why might "Adjusts font automatically" not be working? - ios

Big legacy code base. I started using storyboards. Great! Now I check "Adjusts font automatically" for a UILabel. I run the app. I play with the system font size. Changes show in Messages but not in App. Not even if I restart. Using the default "system" font, as well as trying with a custom font.
Any idea what I am missing?

If you don't use the text styles in your UILabel, you won't be able to change the text sizes even if you tick the Automatically Adjusts Fonts in the Xcode Interface Builder.
Just change the font of your label with a specific text style and you'll see immediately the difference:
Xcode 10 ⟹ use the Accessibility Inspector tool to modify rapidly the text size inside its settings section.
Xcode 11 ⟹ use the Environment overrides tool located in the Debug Area panel to modify rapidly the text size (only visible after build and run).
Many useful information about the Dynamic Type implementation are available in this detailed WWDC video summary if need be.


Is there any way to change the font of my IDE? (RAD Studio 10.4)

is there any way to change the font? I would like to put a nicer one but I can't change it, just let me modify the colors
You can change the editor font and size in the Options menu.
From Help:
Select a font type from the available screen fonts installed on your system (shown in the list). The Code Editor displays and uses only monospaced screen fonts, such as Courier.
For code, you can also use Ctrl+Num + and Ctrl+Num - to increase and decrease the font size.

Can we get text font and button enabled color for elements in xcuitest

In the UI we have a some static text and button.
Is it possible to find the font family used for the text like inter normal.
And for button can we get the colour of the enabled and disabled state.
For such tests you should use grey box testing frameworks like EarlGrey2. Good thing about the latter is that its fully compatible with Xcode and XCTest, so you can keep your current code and add some additional checkups.
Alternatively, you can use screenshot testing. Take a look at SUITCase. This tool allows testing the visual presentation of UI.

Changing font from "System" to another preinstalled font?

According to Apple, iOS comes with several preinstalled fonts:
I would like to use one of them as opposed to the System font that I seem to be stuck with. The problem is that the Attribute menu of a Label or Button only allows me to select System or System Italic.
How can I use another preinstalled font?
You should select Custom font then you will be giving a list of Family where you can select more fonts.

How to use non-English characters in Godot?

I want to use non-English characters in Godot, but when I write them (In every node, like a Label or a Button) and run the project, the text does not display. For example, I write some Arabic characters in a Label and run the project, but I do not see anything. But I can see the characters in editor separately and reversely. ("عالم" is displayed "م ل ا ع")
I know that this problem is discussed on GitHub, but there was not any good solution. Please advise me a good and simple solution to solve this problem. I think it is not solved so far.
The default Label font in Godot doesn't support non-ASCII characters.
You can try to change the font in your Label node to one that supports non-ASCII symbols by picking a font from your computer, or if it doesn't exist on your device, uploading it from some site like Google Fonts, and choosing an arabic-supporting font, like Amiri.
After choosing the font for your Label node, open the Custom Fonts property in the editor of the node, and create a DynamicFont, and in Font => Font Data press Load and choose your font in the opened window in the file system (.ttf or any another font extension).

How do you set multiple attributes on text (UILabel, UIButton, etc) within storyboard?

When dealing with an element that contains text, you can set the text to attributed to allow for more customization. But this never actually works. There is the little font icon that opens a window where you can select a font, a color, bold/italic/underlined, font size, etc. Changing anything in this window does nothing (at least for me, tested on multiple macs and multiple ios devices over the past two years).
There are some smart solutions as suggested here for example. But aside from having to open external software just to edit some text in a button, these solutions are not exactly complete. Usually some attributes can be copied from a rich text editor, but not all the attributes (in my case, I can't find an editor that copies font, font style AND text color). Also, most of these editor don't have a lot of fonts available.
So, to get to the point: I want to have a UIButton, with the text "Wachtwoord vergeten?", white, bold and underlined, Helvetica Neue Medium 18pt. How do I do this? I just want to get this working, but a more general solution would be great for future readers.
