opencv 4 on Ubuntu 18.04 with cuda 9.2 - opencv

I have compiled opencv 4 and Cuda 9.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 machine. I tried to test a sample code with a OpenCV header file that I frequently use in my application . I am getting the following while compiling with nvcc:
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -o saxpy --std=c++11 -I /opt/sensen/include/ `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs`
/opt/sensen/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h(1359): error: no suitable constructor exists to convert from "int" to "CvSlice"
/opt/sensen/include/opencv2/core/types_c.h(1359): error: expected a ")"
2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpxft_00004bc8_00000000-8_saxpy.cpp1.ii".
Has anyone else faced this issue? Any suggestions are appreciated.

I had the same problem as #mandar-sovani.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and OpenCV 3.4.3. My solution to this problem: check in your cuda code (.cu files) which #include preprocessor directive is adding an OpenCV header. Then somehow modify your code to avoid that the said header is included into in your cuda code (.cu files).
Note: thanks #talonmies for the insight into the solution.

Yo holmes, try replacing that weird block of code with this:
CV_INLINE CvSlice cvSlice( int start, int end )
CvSlice slice = { start, end };
return slice;
worked for me! (On Visual studio 2017)


How to install CV2 with GPU on google colab?

I ran these following code on google colab:
%cd /content
!git clone
!git clone
!mkdir /content/build
%cd /content/build
!make -j8 install
after this I created a directory on my google drive and save all the installed library on my google drive so that i dont have to download that over and over again
!mkdir "/content/gdrive/My Drive/cv2_Gpu"
!ls -l /content/build/lib/python3
!cp  -r /content/build/lib   "/content/gdrive/My Drive/cv2_Gpu"
!cp  /content/build/lib/python3/   "/content/gdrive/My Drive/cv2_Gpu"
!cp -r /usr/include/opencv2 "/content/gdrive/My Drive/cv2_Gpu"
!cp "/content/gdrive/My Drive/cv2_Gpu/" .
from google.colab import drive
!wget "/content/gdrive/MyDrive/cv2_Gpu/"
this gave me an error so i used this instead
!wget ""
then ran these code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/cuda.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
uint8_t *imgPtr;
Mat left, downloadedLeft;
cuda::GpuMat gpuLeft;
left = imread("kitten.png", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cudaMalloc((void **)&imgPtr, gpuLeft.rows*gpuLeft.step);
cudaMemcpyAsync(imgPtr, gpuLeft.ptr<uint8_t>(), gpuLeft.rows*gpuLeft.step, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
cuda::GpuMat gpuImg(left.rows, left.cols, left.type(), imgPtr, gpuLeft.step);;
imshow ("test", downloadedLeft);
after this I ran this code
!nvcc /content/ -o cartoonify `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`
and lastly this
when i ran this code it shows me this error. Can someone please help me out?
OpenCV Error: No CUDA support (The library is compiled without CUDA support) in throw_no_cuda, file /build/opencv-L2vuMj/opencv-3.2.0+dfsg/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp, line 97
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /build/opencv-L2vuMj/opencv-3.2.0+dfsg/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp:97: error: (-216) The library is compiled without CUDA support in function throw_no_cuda
It would be great if someone can help me out as I need to use CV2 with GPU for my project. Thankyou! :)

