How do I make an inline PDF Viewer - dart

I want to open PDF files from assets but inline with other flutter widgets, like in column widget.
I have used flutter_pdf_viewer plugin. Although being a good plugin, it opens PDF files as a new activity instead of embedding them or display them inline with other widgets.
Can anybody help me figure out how to achieve this?

The flutter_pdf_viewer plugin has a working MVP for inline pdfs available at the inline branch.
A full example is available here.
It still has some stability issues, which are being discussed over here.

In the latest master builds of Flutter, there is an AndroidView widget that allows you to display native android views.
Combine with AndroidPdfViewer to display an interactive PDF in a widget.
Of course that will only work on Android. Right now there is no comparable solution for iOS.


Where Can I Find the Source Code for the Preview App; I Want to Develop Additional Tools to Include in Preview

I use Preview often, so finally I found a different PDF viewer and editor that was more friendly to use, namely Skim. Skim has features that Preview does not and vice-versa. I am just wondering how I can build on top of the existing Preview application. Any suggestions are appreciated.

How do I use a toolbar in AngularDart?

I just found out about AngularDart today and I want to build a sample app but I got stuck.
I'm currently browsing and I'd like to use the Waterfall Flexible Toolbar for my dart web app.
I'm using this website in order to reference the angular components for Dart but I can't find any toolbar examples.
Does that mean that I have to build my own toolbar? How can I do that?
Apparently in this case it's called Application Layout

How to use HighCharts dart library in Flutter app?

I'm looking into using HighCharts Dart library to build visualisation for my flutter app. Base on the example here, I'm not too sure how to integrate it into the flutter app.
After looking around, it seems like there isn't chart library for flutter app, other than building from scratch. Do you know if this issue has been addressed or still in progress?
Thanks for your time!
I know your looking for direct integration, but you can use the node export server.
How I use it is, I post to highchairs on the server, get the SVG, and display that in flutter. It's not as nice as local, but it works for a good number of use cases.
The same technique can be applied using any server-side SVG chart renderer.

math(jax) in epub for ipad

dear experts: we would like to publish a magazine in epub format, so that it can be read on iPads. (our creation system is now multimarkdown -> specialized post-processor -> calibre .) the problem is that our magazine needs math. this is not a problem on the epub viewer in ubuntu, as invoked by calibre. it invokes mathjax just fine. however, transfering the epub to a (net-connected) ipad (open in ibook) does not execute mathjax to display the equation. eventually, I also want this to work in android tablets, but for now, ipads are our only target. (iphones are too small for us, anyway.)
I do not want to graphically render the content, because I have never seen this look nice.
is there any way to create an ebook with mathjax for an ipad? the best choice would be if there were a way to get ibooks to execute javascript? if not, is there a tool that makes an app with ebook-reader-like functionality from html5 (incl javascript)? (does the javascript need to be local, or can it be web-connected?) if not, then what?
sincerely, /iaw
You can use MathJax in iBooks if you include a (slimmed down) MathJax installation within the ebook itself. This is not a great solution, but it can be made to work. See this article for some tips on how to do it. It is a little out of date, but I think it should still work.
In terms of preprocessing, which I know you don't want to do, you could use MathJax to generate SVG versions of the mathematics, which look pretty good on iOS, and should render on other platforms as well, so that might be a viable option for you.
I have posted a short script in
that is a start for converting inline mathjax into inline svg. this should work in any epub and remove the mathjax dependency. it still has baseline problems, but it's a start. it rescales. hopefully someone else will pick it up and make it more robust.

Requirements for cherry picking a single function out of jQuery Mobile?

I'm interested in incorporating the jQuery Mobile Datetime text input capabilities into a hobby Rails app that I'm building. I do not need any of the other jQuery Mobile features.
What is the best way to go about this? Will it work if I include nothing but the file from github or are there other required jQuery Mobile files?
I know in the Release Notes for RC1 they had decoupled jQM and were working on a Download Builder
Download builder: In the works
Now that we’ve decoupled most of the UI widgets, we’ve set the stage
for there to be a download builder. This will let you build a custom
version of jQuery Mobile to only include the parts you need. For
example, you could just use the core files to add Ajax-based
navigation with pushState and leverage some of the touch events and
other utilities with a very lightweight build (roughly 10k). Or, you
could add in specific UI widgets like form elements, listviews, etc.
to create an optimized build. We’re aiming to have a download builder
tool launch as part of 1.0 final in some form. We’re working on a
dependency map now for all the plugins to support this tool.
Not sure if this is release as of yet
As far as I know there is no widget for a date/time picker packaged with jQuery Mobile at the moment.
There are however several options out there (and I'm sure you can find more with some Google-time): - I use this one on mobile websites - Updated to work well with jQuery Mobile 1.0RC3, but note that it requires jQuery Mobile (see J.T.Sage's comment below).
