SfGoogleAnalytic Plugin Usage - symfony1

I have downloaded sfGoogleAnalyticsPlugin to my plgin directory and do all of its settigs.Now i want to implement this to one of my page.How i use it, to view my site analytic result to my page.
I need a code example.
Anybody knows please help.Help is highly appreciated.

sfGoogleAnalyticsPlugin only inserts the javascript code to load GA, it doesn't give you access to analytics results - you need to log into Google Analytics for that. If you've set up your app.yml and filters.yml as explained in the README file, then the code should be automatically inserted into the bottom of every output page, and you don't need to do anything else.
If you want to embed analytics data onto your site (like, how many visitors you have), then sorry, there aren't any existing Symfony plugins that do this. You'll need to use the Google Analytics API, which uses the GData standard (based on Atom). Zend Framework includes classes to make calls to GData services and getting to ZF in Symfony is straightforward.
I had more helpful links, but StackOverflow's restricting me to only two, so sorry!


How to stop embedded google drive on my website from linking to Google when clicked on

After having embedded google drive files on my website (awesome feature), I found a minor drawback.
When clicking on one of the maps in the list, it will redirect/link the viewer on my page to the google drive site. However, I want to keep the viewer on my page and the folder to open within my own website.
Also I want other folders within these folders to open within the borders of my website, and so on and so forth.
The used code is simple:
The used website is Typo3 based.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Thank you very much in advance; all replies and suggestions are highly appreciated!
After a quick search it seems to me this is more a hack than an official google feature, so probably there's no easy way for altering the behaviour of the stuff inside the iframe. I would rather recommend setting an outbound link and accepting the fact that you're hosting the files at Google.
In the future, there might (or might not) be a File Abstraction Layer Adapter for Drive coming up: http://wiki.typo3.org/FAL_Adapters. Well, probably not so soon. But for Dropbox!

how to get twitter feeds in shopify

I am trying to get twitter feeds in to my shopify site. I want to get the feeds and style them as I want and thus cant use a app.
I know how to do it using PHP but can not use that code in shopify and looking for a way I can use OAuth in shopify and get the feeds. I tried the shopify docs but without an example its kinda hard to actually get my head around it.
Thats the link I am using as a guide. If anyone can direct me to an example which might be similar that would be awesome. (google didnt seem to be that helpful this time either)
I know you said you didn't want to use an app, but can I suggest taking a look at Twitify? You can use custom CSS to style your tweets. Also see discussions about Twitify here and here.
Twitter changed their display guidelines and policies on embedding of tweets on websites in June 2013. One of the themes I used for a client earlier in the year had custom styling of tweets, and they have now changed it to use the official Twitter widget to meet the new guidelines. In fact, the images on the Shopify theme store show how it used to look before Twitter changed things:
And after:
I think using an app like Twitify would be the easiest way to deal with these changes to embedding tweets.
Thanx for the suggestion. I did take a look at that before I posted this question. This is a project for a client and I dont think getting a plug in is a viable option. Anyways I found a work around.
Hosted the file on a server and then accessed it. So that resolved the problem. :)
I used node.js to write the script and get the posts as required.
you can use the app for that Twitify https://apps.shopify.com/twitify or you can Embed a Twitter feed in your online store
Go to your Twitter settings.
Click Widgets to open the widgets menu.
Create a new widget, following Twitter's instructions.
Copy the embed code.

Integrating Google Docs API

I'm just beginning with programming, but i wanted to know if it's possible to use google docs api to make documents on another site using the google docs text editor?
Is there some sort of way i can put the google docs text editor onto a website so that we can use that for document creation instead of tiny mce?
Basically the functionality needed would be documents created, openly shared, a postable version of it (take html code) -- so it can go on the document display page, and
Of course there would be google login and everything, but i just wanted to see if this would work.
No, that is not possible, sorry.

tornado realtime stream from twitter, uimodules & async db

I'm working on my first tornado project and i have some questions :
1- apart of the project is collecting and categorize real time hash-tags and tweets form different twitter users is and put them on the website I want ti use iostream for realtime results is there libraries helping me to do that and how to use it I found libs like python-twitter , tweepy but I don't know what is the best and I red about twitter limited api so what is library / way to do that? ... sorry but It's my first time to work with twitter too
2- I found in tornado documentation UIModule how to use it I didn't understand what the benefit of it ?
3- I there way to handler to render global template tags to use in more than template ?
4- I'm using MongoEngine will it work with tornado asynchronous or I have to use Asyncmongo ?
I don't know much about this one, but you could either to AJAX calls to twitter on the frontend, or do something like this: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/guides/2010/04/tutorial-use-twitters-new-real-time-stream-api-in-python.ars
UIModules are reusable parts of a site which can be easily inserted into any template. E.g, you could have a post module and a comment module in a blog, which you could then reuse on multiple pages.
Not really.
Use asyncmongo.

Follow and Scrape Links In Tweets with Rails

I'm currently parsing twitter feeds through my rails app and wondering how it would be possible to follow links in the tweets and scrape the external content (for example, if the tweet contains a link to an article on TechCrunch, follow that link to the article and scrape the title and body content of the article). Flipboard for iPad is a perfect example of this.
I'm familiar with screen scraping using Nokogirl / Mechanize, but trying to figure out how to accomplish this in a way it could work regardless of where the link in the tweet is linking to (whether it be to TechCrunch, or Flickr, etc...).
Any thoughts / insights would be much appreciated!
Many of the major content providers provide a oembed endpoints. Take a look at the oembed_links gem. From the readme:
It allows you to easily parse text and
query configured providers for embedding information on the links
inside the text. A sample configuration file for configuring the
library has been included (oembed_links_example.yml), though you
may also configure the library programmatically (see rdocs).
If you use oembed_links in conjuction with http://oohembed.com/ you'll have dozens of content providers handled for you. You can easily write a custom provider to handle the rest.
