ios best practices for Arranging multiple actions for UiTableview - ios

I have a table view with section header . Each Item and section header has Check box for multi selection. I have the following controls(actions that I need to use)
Push into vegetable list ( this is a UitableView, a new ViewController)
Push into hardware list
Push to save list
Now for all these I have icons, Actually I am making replica of Android app, and android app is showing these actions at very bottom of screen.
My case:
I am using Tab bar in iOS, so as I said above in android app I am showing these action at bottom, so How can I show these action? and what is the best practice for it. I know it can be managed in a way as iOS mail app is handling by giving more button when we swipe the item, but my problem is user can select multiple headers/sections and perform any action on it. this is the main problem of app right now.

Since you’re already using the iOS Mail app as a guide, you can take a look at how it handles actions on multiple items.
You press “Edit” to enable edit mode in the table view, and then the actions are listed on the bar at the bottom once you’ve selected the ones you want.
See attached screenshots.
If you can’t fit all your actions at the bottom, perhaps you could have the most common actions there, and a “more” button that opens an action sheet presenting the rest of them.


How to make an iOS Side Navigation Drawer like the one in Gmail

I have checked out several libraries, videos and online blogs on how to make a side navigation drawer in iOS, but none of them have been able to provide a simple solution to create a side navigation drawer where you are not limited to just a TableView. I want to be able to add different UIViews to the side drawer. This is the kind of Side Drawer I am trying to create :
Most of the libraries cant allow custom views inside the side drawer, but I want to create a small view like this at the top of the drawer UITableView.
So far, I have tried these libraries but each of them lack an essential feature : : Only supports a list of items(basically only a tableview) and not custom views like the one I want to add and like the one gmail has, which displays the profile picture along with the email id. : Same Reason. : Animation is too fancy. : Only supports a TableView in the side drawer.
After having developed a few android applications, I was quite surprised that iOS didn't have an equivalent of the android DrawerLayout, and when I searched for libraries I could not find a single one that had the right classic design that is most used. I read somewhere that adding a side drawer was a bad design choice, but in my application, I have already used all of my screen space and need a way to give the user quick access to 20-25 list options along with a small view at the top. I figured adding a side drawer was the perfect way to do so, but unfortunately I haven't gotten very far trying to make it.
All help will be appreciated!
SlideMenuControllerSwift will let you stick any viewController with any layout you want into your menu. Its really not that hard to make your own slide out either. Your options are: 1. You make a container and every view in the app goes int he container along with the menu and the container animates the menu in an out. Or 2. You just make a menu singleton and when it gets triggered it adds its view on top of the main window, which will cover the current view controller.
You can try this one also, NavigationDrawer

Which UI element is suitable for drop down filter in iOS app?

Right now i am developing app. One of it's ViewControllers has tableview with list of blog posts. I want to put some control so user can select blog's categories and then app will show posts only from those selected categories.
I thought it would be nice if there will be "filter" button in top right corner of my app's viewcontroller. After pressing it dropdown list of category appears and user can select categories.
What custom UI element can handle it?
Really there's a ton of options at your disposal, not including all the custom elements you can probably grab from GitHub
For an iPad, you can use a UIPopoverController
Depending on the number of filters and the style of the design, a good starting point could even be a UIActionSheet.
If you want to do something really fancy, you could have a second UITableView hidden underneath by your main UITableView containing the blog posts, and then when the "Filter" button gets hit you can animate your blog UITableView slightly over revealing your filters menu (maybe even shaded slightly darker to give a feeling of depth to the app)
I searched for a while and can recommend CZPicker because it very nice and easy picker view for iOS that supports iOS 7 and is well working not only iPhones but whit iPads too.

Swift ios app : sidebar menu, several pages containing table views with pull refresh

I'm trying to build an iOS app in Swift which looks like the schema below.
I handles a list of channels, and displays a list of items for each channel.
The main view display the list of items for the current channel.
One can go to the next / previous channel by swiping left or right.
One can also display the whole list of channel by opening the sidebar menu, and have a random access to the channel he chooses in the list.
I thought it would be so simple ! But...
I use :
a table view to display the list of items
a page view controller to display the channels
a navigation controller on top to display the name of the app
SWRevealViewController to have the sidebar menu
Everything is implemented, but I can't get ride of certain bugs nor figure out where those come from :
the pull & refresh spinner in table view bugs (never stops) from time to time
page views are rebuilt all the time, they are never cached => I can't initialize a view once for good (and I guess it induces poor performance)
page views animation behave a weird way : when they appear, they are below the navigation bar (no matter what constraint I set in the storyboard), and return to their right position after a short delay (or sometimes it needs a touch event)
So, I was wondering : isn't their a better way to do all of that ? I feel like I'm just not going the right direction to achieve this. At the beginning, I needed the app to run on iOS 7. It turns out that iOS 8 will be fine.
Thanks for your help !

iOS: UI Ideas for moving items between multi-level tableViews

I am building an iOS app that allows the user to browse a tableView, click a cell, then navigate deeper into another tableView using a navigationController.
I have a requirement to be able to move any of those items/cells to another place in the navigation stack. Right now my idea is, once the user selects the cells to move, to display a modal tableView that will allow the user to navigate through the same structure as before, but this time choose the location (by pressing and holding) to place those cells.
Are there any other UI ideas or clever programatic ideas that anyone might have that could be a better solution to this problem?
Perhaps take a look at how Apple's iOS Mail moves email messages between different mailboxes?
This also basically displays a modal view controller, but it flattens the hierarchy, by indenting nested items below their parent objects. You than just select the item that is the destination.
This of course only works if your hierarchy is not too deep, otherwise it's probably best to do it like you outlined it. The only thing I would perhaps recommend doing in addition, is to also have some sort of visual method (button?) to select the destination. A long press by itself might not be intuitive enough.

Hiding the Root View of a UISplitViewController

For the app that i am developing i have used a UISplitViewController as my base, but have modified, or attempting to modify the split view controller like that of Alice Bevan–McGregor's on However in my app i have a table view with a list of options, and every time i click on an option it loads the corresponding detail page from a detached nib file. So, at the start of my app i can see and use the hidesidebar fine though it displays a white page. when i choose an option, the toolbar is overridden by the corresponding nib, so it dissapears. What i am not sure about is how to connect it in a way that it appears on every page(nib) everytime i choose an option from the tableview. I have been stuck with this problem for quite a while now.
essentially i would like the toolbar to maintain its functionality no matter what page i am on.
Anyone have any ideas?
May be you should give a try to this
It has the following method
- (IBAction)toggleMasterView:(id)sender;
My own implementation of custom splitview using navigation based app #
Also try Salva's implementation
