Sum by month in Google Sheet - google-sheets

I have question about one function that i require in Google Sheets. I have a schedule of visitors and another sheet that includes every statistic data. I need to make a table which will contain sum of number, but statistic must be by month. In my source sheet i have columns which include date and amount. All that I need it's function. I tried it with SUMIF and SUMIFS but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how can I cope with this trouble? Thanks

you should try
A little hard to get you all the way there without seeing your format, but this should get you close.


Formula Trouble in Google Sheets

I have a raw export of data, categorized by rows, amount, and date.
I'm having difficulty finding/combining various spreadsheet formula's to get the the total expenditure in say "Jan'20 for category XX"
I have currently tried a combination of Sumif/Index/Match formulas with no luck. Some assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Link to the google sheet is here
You seem to have the correct numbers on your main page so the formulas which total for each month, and by each category, seem to be working properly. I noticed that your pivot table wasn't sorting correctly. this turned out to be because you had your date values in the Month column on the Export tab set as string values. I converted these to date values, equal to the last day of the given month. I did the same for the month headers on your Main tab.
Now the pivot table sorts by month correctly, since these are now numeric values.
See here for a sample sheet.
If there is still an issue you need help with, please let us know, with the details.

Dynamic Match Formula based on Date Criteria (G-sheets)

I'm looking to return a match on an array of data, depending on what the current date is.
Sheet located here for reference: (
Essentially I have 10 workers that can possibly appear on the roster, which will vary day to day. I'd like to link this to a google script which will automatically trigger an email to the workers that will be in the office the next day.
My issue is that I'm not sure how to create a dynamic reference so that my index-match formula knows which column to refer to. I'd like the formula to detect what tomorrow's date is, and as such return a 1 or 0 for who is rostered for the day. I've tried several Index-match-match methods but with no avail, as I have a broad range of potential columns to return data from.
Hope this makes sense, any help would be much appreciated.

COUNTIF with IMPORTRANGE with date range and unique ID criteria

I haven't been able to find a solution to get this formula to work after multiple days of searching. The google spreadsheet we use is large and used by many people so I would like to keep this in a separate google sheet using IMPORTRANGE.
Data Needed:
Count of assignments a specific user completed within 7 days and after 7 days based on a start and end date.
Where I'm running into issues:
I simplified the equation by using a small data set in the same sheet to see the main issue. When giving a range for the user # the formula doesn't work anymore. When only comparing it to one user # at a time it does.
For example:
This doesn't work:
This one does but needs to have the range for the table to work:
I might be going about this all wrong. Any help I could get is much appreciated.
E2: =UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, A2:A<>""))
F2 and drag down: =COUNTIF(ARRAYFORMULA(DAYS(FILTER(C$2:C,$A$2:$A=$E2),FILTER(B$2:B,$A$2:$A=$E2))),"<=7")
G2 and drag down: =COUNTIF(ARRAYFORMULA(DAYS(FILTER(C$2:C,$A$2:$A=$E2),FILTER(B$2:B,$A$2:$A=$E2))),">7")

Google sheets sum if within specific week

I have a Google Sheets budget and I am trying to write something to keep track of how much money I have spent in a specific week.
Link to my example budget below.
I am already using sumif() to say, if the entry's CATEGORY says "Gas" then add theAMOUNT to the Gas row in the table. I want to add another parameter that will sum the amounts if the entry's CATEGORY says Gas AND is within the specified week above the table...(WEEK 31).
I hope this makes sense if you need more clarification I will try my best to do so.
As Diego suggested, SUMIFS()should work. Example
=sumifs($C$4:$C$9, $D$4:$D$9, "=week "&$I$3, $B$4:$B$9,$F4)
An alternative would be to use sumproduct().
=sumproduct($D$4:$D$9="week "&$I$3, $B$4:$B$9=$F4, $C$4:$C$9)
You should be able to fill down this formula (as far as needed) for the other categories.

Google Sheets: How do I look up multiple values in another sheet?

The scenario I am faced with is kind of an odd one. Basically, I am designing a Google Sheet for work that will allow the employees to log their tech support phone calls and then a report will automatically update on another page, keeping a collective tally of sorts of all the activity on a particular day.
What I am trying to do is write a function that searches another sheet for a particular date and, if that date is found, sum a particular column of values for that day only. There are pictures attached that should help explain the problem.
Basically, I am trying to write a general equation in the cell reading "FALSE" that will look up the date of that row (in this case 1/1/2017) in the "Spendgo Minutes" sheet. If that date were to be found somewhere on that sheet (not necessarily at the top of the sheet), the "Minutes Gained" column would be summed up, but for that date only (not the entire column). Here is my running formula right now that has errors:
=IF(COUNTIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7),'Spendgo Tally'!$G3)
Does anyone know how this might be possible? Feel free to ask any clarifying questions.
You're looking for SUMIF
= SUMIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7,'Spendgo Tally'!$G3:$G)
