334, 1242*2208.(And I don't want to use LaunchScreen because it only supports iOS 8 and later.)
It's even more weird that people are down voting without even telling the reason. (If you are not good enough to help at least don't discourage newbies)
Got the solution.
Just answering my question so that if anyone is having same problem then here is the solution. My problem was because by mistake I was using images of "jpg" format where in fact I should have used "png" . Now I'm using "png" and it works perfect.
Click on images.xcassets. You should see app icon in the list. At the bottom of that column there is a plus and minus button. Click the plus button.
Click on new Launch Image in the list. This covers iPad's and iPhone's from iOS 5-8 and covers portrait and landscape.
Launch screen can also be support for ios 8,
What you need to do set the Go to project->Media.xcassets on right side information tab you need to select iOS 7.0 and later sizes.
Then you set your launch screen inside the Launch images.
It will work definitely.
By apple provide the document Adding an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set
open Images.xcassets of your project
Drag file one by one on boxes as per its size.
See following image.
After doing all Remove LaunchScreen.xib file from your project
And remove Launch screen interface file base name from your plist file.

Final Clarification About Image and Icon Names and Icon Sizes For iOS Apps

I'm hopefully about to upload my first app to Apple tonight for release and wanted to just ask for a small bit of clarification on a few items.
I've seen this Apple site ( talking about icons names and that's all well and good.
My questions are:
1) do I have to Supply an iPad Icon even though I want my app to be iPhone only?
2) How do I ensure my app is iPhone only (I think I created universal at the start but don't want the iPad version there, so users won't be able to download it onto their iPads)?
3) The launch images I can see requires a specific naming convention, like Default–568h#2x.png for the iPhone 5 - again, do I have to supply iPad launch images?
4) I have custom navigation bars, tab bars and backgrounds within my app - do those have to have specific naming conventions?
5) I have a screen of tutorials at the start - does that have to have a specific naming convention?
6) I have a few images which aren't being used in the app right now - should I get rid of them?
Thanks all!
You do not have to supply an iPad image.
In XCode, click your project name in the project navigator (left pane) Under the general tab, under deployment info, you can select iPhone from the drop down menu.
Again, I don't think so. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
If you want to get rid of the images you may, but as long as you aren't seeing performance issues it probably isn't necessary.

Phonegap application getting crash when entered in background mode

I'm working on application in ios using PhoneGap(1.9).Following are the issue's i'm facing with quiet few hours...
1)My application is getting crash when application enters in background mode.
2)Also,how to disable splash screen.I have deleted default.png image,but still it is showing splash screen with phonegap logo followed by white blank screen.
Thanks & regards.
I came across this question because I'm having the same problem with background mode.
However, regarding splash screen, I can tell you that you have to replace the specific file for the screen size. It generates images for all of the screen sizes and you have to replace them in the built folder, not just the original project folder (at least I seem to have to do this).
The built folder is at the path that should look like /MyProject/platforms/ios/www/res/screen/ios/[screen_specific_splash_screens]
Similarly I had to do the same for the icons:
Docs for these files (talks about which screen sizes):

Displaying different Launch Images based on IOS Version

I have a situation causing me to have a need to support two different launch images for Portrait orientation on iPads as the views will be different depending on the IOS version.
I'm developing iPad/iPhone app that supports a UISplitViewController as the root window when the device is an iPad. In IOS 5.0, supports the master view controller being displayed in split view while in portrait mode by responding "NO" in the shouldHideViewController UISplitViewControllerDelegate method. In IOS 4.2, this method is not called and thus the Master View Controller is not displayed in Portrait orientation. Instead, it is a popover presented when a Nav button is pressed.
Is there a way to create a single version of the application (from an iTunes customer perspective) that includes the appropriate launch image based on IOS version?
The iPhone App Programming Guide within the Advanced Tips and Tricks section describes how different launch images can be specified based on platform and device, but no IOS version as so: key_root-platform~device
Another post's answer indicated that I may be able to solve a similar problem by creating multiple targets to support multiple versions. Is it possible to create multiple targets and upload them to Apple as a single application and have them distribute the appropriate binaries based on version? Any tips on how would be greatly appreciated.
No, there is no way to do what you are asking for. Your best bet is to come up with some launch image that's not trying to be a faithful reproduction of what your home screen is.
Could you not just show the split view with the popover/sidebar closed in landscape view? That way it will look much the same for iOS4 and iO5.
I think you can accomplish this by creating a custom splash screen. Then you can perform a runtime check and load the appropriate image based on the iOS version. I have seen custom splash screens before (eg animated splash screens).
I think you would overide startupImageWithOrientation:, see this post more for info.
As for your question about having multiple targets be one app, the answer is no.
