Apple Watchkit notifications - ios

I have an iOS application where I incorporate rich notifications and add images and actions. Unfortunately these look great on the phone and very poor on the watch. I'm having a hard time finding out if I can customize the look of the watch kit notifications without actually providing functionality for a watch kit app.
I want to just customize the notification it receives from my iOS app. Can I do this? Is it just adding the watch target? If so will it show up on the watch face and if so what happens if i click it?


How do I auto launch IOS app on received Remote Push Notification (Swift)?

Is it possible to auto launch app in modal (foreground) without hiding existing app on received Remote Push Notification in IOS (Swift)?
Sorry, but this is not possible on iOS. You have absolutely no way to open your app automatically. It is the user responsibility to open your app.
No, it is not possible to auto launch apps on notification.
Keep in mind, that your user would be in a meeting, his phone streamed on beamer and then your app launches. Or something else. This would be really aweful.

Showing app shortcut on App Switcher in iOS 9 based on geofencing like Uber does

I've noticed that Uber displays this kind of app shortcut in the App Switcher in iOS 9 with description "Arrived at home":
I'd like to use similar feature in my app. Do you know how is it possible to achieve it? I can't find anything on that in the iOS 9 documentation.
That shortcut is not displayed by Uber, it's displayed by iOS 9.
This feature is called proactive suggestions. The iOS constantly monitors your activity and displays suggestions at the bottom of the App Switcher based on your usage patterns. In your case iOS saw that you usually open Uber app when you arrive at home, so it showed you a suggestion.
There doesn't seem to be a way for your app to influence this behaviour because Apple doesn't provide an API for that.

how to trigger notification from iPhone on iWatch

A noob question. I want to receive a notification when variable changes on the iOS app. to be clear. I want show notification on iWatch app when for example the user presses a button on the iOS App.
I have seen many tutorials for using the notifications interface. but all of them doesn't specify how to trigger the notifications from iPhone.
Anyone who knows a proper guide?
Thank you
Your notifications will go to your iPhone or your Apple Watch, depending on the device that you're using.
iOS will take care of notifications if your ios app supports notifications.
If your iPhone is unlocked, you get notifications on your iPhone, instead of your Apple Watch.
If your iPhone is locked or asleep, and your Apple Watch is unlocked and on your wrist, you get notifications on your Apple Watch.

How to enable notification on applewatch?

I can get push notifications on an Iphone device, but I cannot get them on apple watch,please advise.
On simulator notification test works, but on real device it doesn't work.
iOS will decide where best to send any notification. It will not just send to both devices.
If iOS thinks it is best to display it on your phone, then it will notify there or vice versa.
iOS automatically makes that decision using facts such as you are wearing the Watch, because if you're not wearing the Watch, there's no point in sending a notification there.
To test the receiving of notifications do the following:
Turn of the iPhone's screen.
Take on the Watch. It must be on your wrist.
The watch has the heart beat detector. Therefore, the watch will know if it is not wearn or not and only displays notifications if you wear it.

Turn Off Clicking Keyboard Sound programmatically (iOS)

Is there any way to disable the sound when the user is typing on the keyboard.
Not if you are using the official iOS SDK. It may be possible using private frameworks, but your app would not be approved for sale on the iTunes App Store if you used them.
