I'm developing a cycle time report in another tool and connecting to Jira via REST api. During my research, I couldn't find any api in Jira similar to Lookupback api in Rally. The Changelog in Jira doesn't give enough information. I need to get the amount of time spent on an particular state, or how long an artifact was blocked or how long it was in Ready State. Any thoughts on how I could get his information?
There is no such API in Jira. The whole state is persisted as a current values and only information about the past is in the form of a changelog.
I need to get the amount of time spent on an particular state
Then you will have to parse the changelog, find the moment when issue changed to the desired status and iterate further through changelogs to the moment when status changed to something else.
or how long an artifact was blocked
Then you need to monitor changelogs for issue links, follow those links and find when those issues were resolved.
how long it was in Ready State
Depending on what you mean by ready state, if you mean how long issue was resolved this can be taken from resolution date. If you mean for example for how long all issues in a particular version or component were resolved you could run a JQL search and sort by resolution date.
Other option to changelog parsing would be to register yourself for issue updated events and start collecting data you need, this however will only work from the moment of plugin/addon installation without data from the past.
I have a YouTube API Key, and I was testing it out when I started watching my [requests] through the dashboard?project=myproject-111111&duration=PT1H
The issue is this. I stopped using the key about 15 minutes ago, and that blasted thing is STILL counting. Since I stopped using it, it has gone from
9,875 -to- 39,978 (And still counting)
Why would this be still counting for? The key is NOT being used, but its counting.
You are allowed 1 million requests per 24 hour day. And at this rate, I will be there in no time flat.
I have tried to find an active Forum for the YouTube API, and there is none. The only ones I found had their last post in 2012 and 2014.
Any idea's why this thing is still counting? (46,333)
Updated 10:47 pm EST: On the [Quotas] page. It is over 300,000+ and counting. This is a blasted joke. I reported it in as a bug, but the bug reporting page, is so full of SPAM, that it makes you wonder on rather they are going to check it regularly or not.
Updated 10:51 pm EST: It finally stopped. Conflicting count returns are coming in from the different pages.
118,762 on the dashboard
415,489 on the YouTube Quotas page.
I went to the YouTube Developers Twitter page and tweeted to them about the issue, and am awaiting a reply back.
I will post here, once I get a reply back.
Is this a BUG?
Or, do other issue?
This is something that I was looking at. As quota is eaten up by api calls that the site is not actually making.
This is unfortunately something for Google to fix. I did send a request to look into it, but no reply.
The cause is "BOTS". They will search, index and run the page affectively to index and rate it. As such, the will incur api usage.
This can be reduced in a few ways.
1: If in testing stage, and you do not use the online version too often apart from testing updates to code, then you can remove the api key from the code while not testing.
2: If it is live and running, but you wish to stop the bots eating the quota, then in your Google dashboard, block the bots.
This will however stop indexing. So I would recommend "trying" to limit them and how often they inex.
Aside from that, we need to get Google to (if possible) not use quota for bots.
Is there a nice way in TFS to see all the Stories/Tasks I have worked on and what day I committed/closed them out and maybe did associated check-ins for them. I want this because I work on many different client projects and need to track my time in a time sheet and sometimes forget what I did each day if I don't fill my timesheet out daily.
There is no out of box feature for this. A similar feature request on VSTS User Voice can be found here: User Activity Stream.
As an alternative solution, there is an TFS Timetracker extension in VSTS Marketplace which you can try to use. This extension will allow you to record the time you spend on every work item and generate a report.
I believe TFS is unlikely to enable this capability in the nearest future.
You can try out time sheet extensions to TFS.
For example, TX Chrono (https://www.teamexpand.com/product/tfs-timesheet) allows to log hours directly from a Work Item tab in TFS and get a work time day-by-day breakdown over the selected period (So you can make a report where you'll see hours spent on a particular WI, how many hours were spent each day, WI current state, etc.)
