WIKI VSTS TFS 2018 - Custom page with code - tfs

Colleagues, I tell in detail what I am trying to achieve.
I am using TFS in its version 2018, in it I have a project that contains a wiki.
From this wiki, I need to create a page that consumes a REST service and shows the information that returns the processed service.
Is it possible to insert logic into code within a wiki page?
If this is not possible, is it possible to insert the link of an existing web in the wiki navigation (see example below)?

We cannot insert logic into code within a wiki page.
However we can add the REST APIs as link or insert the link of an existing web in the wiki.
Wiki supports Markdown, HTML tags, anchor links, and much more.
Please see this blog for details.
To insert the link you can try below format:
[C# language reference](
More information please see below articles:
Syntax guidance for Markdown files, widgets, wikis, and pull request
Add and edit wiki pages


What is the best way to extract data from wiki tables, and links from that table to JSON?

I'm kind of new at web dev and had a question of getting data from wikipedia. I am making a personal web app that will keep track of past UFC events. I couldn't find an open source api with event details and results. However the following table on wikipedia has a lot of the info I need:
And I have seen several tutorials on how to get the info from a wiki table and format it into .csv format using google spreadsheets, or other software such as openrefine. But, I also want the information from each event's wikipage(fight results, winners, award winners, poster images etc.), and each event's own wiki page is lined on the table I mentioned above. I was wondering, what is the easiest way to go about extracting this information?
You can use nokogiri gem to scrap the web page

Using LaTeX/MathJax in the comments on Blogger

I recently made my blog on Blogger compatible with LaTeX using one of the many solutions you can find by just searching how to do this on google. However, this solution doesn't apply to the comments to posts on Blogger.
The solution I am using is the one given by the first answer in this post
Is there a way of getting the comments on Blogger to render/compile LaTeX/MathJax?
I am currently using google+ comments on my blog and I am having trouble setting up a different commenting format to try and get LaTeX to work with the comments.
Google+ comments are inserted via an iframe, see
This means you will not be able to inject JavaScript from the surrounding page. In particular, you cannot get MathJax support in the comments.

OS X Server Wiki - How can I get the content of a wiki page to display on another wiki page

In just about any wiki server you can create a hyperlink to another page on the wiki. How can one create a window that pulls the other page's content into my page?
I can add a HTML Snippet with an iframe but it pulls an entire page not just the content?
The code for the javascript behind the page is not obfuscated but it seems to use Prototype and I don't understant it?
Has anyone had any experience with this?!
This can't be done reliably, one can create iframes and whitelisting the domains it points to but it just pulls the full page into a small window. It's completely unusable.
What I was looking for is called an "inclusion" or "transclusion" and OS X Server does not have the feature that is apparently standard in MediaWiki and has been for years.
More info here:
Wikis - Is there a wiki in which one can create, within a page, "windows" (partial frames) to other pages?

Follow and Scrape Links In Tweets with Rails

I'm currently parsing twitter feeds through my rails app and wondering how it would be possible to follow links in the tweets and scrape the external content (for example, if the tweet contains a link to an article on TechCrunch, follow that link to the article and scrape the title and body content of the article). Flipboard for iPad is a perfect example of this.
I'm familiar with screen scraping using Nokogirl / Mechanize, but trying to figure out how to accomplish this in a way it could work regardless of where the link in the tweet is linking to (whether it be to TechCrunch, or Flickr, etc...).
Any thoughts / insights would be much appreciated!
Many of the major content providers provide a oembed endpoints. Take a look at the oembed_links gem. From the readme:
It allows you to easily parse text and
query configured providers for embedding information on the links
inside the text. A sample configuration file for configuring the
library has been included (oembed_links_example.yml), though you
may also configure the library programmatically (see rdocs).
If you use oembed_links in conjuction with you'll have dozens of content providers handled for you. You can easily write a custom provider to handle the rest.

SfGoogleAnalytic Plugin Usage

I have downloaded sfGoogleAnalyticsPlugin to my plgin directory and do all of its settigs.Now i want to implement this to one of my page.How i use it, to view my site analytic result to my page.
I need a code example.
Anybody knows please help.Help is highly appreciated.
sfGoogleAnalyticsPlugin only inserts the javascript code to load GA, it doesn't give you access to analytics results - you need to log into Google Analytics for that. If you've set up your app.yml and filters.yml as explained in the README file, then the code should be automatically inserted into the bottom of every output page, and you don't need to do anything else.
If you want to embed analytics data onto your site (like, how many visitors you have), then sorry, there aren't any existing Symfony plugins that do this. You'll need to use the Google Analytics API, which uses the GData standard (based on Atom). Zend Framework includes classes to make calls to GData services and getting to ZF in Symfony is straightforward.
I had more helpful links, but StackOverflow's restricting me to only two, so sorry!
