How do I use a toolbar in AngularDart? - angular-material

I just found out about AngularDart today and I want to build a sample app but I got stuck.
I'm currently browsing and I'd like to use the Waterfall Flexible Toolbar for my dart web app.
I'm using this website in order to reference the angular components for Dart but I can't find any toolbar examples.
Does that mean that I have to build my own toolbar? How can I do that?

Apparently in this case it's called Application Layout


How can you add links, popup windows etc to layout in Vaadin?

I built some views that extend layouts from package com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout. The problem is there are a lot of useful stuff in package com.vaadin.ui like Link, PopupView etc that I can't add to my views. I tried making my view extend UI from com.vaadin.ui but that doesn't work, I get the following error:
Failed to load the widgetset.
What is the best solution to my problem? How can I add the needed stuff to my view?
I have just started using Vaadin few days ago.
com.vaadin.ui is Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8. com.vaadin.flow is Vaadin 10+. Those two cannot be used together unless you're using the commercial multiplatform runtime.
For Link, you can instead use the Anchor or RouterLink components. There isn't any direct replacement for PopupView, but it should be possible to assemble something similar by combining Button and ContextMenu. See for a full overview of the relationship between components in the old and new versions of Vaadin.

What tools do you recommend using instead of mat-grid-list?

I installed Angular Material to my project, and I really like it. However, working with the grid-list arose a lot of problems. Maybe there are some other tools that would help to simply work with grid?
Take a look at #angular/flex-layout for a way to structure your UI into a grid system that implements flexbox for a responsive layout of your pages.

React-Native Select List Overley

If I have a component/container form that allows a user to select a group, I am not hip to what the component/ux should be for this, but I would imagine a select list overlay type deal, am I wrong in assuming this? Why is this not available in the react-native core? The picker for android offers this, but it seems like the iOS version is just the slot machine style picker. Am I missing something?
Is the Picker only the slot machine on iOS or is there a way without bringing in a third party component to provide this functionality for both iOS and Android?
I assume you understand that React Native is not hybrid application like phone-gap. React Native actually pulls out the native controls off of operating system. That is why, you are seeing slot-machine like picker in iOS and material-style picker in Android.
What you need to grok is that React Native is not meant to build cross-platform applications with "same" codebase. The codebase will change a little bit depending upon the OS.
You'll want to keep your business logic separate from the UI components or views, so that you can reuse the business logic in Android and iOS. UI components will differ for obvious reasons. For eg. You will not need Android Toolbar in iOS application, because there is no such thing as toolbar available natively in iOS. Similarly you will not find NavigationBarIOS in Android.
Bottom line- keep your UI components separately in a "components" folder. You can pull out desired components from "components" folders depending upon the OS.
For reference, please go through this. This is my example project back from the days when I was learning react-native. So do expect it to be very amateur-level code. Repo. You can see how I have kept things separately. Good luck!

binding osmdroid/osmbonusback into xamarin library

At the moment I try to develope a simple maps Android application using Visual Studio 2012 and Xamarin.
For this reason I created a Binding Library, like it is desribed here:
For my app it is essential to display markers and ballons with a short title text. I did a lot of research and found out, that I should use the osmbonuspack for this purpose. I tried to implement the "osmbonuspack_v4.5.jar" in my binding project as "Embedded Jar" but I think it's the wrong attempt.
Did someone managed it already to create a Xamaring Binding Library of the osmbonuspack? I would appreciate every attempt!

Creating menus in browser menubar from Add-on SDK extension

I am building a simple Firefox extension using the Add-on SDK 1.0.
Scouring the docs and googling a lot, I couldn't find a way to create a simple menu under the browser's tools menu. Add-on SDK has a context-menu module, which (obviously) only handles the page context menus, which is not what I'm after. Is it that Add-on SDK does not have a module for this yet? If so, I believe I have access to all the firefox's XPCOM API in the Add-on SDK extension, but I can't figure out how to use this and create a simple menu entry under the tools menu.
Any pointers on how I might do this?
(BTW, not sure about the tags of this question, please correct if you feel so)
I wrote a module called menuitems which can be used to easily add a single menuitem to any of the normal menu bar items. It's on github here.
I haven't had the time to write docs yet, but you can find an example here, and the example is on AMO here.
I'll blog about it one of these days..