I am having issues with Kimono Labs. Every scrape I run will run indefinitely without throwing an error or completing. Occasionally, the scrapes will randomly start working days in the future without any changes on my behalf - only to fail a few days later. I love Kimono because it is so easy to integrate with Google Sheets for friends to alter the data, but this has become problematic. There doesn't seems to be any related help in the Kimono help data for an issue such as this.
One of my scrapes is not behind a paywall and the other is. One is set to run daily and the one behind the paywall is set to run hourly.
What steps can I take to troubleshoot this error and get the ball rolling again?
I had a very simple API doing the exact same thing for weeks!
I'm only using a free account so I didn't have any support but I ended up sending a bug report at https://www.kimonolabs.com/support .
Strangely enough, the very next day, the API started working normally again (and has ever since). I assume they looked into it and fixed whatever was stopping my crawl from completing.
Is there a way to set up custom alerts on TFS? I already use the web interface to create alerts, but I need to create custom ones that are not based on work item fields only, but also on the current and past iterations. I know that Power Tools used to have an Alert Explorer in previous versions of Visual Studio, but I don't know if it would have supported what I am trying to do.
Essentially, this is what I need:
An alert that notifies users of unfinished work items assigned to them when the current iteration (sprint in my case) ends.
I know some of you might be concerned about TFS not knowing what the current sprint is, but I have used this workaround http://intellitect.com/transitioning-between-sprintsiterations-with-tfs/ so I don't believe it's an issue.
I know I could simply query for unfinished items and move them to another iteration (sprint) in Excel, but we are trying to get into the habit of getting everyone to finish their work on time, and if not, as quickly as possible, and the notifications would go a long way in helping with that.
Would there even be a way to do this via the TFS API or through the TeamFoundation PowerShell modules? I have searched extensively but I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Any help even with a work-around solution would be appreciated.
If you are trying to get people into the habit of updating their work items then this will cause you more issue than it fixes. They are not doing it because they do not see the value.
However you could write a TfsJob that sends the emails. It would need to be Scheduled job that checks to see if there is outstanding work...
This should get you started: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/chrisid/archive/2010/02/15/introducing-the-tfs-background-job-agent-and-service.aspx
However what you have is a people problem that cant be solved by tooling.
what I like is getting a job thing, whether a SQL server one or a windows service, running, then manipulate workitems by myself.
I would like to sync my db (tasks on my db, that have a decription, a date, a start time and an end time, and a user) with Google calendar.
For sync with google i plan to use these components (of course I could somehow write the whole stuff on my own but this is something I can plan for the future now I am short of time, or in alternative can you suggest some working code that connects to google calendar to send/recieve data?).
Now my main problem is not really linked to Delphi programming anyway I must ask a Delphi related questions because other questions get unviewd (like this one i asked).
So I wonder how to do the sync. Note: I do one way sync and the generated calendar will be a read only calendar.
I can set a max number in the past and future to be synced (like 10 days in past and 100 in the future for example). Then the idea I have is this:
as I start the sync app I comletely read the google calendar itmes in the range, I compare one by one with what I have in db and then I "merge" changes. Then on timer I check for differences in my db and i upload changes.
But I am not sure that these is the best solution.
A simplification of the real case is this: imagine it is a CRM with some task assigend to every user. Since beyond every task there is a logic i want to managea that logic only in my application, but the idea of pulishing the calendar to google is that it is then easily available from any mobile device. This is way there is a one way sync. Ic ould also let the calendar not be readonly anyway at every sync I wil "download" the newly inserted tasks but I will ignore the deleted ones and the edited ones. In this second case it is not enough to track changes in db, but I shuold also track changes on google, at least to "intercept" the newly added tasks.
I am aware this is gerneic question but I would like to trigger an answer that can be useful, etiher redirecting me to a sync algorithm or to Delphi sample code or anything that can help me progress on this issue. Thanks.
Google: "calendar sync algorithms"
Synchronisation algorithms
The last one actually is funny because it leads right back to StackOverflow ;) Point is: I think there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Ps: The first link contains some useful thoughts similar to yours.