Error when trying to build the 'opencv_contrib' using cmake-gui - opencv

enter image description here1. I have downloaded and extracted the 'opencv_contrib-master' & 'opencv-master' from Git repo.
2. cmake 3.9 version is installed.
When I run the cmake, I am getting the below error:
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and Windows 10. Any help?
This is a screnshot of the CMAkeDownloadLog.txt
From ErrorLog:
#use_cache "C:/Downloads/OPENCV/opencv-master/.cache"
#do_copy "opencv_ffmpeg.dll" "b8120c07962d591e2e9071a1bf566fd0" "" "C:/OpenCV/3rdparty/ffmpeg"
#missing "C:/OpenCV/3rdparty/ffmpeg/opencv_ffmpeg.dll"
#check_md5 "C:/Downloads/OPENCV/opencv-master/.cache/ffmpeg/b8120c07962d591e2e9071a1bf566fd0-opencv_ffmpeg.dll"
#mismatch_md5 "C:/Downloads/OPENCV/opencv-master/.cache/ffmpeg/b8120c07962d591e2e9071a1bf566fd0-opencv_ffmpeg.dll" "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
#delete "C:/Downloads/OPENCV/opencv-master/.cache/ffmpeg/b8120c07962d591e2e9071a1bf566fd0-opencv_ffmpeg.dll"
#cmake_download "C:/Downloads/OPENCV/opencv-master/.cache/ffmpeg/b8120c07962d591e2e9071a1bf566fd0-opencv_ffmpeg.dll" ""
# timeout on name lookup is not supported
# Trying
# connect to port 443 failed: Timed out
# Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out
# Closing connection 0

As you probably noticed, CMake cannot connect to the server providing the file it needs to download. Most likely that is some problem with your network connection.
For me CMake didn't know about the company https proxy. CMake knows about this through the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. If this is your problem, you can set these variables for your system. If you cannot set environment variables system wide or you just want a quick test, start up command prompt and run
set HTTP_PROXY=<your-proxy-here>
set HTTPS_PROXY=<your-proxy-here>
c:\program files\cmake\bin\cmake-gui.exe
The path to cmake may be different, if it was installed to a different location.
If this is not the cause, something else is blocking your connection. E. g. a firewall, malware protection, etc.


Install Keycloak adapter on WILDFLY that depends on ENVs in standalone.xml

I am trying to install the Keycloak Adapter to my WILDFLY Application Server that runs as Docker Container. I am using the image jboss/wildfly:17.0.0.Final as base image. I am having a big trouble while building my actual own image.
My Dockerfile:
FROM jboss/wildfly:17.0.0.Final
ENV $WILDFLY_HOME /opt/jboss/wildfly
# My standalone.xml that contains ENVs
COPY standalone.xml $WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/
# Here it crashes!
RUN $WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --file=$WILDFLY_HOME/bin/adapter-elytron-install-offline.cli
The official documentation says:
Unzip the adapter zip file in $WILDFLY_HOME (/opt/jboss/wildfly) - I've done this, works.
In order to install the adapter (when server is offline) you need to execute ./bin/ --file=bin/adapter-elytron-install-offline.cli which basically starts the server (which is needed as you cant modify the configuration otherwise) and modifies the standalone.xml.
Here is the problem. My standalone.xml is parametrized with environment variables that are only set during runtime as it runs in multiple different environments. When the ENVs are not set, the server crashes and so does the command above.
The error during docker build at the last step:
Cannot start embedded server WFLYEMB0021: Cannot start embedded process: JBTHR00005: Operation failed WFLYSRV0056: Server boot has fialed in an unrecoverable manner.
The cause
Despite of the not very precise error message I have clearly identified the unset ENVs as the cause by running the container with bash, setting the required ENVs with some random values and executing the jboss-cli command again - and it worked.
I know that the docs say its also possible to configure when the server is running but this is not an option for me, i need this configured at docker build stage.
So the problem here is they provide an offline installation that fails if the standalone.xml depends on environment variables which are usually not set during docker build. Unfortunately, i could not find a way to tell the jboss cli to ignore unset environment variables.
Do you know any workaround?

VS Code Remote Container unable to get local issuer certificate

VSCode Version:
Local OS Version:
Windows 10.0.18363
Reproduces in: Remote - Containers
Name of Dev Container Definition with Issue:
In our company we use a proxy which terminates the SSL connections. When I now try to start any devcontainer (the workspace is in the WSL2 filesystem), I get the following error message:
Installing VS Code Server for commit 3a6960b964327f0e3882ce18fcebd07ed191b316
[2021-11-12T17:01:44.400Z] Start: Downloading VS Code Server
[2021-11-12T17:01:44.400Z] 3a6960b964327f0e3882ce18fcebd07ed191b316 linux-x64 stable
[2021-11-12T17:01:44.481Z] Stop (81 ms): Downloading VS Code Server
[2021-11-12T17:01:44.499Z] Error: unable to get local issuer certificate
at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1497:34)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:932:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:706:12)
In the dockerfile I copy the company certificates and update them:
ADD ./certs /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
RUN update-ca-certificates 2>/dev/null
The proxy environment variables are also set correctly. Out of desperation I also tried to disable the certificate check for wget:
RUN su node -c "echo check_certificate=off >> ~/.wgetrc"
Even in the devcontainer configuration I have disabled the proxy and the security check for VS code via the settings:
// Set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
"settings": {
"http.proxy": "http://<proxy.url>:8080",
"http.proxyStrictSSL": false
I have tried many other things, like setting NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 as env variable inside the dockerfile, unfortunately without any success. Outside the company network, without the proxy, it works wonderfully.
Maybe one of you has an idea how I can solve this problem?
A working if not so nice solution to the problem is to add HTTPS exceptions for the following domains:
A list of common hostnames can be found here:

