How to make an iOS Side Navigation Drawer like the one in Gmail - ios

I have checked out several libraries, videos and online blogs on how to make a side navigation drawer in iOS, but none of them have been able to provide a simple solution to create a side navigation drawer where you are not limited to just a TableView. I want to be able to add different UIViews to the side drawer. This is the kind of Side Drawer I am trying to create :
Most of the libraries cant allow custom views inside the side drawer, but I want to create a small view like this at the top of the drawer UITableView.
So far, I have tried these libraries but each of them lack an essential feature : : Only supports a list of items(basically only a tableview) and not custom views like the one I want to add and like the one gmail has, which displays the profile picture along with the email id. : Same Reason. : Animation is too fancy. : Only supports a TableView in the side drawer.
After having developed a few android applications, I was quite surprised that iOS didn't have an equivalent of the android DrawerLayout, and when I searched for libraries I could not find a single one that had the right classic design that is most used. I read somewhere that adding a side drawer was a bad design choice, but in my application, I have already used all of my screen space and need a way to give the user quick access to 20-25 list options along with a small view at the top. I figured adding a side drawer was the perfect way to do so, but unfortunately I haven't gotten very far trying to make it.
All help will be appreciated!

SlideMenuControllerSwift will let you stick any viewController with any layout you want into your menu. Its really not that hard to make your own slide out either. Your options are: 1. You make a container and every view in the app goes int he container along with the menu and the container animates the menu in an out. Or 2. You just make a menu singleton and when it gets triggered it adds its view on top of the main window, which will cover the current view controller.

You can try this one also, NavigationDrawer


How to show UITabbar with large title

I have 4 UITabbars which are showing 4 different view controllers. And those 4 UITabbars have the following name
NOW these titles are overlapping with each other and are really hard to see them on iPhone 6s plus. here is a picture of real device for reference. See the UI Tabbar and you will notice how bad it is looking
The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles
and he want the bottom control (UITabbar)
I set all this by Storyboard. so there is no code to share. But I am very much amazed that apple has not managed to properly align these UITabbar titles.
If is there any way to do that please let me know. Thanks in advance.
I wonder why isnt there any more button and any slide applied by apple
developers by default for the following scenario. I think this can be
solved if there is any more button and showing only 2 View controller
on UITabbar and 2 inside the more button
The main problem is my client is not ready to cut short these titles and he want the bottom control (UITabbar).
In my view, the main problem is your client himself because tab bar items aren't made for displaying such titles: a better design approach needs to be done.
To try and convince your client, take a look at the Apple Human Interface Guidelines: it's better to use tab bar icons including a More button.
Besides, if you must implement the Dynamic Type feature, the Large Content Viewer will be your friend to enlarge your tab bar items.

Flutter navigation animations

We are wanting to design a flutter application that navigates the way that the app "Reflectly" does. It looks very similar to responsive web sites with a parallax type design. I'm including screen shots in case you haven't seen it.
I have begun replacing the MaterialPageRoute with CupertinoPageRoutes and it basically has changed the navigation to a sliding effect from right to left.
If you look at the navigation arrows they are on the bottom right hand side vertically.
Im not sure how to be sure but is it possible this is just one page?
You might want to try to wrap your view in a PageView with scrollDirection: Axis.vertical.
You can also customize the way you want to handle multiple events and so by providing a custom PageController.
From what I’ve seen in that app (downloaded to get an idea) it seems to be suitable for what you’re looking for.

Sidemenu and tableview customization

I am working on a project and with the hopes of developing my skills and providing open source package in iOS. I came across a unique interface that really got my attention which comes from a great app and there are two main things I would want to work on.
Pull to add and release to add.
This feature I know was built with a table view but how it was implemented remains unknown to me
Side navigation which contains time selection. The time overlays the tableview in this part
I would be glad if anyone could gimmie tips on how to go about this things or open source libraries that one can reference.
The application is Sorted you can check it out on the App Store
Look up on the following topics,
UIPanGestureRecognizer (this is to recognize the pull down)
CGAffineTransform (to rotate the text field)
Movement/Transformation of the elements could be done by changing the constraint values and calling UIView's layoutIfNeeded inside an UIView animation block
You can make the keyboard appear by making the text field first responder
If you are interested in building rest of the features 'Sorted' has. They you may check for some inspiration :)

Xcode 9 Swift 4 Tabbed Page

I know how to use tabBarController.
But I dont Know How to Create A Tabbed Page Like The Attached Image.
Whats The Name Of This Type Of Tab?
This is not any type of Tab. You can use a collectionView or a stackView for "Tabs" and a UIPageViewController for changing viewControllers.
You can check CocoaControls for similar controls, download source code and check their construction. You can possible do it with SegmentedControls (Or Custom UIViews for single Tab and draw in ScrollView) and UIScrollView as Content View (with Pagination On) as well, but it depends how much customisation is needed.
Trust me, it's REALLY tricky to obtain what you want with the iOS components. There are a lot of details that you will miss.
When I tried myself to build the same thing, it was like "ok I think I am reinventing the wheel, is not straight forward as I though, it require a lot of work"
You know you have to consider a lot of stuff like an User that start to scroll as a crazy between the pages and then tap on one tab bar button, and so on. Trust me, it's easy to have a working implementation, but it's really really difficult to obtain a PERFECT implementation
I decided to go for a library
but there are others that are all good to achieve what you want
Anyway if you want to go for your personal implementation I suggest a Segmented Control in the upper side and a PageViewController (maybe inside a Container View)

What iOS Control can overlay the detail like Toucharcade app

I have been searching for a UI Control and don't know what its called, which makes it tough to find right? What UI Control in iOS 5 or 6 provides a view overlay that can swipe away? Kind of the opposite of a slide-out nav view. I am looking at the TouchArcade app as an example, where you tap an item and this slides out an overlay with an article or review. Its also possible to have several overlay's that can swipe to the right for removal. Is this a custom control? I know this must be an easy question, I just don't know what its called, and therefore, my terms don't help much in Google. The closest thing I have found is ShinobiControls Overlays:
I'd rather just make my own than rely an somebody else's library I have to keep up to date. On the other hand, that one does look pretty good and would save me time.
Picture of TouchArcade as an example overlay view.
You see how the article is presented over the list view below? What controls do that in iOS? It also allows multiple overlays as you click further into each item. You dismiss them by swiping them to the right, dragging them out of view.