Installing opencv + fatal error: 'opencv2/core.hpp' file not found

I have installed open cv using the official installation process given at:
I am doing this on mac and it took ~3 hours for this process. After installation, the installed directory looks like this:
apple#Apples-MacBook-Air.local:~/Learning/openCV/cpp$ pwd
apple#Apples-MacBook-Air.local:~/Learning/openCV/cpp$ ls
3rdparty CTestTestfile.cmake bin data
CMakeCache.txt Makefile cmake_install.cmake doc
opencv_lapack.h test-reports
CMakeDownloadLog.txt OpenCVConfig-version.cmake cmake_uninstall.cmake
include opencv_python_config.cmake tmp
CMakeFiles OpenCVConfig.cmake configured lib
opencv_python_tests.cfg unix-install
CMakeVars.txt OpenCVModules.cmake custom_hal.hpp modules
opencv_tests_config.hpp version_string.tmp
CPackConfig.cmake apps cv_cpu_config.h opencv
CPackSourceConfig.cmake basicOp.cpp cvconfig.h opencv2
Now, I am writing a very simple program to test the installation and it looks like that I need to do more things than what I have done so far.
My simple program:
int main() {
std::string imagePath = samples.findFile("starry_night.jpg");
cv::Mat imageMatrix = cv::imread(imagePath);
if(imageMatrix.empty()) {
std::cout << "Matrix is empty" << std::endl;
Compiling this gives error as:
apple#Apples-MacBook-Air.local:~/Learning/openCV/programs$ g++ imageRead.cpp
imageRead.cpp:2:9: fatal error: 'opencv2/core.hpp' file not found
No problem, I can probably understand that due to non-linkage of the open cv libraries.
So, I compiled with:
apple#Apples-MacBook-Air.local:~/Learning/openCV/programs$ g++ imageRead.cpp -I/Users/apple/Learning/openCV/cpp/include -L/Users/apple/Learning/openCV/cpp/lib/
imageRead.cpp:2:9: fatal error: 'opencv2/core.hpp' file not found
And it still give me the same error. Basically, I passed the paths for gcc to consider for linking.
Any suggestions? I can help providing more details on it, if needed.
Did you try #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> instead of #include<opencv2/core.hpp>?

OpenCV won't build with CUDA even though WITH_CUDA=ON in CMake

I have tried to build OpenCV 3.1 using CMake (the gui version) to enable Cuda. I have installed Cuda version 7.5 64-bit and CMake automatically found the correct path to the Cuda toolkit. I made sure that the WITH_CUDA value was set to ON, and pressed configure. This is what I got concerning Cuda:
CUDA detected: 7.5
CUDA NVCC target flags: -gencode;arch=compute_20,code=sm_20;-gencode;arch=compute_20,code=sm_21;-gencode;arch=compute_30,code=sm_30;-gencode;arch=compute_35,code=sm_35;-gencode;arch=compute_30,code=compute_30
Extra dependencies: comctl32 gdi32 ole32 setupapi ws2_32 vfw32 cudart nppc nppi npps cufft -LC:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v7.5/lib/x64
Other third-party libraries:
Use IPP: 9.0.1 [9.0.1]
at: C:/OpenCV-3.1.0/opencv/sources/3rdparty/ippicv/unpack/ippicv_win
Use IPP Async: NO
Use Eigen: NO
Use Cuda: YES (ver 7.5)
Use OpenCL: YES
Use custom HAL: NO
NVIDIA GPU arch: 20 21 30 35
NVIDIA PTX archs: 30
Use fast math: YES
Then I generate using Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64.
Next I open the newly generated OpenCV.sln project in Visual Studio 2013 and build the project. It completes without any errors, but 103 warnings like this:
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/LC:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v7.5/lib/x64'; ignored
OpenCV builds just fine and I can build programs with it. I can also include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp" without any problem. However, when I try to use cuda::getDevice() i get this error:
OpenCV Error: No CUDA support (The library is compiled without CUDA support) in throw_no_cuda, file C:\builds\master_PackSlave-win64-vc12-shared\opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp, line 97
When I print the information from cv::getBuildInformation() i get:
Other third-party libraries:
Use IPP: 9.0.1 [9.0.1]
at: C:\builds\master_PackSlave-win64-vc12-shared\opencv\3rdparty/ippicv/unpack/ippicv_win
Use IPP Async: NO
Use Eigen: NO
Use Cuda: NO
Use OpenCL: YES
Use custom HAL: NO
It seems Cuda is disabled somewhere in the process, but I can't figure out why. I have tried to reconfigure and rebuild several times with the same results. Would love some help on this!
The problem is CMake: it generates wrong link options for Visual Studio.
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/LC:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v7.5/lib/x64'; ignored
It should be "LIBPATH:C:" instead of "LC:".
To fix the problem:
Generate the solution with CMake
Go to the build directory
Open an IDE/Text editor which is able to do a global search in this directory
For each occurrence of "-LC:" in any file, replace it by "-LIBPATH:C:".
========= EDIT =========
I found the problem, it is in CMakeLists.txt :
foreach(p ${CUDA_LIBS_PATH})
Instead of using "${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH_FLAG}" which automatically put -LIBPATH, someone put "-L"...
So to fix it:
Open CMakeLists.txt
Replace "-L" by "${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH_FLAG}"
Configure & Generate the solution with CMake and compile with VS.
Hope it will help!
You can successfully compile OpenCV with Cuda after manually editing CMakeLists.txt as Dubrzr say.
Also You will have the same result if you download and compile OpenCV straight from github. It is already fixed.

