MS Access: Can the Unbound-continous form shows blank row like the bound form? - recordset

i'm trying to build a main/sub-form that get data from user and save them to two tables.
"Save" should be done ONLY when a "save button" is clicked.
I've tried the "bound forms" but they insert data to tables when they loose focus.
so i'm trying the "unbound forms" using "recordset".
My question is:
Can the "unbound sub form" shows a new-blank row when (lets say) last field in the current row is updated with data ?
Same as bound continuous form does
Thank you!

If your form/subform is unbound, then it will not update any information in any table unless you run a query. Otherwise, the unbound form will only update the fields on the form and clear all data when the form is closed.


How can I insert a button in a form connected to a parametric query in ms access with auto-fill

My problem is that I have:
a parametric query that finds me the games played specifically by a player through an id;
a form through which I scroll through all the players in my database.
My goal is to insert a button in the form to auto-fill my query, using the data present at that moment on the form, and then return the results to me.
Anyone have any idea how to make it work?
-I am currently working on Access (Version 2112 Build 16.0.14729.20254).
First add to the parameter query under the ID column view, criteria area, the a criteria that is similar to the one below
Where book is name of the form, you want to place the command button on
and bookid is name of the control on the form that has the ID field
Next you save the parameter query/select query
Finally you create a command button that will run the query.
Once you click the command button, it will display records in a query where the ID is the current records ID.
I have attached some images that explain the steps.

Confirm multiply data before save

In my app I sometimes need to import some CSV data and I wanna get a view that is shown before save imported data to provide user possibility to check that data is correct. How to achieve it in Rails?
in the first form field, have a hidden field name "confirm" with value 0.
In the rails controller, if the confirm is 0 you just populate with the csv data, show the form again with confirm = 1
if the confirm is 1, then it means the csv was seen by the user, so you can save it.
bonus points-
Instead of showing the csv, make a textfield out of each csv cell- the user will be able to update the fields, not just check if the data is correct.

How to update certain parts of a form

I'm looking to create a report with similar that has a checkbox next to each row. Each row has some fields that are editable (such as comments). What I'd like is to give the user the ability to check off which rows he/she would like to update by selecting the checkbox next to that row. Then I'd have a save button at the bottom of the form that only updates the rows that have a check box active next to it.
I'm pretty new to rails and web programming in general so any advice/direction you might be able to give me should prove helpful.
A popular way to achieve this is to :
1- All your checkboxes should share the same name.
2- All your checkboxes' values should be the ID of the row/object
3- When you POST the form, only the checked checkboxes are in the POST data. Retrieve those IDS and only update these objects.
For example, your checkbox should be something like :
<%= check_box_tag "row_ids[]",, false, :id => "row_#{}" %>
Then, in your controller :
Row.find(params[:row_ids]).each do |row|
# do whatever you want
Well you can do this, but it adds more work for the user: they have to check off multiple checkboxes before hitting Update. It be nicer if they just hit Update and it worked.
The basic idea is you want the user to just click Update and your code only updates records that changed.
What you can do is store (in a hidden field tag) the ID of each row's record. Then when you update, you loop through all rows and you grab (based on the ID stored in the hidden field) the record from the database. Let's say only Comments were editable. Then you can check to see if the comments have actually been changed (like with a simple string comparison) and if they have, update it. If more things are editable, then you can check them too before deciding if you need to update or not.
That is a high level description, but let me know if you want some more implementation details.

how to set a fields from a url sharepoint 2010

I have a list called Case,in the Case form i have the folowing hyper link
if you can see at the end of the url I have the item Case Number,what I want is to make the Hearing add new form to have the value of 10000 at the Case Number
so the user don't need to re-enter the value.
but when I click that link it open the new form thing but the field corresponding to that value is blank.
Note : from the share point it self the Case Number of the Hearing is lookup from the Case Number.
is there away to accomplish this?
You say
but when I click that link it open the new form thing but the field corresponding to that value is blank.
This happens when you click the hyperlink directly from the list view?
If you want your "Case number" field to populate dynamically you should create a calculated column, and use a formula to take the current "Case number" for the selected item. After that you can create a Hyperlink in InfoPath and navigate from the item's edit screen...
The formula for the calculated column should be something like this:

Creating and editing my element instead of using `new`

So, basically my 'index' action is a long list of elements output as a table with Rails, each one has a checkbox next to it. These elements are items in a catalog that will be line-items in a quote.
A user can select as many checkboxes as they like, then click a button that says "Create a new Quote" it'll take the items they checked and clone them into a new table so they can edit them as apart of the quote.
The issue I'm having is that when the list is really long, say 6000 records it’s a n awfully long list to load, so I want pagination, BUT! then my checkboxes won’t work, because they will go away if the user changes pages.
Additionally the user has no way of going back to this page to "add" more items to the quote.
My first thought was to create a new element right when they browse to this "index page and essentially have the user editing the quote from the get go"
Any ideas on this implementation? I'm a little stuck on how to get started implementing this.
This is a classic shopping cart type problem. You might want to read up on implementing those in Rails with sessions. Simple example is to use the user's session. You can either create a class to encapsulate the logic, or just use a hash or array to hold the ids that are checked. So when the user clicks on "Start New Quote" you can set a var in their session to blank like:
session[:new_quote_items] = []
Then when they check off items you can have a link to add them to the quote. You can then place those ids into the array. On page display of the possible quote items you can show the user which ones are check and have then add/remove IDs from this list. Then when the user is done they can click on a finish link which will take the ids from the session and create the quote as you have now.
This question is similar to yours and covers your first problem. Pagination.
In addition to that, clever use of accepts_nested_attributes_for on the join model will allow you to simplify addition of elements to either existing or new quotes.
Sorry I've got no code for you right now, but here is the general idea:
Generate a list of QuoteItems that is is the union of the set of existing quote items for this quote, and quote items built for the current quote from items not part of the current quote.
Give that list to fields_for and set up each field_for region so that it passes the item_id as a hidden value and contain a checkboxes, such that they modify the :_delete field, with default value evaluating true, and checked value equating to false.