Error starting "xampp" stack: I can not start stack

Can anybody help me?
This error comes out
I have already tried entering the following code to the terminal and nothing.
rm -rf ~ / .bitnami / stackman
I have Big sur Version 11.3
error starting "XAMPP" stack
cannot calculate MAC address: Using fd 7 for I/O notifications
hv_vm_create HV_ERROR (unspecified error)
error starting "XAMPP" stack
For anyone still looking to resolve this error i solved my issue this way, this seemed to work for me and I tried all other methods using command line and older versions
Steps to reproduce:
download Xampp latest version
once downloaded and opened, navigate to manage servers.
click configure apache.
change the port to your port "8888"
open config file 'httpd.conf' and edit the port to your port eg.
Listen 8888
ServerName localhost:8888
repeat step 5 but for sql config file 'my.cnf' and for 'httpd-ssl.conf'giving them different ports
Restart the servers.

Bitbucket Server Installation Error

I'm attempting to install Bitbucket server on my linux server. I'm following the steps here. I'm stuck at step 3. I've installed Bitbucket server, and now when trying to "Setup Bitbucket Server" I'm not able to access it from my browser.
I've done the following:
Using SSH I've went to the directory containing /atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/
I run the command bin/
it gives the following message:
Starting Atlassian Bitbucket as current user
JAVA_HOME "/usr/local/jdk" does not point to a valid Java home directory.
Bitbucket is being run with a umask that contains potentially unsafe settings.
The following issues were found with the mask "u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx" (0002):
- access is allowed to 'others'. It is recommended that 'others' be denied
all access for security reasons.
- write access is allowed to 'group'. It is recommend that 'group' be
denied write access. Read access to a restricted group is recommended
to allow access to the logs.
The recommended umask for Bitbucket is "u=,g=w,o=rwx" (0027) and can be
configured in
Using BITBUCKET_HOME: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr/local/jdk
Using CLASSPATH: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/bin/bitbucket-bootstrap.jar:/home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /home/wbbstaging/atlassian/bitbucket/4.4.1/work/
Existing PID file found during start.
Removing/clearing stale PID file.
Tomcat started.
Success! You can now use Bitbucket at the following address:
If you cannot access Bitbucket at the above location within 3 minutes, or encounter any other issues starting or stopping Atlassian Bitbucket, please see the troubleshooting guide at:
I try to access http://myserveraddress:7990, but i receive ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message. Is it because of the message JAVA_HOME "/usr/local/jdk" does not point to a valid Java home directory?
My server is running:
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511
And I'm attempting to install
Bitbucket Server 4.4.1
Make sure you have java installed by running java --version
If it's not installed, start there. If it is installed, verify where by running find /-name java
Open /root/.bash_profile through your text editor. (I prefer to use vi editor)
And paste the given below two lines(noting that my below version may be different from what you see)
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_21
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_21/bin:$PATH
Now enable the Java variable without system restart (On system restart it bydefault set the java variable)
source /root/.bash_profile
Now check the Java version,JAVA_HOME and PATH variables.It should show you correct information as you have set.
java --version
echo $PATH
Below is my system’s root bash_profile file
[root#localhost ~]# cat /root/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_21
export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_21/bin:$PATH
[root#localhost ~]#