OpenCV linemod not cv member

I try to install a ROS indigo package jsk_recognition for chessboard detection and relative position, I have opencv-3.0.0-rc1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to catkin_make the package I receive build errors, quit a lot, the full report is here, but it starts like:
[ 73%] Building CXX object
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’ std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
^ /home/elod/catkin_ws/src/vision/jsk_recognition-master/jsk_perception/src/linemod.cpp:69:57:
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’
error: template argument 1 is invalid std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
error: template argument 2 is invalid
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’ std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
the problem seams to be with the linemod class, which in the online opencv documentation exist but in my case the compiler does not recognise it. The linemod.h header file can't be find in any opencv folder only in:
Is this module missing somhow my OpenCV installation or why cant find it in the cv namespace?
In my old Opencv 2.4.11 (uninstalled) seams to be included this module, but I migrated all my stuff to 3.0.0.
Any ideas how to solve it?
A very important observation is that the above mentioned pkg is for Opencv2.4 and I'm using 3.0! Some stuff was moved or removed from the new version like cvSnakeImage, which also appears in this pkg.
An other question would be: how to replace the cvSnakeImage or with what can be replaced?
Did you build from scratch (clean build directory) ?
You could try adding cv:: namespace into *.hpp
And/or try adding "#include <opencv2/rgbd/linemod.hpp>" into the same file.

Building OpenCV with CUDA support Error on

Recently I am trying to build OpenCV with CUDA support, and I met problem while building the module cudaarithm.
OpenCV source: git cloned from :
OpenCV branch: master branch
OpenCV commit:
`commit 5466e321b8c8f97536002a357e5b7ff49a5d2bf9, on Tue Feb 10 12:17:11 2015 +0000`
CUDA version: CUDA 6.5
Hardware: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
OS Version: OS X Yosemite
Steps I used:
1. cd in OpenCVSource, then mkdir myrelease, and cd myrelease
2. cmake -DPLANTUML_JAR=/usr/local/Cellar/plantuml/8002 -D BUILD_DOCS=1 -DPYTHON2_LIBRARY=/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.8_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/config/libpython2.7.dylib -DPYTHON2_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.8_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7 -DPYTHON3_LIBRARY=/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.2_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/libpython3.4m.dylib -DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.2_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/include/python3.4m -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -Wno-dev -DNVCC_FLAGS_EXTRA="-Xcompiler -stdlib=libstdc++; -Xlinker -stdlib=libstdc++" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS=" -stdlib=libstdc++" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-stdlib=libstdc++" ..
3. make VERBOSE=1
Expect Result: Building success without error
Actual Result: when building OpenCVSource/modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/, error happend like below:
/Users/Hawk/Documents/study/DIP/OpenCV/OpenCVSource/modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/ *error: identifier "getInputMat" is undefined*
/Users/Hawk/Documents/study/DIP/OpenCV/OpenCVSource/modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/ *error: identifier "getOutputMat" is undefined*
/Users/Hawk/Documents/study/DIP/OpenCV/OpenCVSource/modules/cudaarithm/src/cuda/ *error: identifier "syncOutput" is undefined*
Then what action I take:
check the code and I found these undefined symboles are defined in OpenCVSource/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp
check the code and I confrim that the "" file include "opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp"
check the building log, and I the confirm the private.cuda.hpp is in the search path of header file
cp "opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp" as another file "opencv2/core/hawk.hpp", and then edit "" to include this new file, and I found
the "undifined symbole error" disapeared.
Although this is a workable workaround, I would like know whether the original OpenCV source cannot be compiled.
All, I think I found the problem cause.
Before I met such problem, I've already build and install OpenCV using older code from the git repo. So that there already have header files in my /usr/local/include/opencv2, especially there is /usr/local/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp.
However, it is an older one that doesn't define the symbols reporting undefined in above question. At the same time I found during the building nvcc have -I/usr/local/include in the command line, so that it use wrong private.cuda.hpp. As you know it should use the one in OpenCVSource, not the older installed one.
I think the solution is to gracefully remove the original installed OpenCV from my computer, then build again. I am trying and I will report later.
