Activate WPGlobus in ACF TextArea - translation

I have the WPGlobus Plus plugin installed. While I can see the WYSIWYG language tab in Advanced Custom Fields, I can't for the life of me figure out how to activate / change the languages for the non WYSIWYG textarea. Any suggestions?

I figured out the issue. YOAST ACF plugin was causing the problem. I deactivated it and everything now works fine.


jQuery UI dropdown select

I wanna have a dropdown menu like this link:
(The one that are right below "Live example" line);
I haven't got many experience of working with jQuery UI, and I guess that result is produced by using it. Could you suggest me a way to create that dropdown.
Thank you.
P/S: that may be ok if it is not using jQuery UI (it's just my guess)
That solution doesn't appear too complex - they've got all the data already, and they're just hiding rows depending on what's selected.
On the other hand, as that's an open source project, you could just download it or use the hosted versions and integrate it on your site, which is probably easier than rolling your own solution.
Ok, got it. This is just default style in Firefox (There's no style applying for it yet). I got this misunderstand due to changing browser.

Input type password - Design issue - Rhodes

In my app I am using a form for registration purpose, in this form if i click the password field
some design issue occurs(webkit-border-radius,background color are removed)
Then I tried with Jquery Mobile, there also same problem
Here I have attached the screen shot,
give me a better solution
i am using Rhodes 3.0.2
Seems like a jQuery Mobile issue. I would be surprised if it wasn't fixed by now.

Jquery autocomplete wildcard

I am using the jquery.ui.autocomplete plugin, but I noticed when it searches, it uses a wild-card like this '%value%'.
I am using the auto-complete for zip-codes, and I think it would make more sense of the wild-card worked like this 'value%' so when you start typing it only filters out the items that 'start with' what you already typed.
I can't find any documentation on this though.
Anyone have any experience with this?
Much appreciated.
You can use a function as the source option for the autocomplete plugin which should allow you to get the behaviour you want.
There's a very similar question asked here: jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration which has an excellent answer and working example.

Sifr 3 Links Problem

I am currently coding a site that is using an extensive amount of sifr'ed links. The appearance of the sifr'ed text is fine, however the links only seem to work in Safari. I have seen that there are several other people having trouble with firefox with older versions of sifr, however I have updated to the latest nightly build for Sifr3.
The site is
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure to not replace the <a> directly, but replace its parent element.

popup WYSIWYG editor ROR

Hi I have to have a popup WYSIWYG editor into my ROR application. I want to develop the editor like used. Here they used Jquery (if you want like that editor , you need to login ) . I want the same functionality . Can anyone please suggest how can i do this and please give me the reference site for the development JQuery with WYSIWYG.
Well, a quick google search turns up jwysiwyg:
And there seem to be some articles on how it's used.
I've always used TinyMCE, it works very well.