Jenkins SMTP TLS

I'm trying to setup Jenkins to use our company's SMTP server to email build notifications. We are using TLS as the encryption method on port 587. I can not seem to get the email notification to work properly though.
Here is my Hudson.Tasks.Mailer.xml file so you can see my config (I've removed the SMTP auth user and password and changed the smtpHost slightly just in case)
It looks like this is a known issue, from
I am not very familiar with Apple OS (which is the machine that is running Jenkins) but I thought I could resolve the issue using the workaround mentioned. I wasn't exactly sure where to put that workaround though, so I tried putting it here:
/Library/Application Support/Jenkins/
defaults="defaults read /Library/Preferences/org.jenkins-ci"
war=`$defaults war` || war="/Applications/Jenkins/jenkins.war"
heapSize=`$defaults heapSize` && javaArgs="$javaArgs -Xmx${heapSize}"
permGen=`$defaults permGen` && javaArgs="$javaArgs -XX:MaxPermSize=${permGen}"
home=`$defaults JENKINS_HOME` && export JENKINS_HOME="$home"
add_to_args() {
val=`$defaults $1` && args="$args --${1}=${val}"
add_to_args prefix
add_to_args httpPort
add_to_args httpListenAddress
add_to_args httpsPort
add_to_args httpsListenAddress
add_to_args ajp13Port
add_to_args ajp13ListenAddress
echo "Jenkins command line for execution"
echo /usr/bin/java $javaArgs -jar "$war" $args
exec /usr/bin/java $javaArgs -jar "$war" $args
That didn't appear to resolve it. I can see that call in the console when Jenkins is started up, but when I try a test configuration email I get the following error:
Failed to send out e-mail
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 587;
nested exception is: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
Any ideas on what else I can try? I've tried switching the email account to use gmail's smtp server and that works fine, but I'd rather have it using our smtp server if I can.
Changing the SMTP port from 587 to 465 resolved this issue for me:
SMTP server:
Use SMTP Authentication: true
Use SSL: true
SMTP Port: 465
From what I can tell (disclaimer: I am by no means a Hudson/Jenkins expert)
the Hudson/Jenkins email plugin supports SSL encrypted SMTP communication - however this implementation requires that communications are encrypted from the get go.
When connecting on port 587, the server on the other end may expect a STARTTLS command (see this SSL vs TLS vs STARTTLS article). This command is sent using plain-text to 'upgrade' the connection to use SSL/TLS.
Hudson/Jenkins instead attempts to start negotiating SSL on port 587, which is promptly rejected, resulting in the following error: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
I tried adding the suggested JAVA options "-Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true" to enable TLS:
JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true"
Unfortunately this didn't resolve the issue for me.
After changing the port to 465, the SSL negotiation occurred correctly and the communication succeeded.
Hope that helps.
Note: Jenkins email plugin always needs SMTP credentials that are often sender's email credentials when you checkmark "Use SMTP Authentication" option for any "SSL - port 465" or "non SSL - port 587" configuration.
I had the same issue with Jenkins but mine is installed on Centos rather than Apple OS. I still thought to post the solution here because A) you might be able to make the needed adjustments to the solution and B) Linux & Jenkins users might benefit from this.
Anyhow, find the Jenkins configuration file (in CENTOS its in /etc/sysconfig/jenkins)
In it locate the JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS variable and add the following option "-Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true"
In my case this is what I had before:
And this is after;
JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true"
restart Jenkins server (in Linux)
/etc/init.d/jenkins restart
For Jenkins on Windows
Open jenkins.xml and modify the arguments node
-Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080
Set the SMTP port to 587 and uncheck Use SSL
Even after setting -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true as mentioned in #nsof's answers in the file /etc/default/jenkins (debian/ubuntu), it did not work for me.
The trick was to set the SMTP port to 587 and uncheck Use SSL as show below, then the email was sent successfully.
Try out the workaround mentioned in the bug itself:
In Java:
In Tomcat:
Add JAVA_OPTS=-Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable="true" to tomcat config file.
Adding -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true as arguments of JAVA_OPTS solved my problem
If your jenkins is running in stand alone mode update JAVA_OPTS in /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
If your jenkins is running in tomcat update JAVA_OPTS for unix
catalina.bat for windows
For Jenkins on Ubuntu 16.04:
1 - Edit the config file:
sudo nano /etc/default/jenkins
2 - Comment out existing JAVA_ARGS, add new one shown below:
JAVA_ARGS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true"
3 - Restart Jenkins
sudo service jenkins restart
For Jenkins on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo)
edit /etc/sysconfig/jenkins to add
The Jenkins service configuration file requires root access to the machine.
In CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise, you can find this file under:
/etc/default/jenkins: location for most of the Linux distributions.
/etc/sysconfig/jenkins: location for RedHat/CentOS distribution.
C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jenkins.xml: default location for Windows
With Jenkins 2.134 the following worked for me:
Uncheck Use SSL!
This is the best possible solution in case none of the above solutions work.
Following a statement in #user11791348 's answer resolved the issue for me.
The statement was: "It is IMPORTANT to note that BOTH the "E-mail Notification" section User Name AND the "Jenkins Location" section System Admin e-mail address must be valid users. If either one is not found in, you will get a "Client does not have permissions to send as this sender" error"
So, I configured System Admin e-mail address in Jenkins, Also my Jenkins.xml contains the line:
<arguments>-Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080 --webroot="%LocalAppData%\Jenkins\war"</arguments>
Use SSL: Unchecked
Use TLS: Unchecked
SMTP Port: 587
If Jenkins is configured as a systemd service, it seems that the $JAVA_OPTS are not picked up from /etc/default/jenkins, but rather from the systemd unit file itself.
On Debian, I edited /lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service and modified the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to the following:
Environment="JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true"
Then flush systemd and restart the Jenkins service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart jenkins
You can verify that the correct options were picked up by navigating to ${JENKINS_BASE_URL}/systemInfo and searching for mail.smtp.starttls.enable
Fast forward 9 years and no workarounds are needed anymore thanks to Basil Crow.
The E-mail Extension plugin has support for SMTP over TLS and the additional "TLS" configuration checkbox (revealed by clicking on the Advanced button) since v2.83 released in May 2021 (see its release notes). I verified it works with Gmail under latest Jenkins and plugin versions.
