Can Chrome run angular progressive web app on iOS? - ios

I am going to develop a web app using angular and google web API. I am curious if it can be run also on iOS? Are there any thing which are different from that run on Android I need to pay attentions when develop the app?

Safari has added support for PWA from IOS 11.3. If you are using previous versions of Safari. IT won't work. From IOS 11.3, It supports these 3 features
Web App Manifest
Service Worker
Cache API
Adding to Home screen is not yet supported.
Here is the comparsion for PWA between Chrome and Safari.


Remote Vue.js app not works into a UKWebView on iOS 12.x

I have this strange behaviour:
I implemented a single page application using Vue.js.
This application is deployed on a remote service and it will be loaded into a mobile web-view (just using the url of the service)
This works fine on iOS and Android.
Only on a iOS device, using iOS 12.x version, the application is not loaded: I see a white page and I immediately receive a didFInishLoading callback.
I'm not able to understand the causes.
What can I do to understand the error?
Searching on the web I'm reading that the WKWebView on iOS 12 doesn't support javascript ES6. Could be this the reason?

Deploying app for personal use on iOS device

I want to build a very simple gallery like app (which uses the Telegram bot API to fetch images from certain telegram channel). I want to have this app for both Android and iOS device. I guess either progressive web app or flutter could be used to achieve this. I have developed native android apps before, and wish to learn PWA or flutter along with this project.
So my question is, can I deploy this app to my iOS device without enrolling in the Apple developer program? Since this is only for personal use and I do not wish to publish this app on any app store. Also, do I need to have a Mac with Xcode to do this?!
Thanks in advance!
For developing a Progressive Web App for iOS, you won't need Xcode and a Macbook since it is basically still a website with enhancements. However, bear in mind that PWA support on iOS is very limited. Android has much better PWA support.
This article gives an overview of what is currently possible

To achieve local media tracks when deploying ionic application in IOS using twilio

I am building an ionic application. I am using twilio-video sdk to implement video call. I am able to work it in android devices and browser. When i try to deploy it on IOS, the mobile UI Webview browser does not let me use the getUserMedia() function.
Error: getUserMedia() is not supported
Apple developer forums states that it supports only safari 11 and not any other Webkit Views. Has anyone came to a solution?
Also is there a way to get local media tracks when building an ionic application in ios?

Material UI Web App packaged with Cordova as IOS APP

We have created a Web App using material UI and React JS. It is working great and wanted to bundle it as a mobile app using Cordova.
The bundled Cordova Android app has been accepted on Google Play. However, the IOS version has been rejected by App store review team.
Reason given:
4.2 - Design
We continue to find your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. It would be appropriate to include additional iOS interactive features within your app before resubmitting for review.
Has anyone managed to publish a react web app as an IOS app. What advice would you give us?

Google O-Auth not working in WKWebView

I am basically working on an iOS app that provides a platform for other web apps to run. These Web apps load in WKWebView of my app. Now, these web apps have Google O-Auth which has stopped working with an error saying useragent_disallowed as google has blocked the use of Web Views. What is the suggested solution?
