Call Objective C custom init function from Swift - ios

Class A is writen in Objective C and have a custom init fucntion
#interface A ()
#implementation A
- (id)customInitImplementedInA
return self;
Class B inherits from Class A and uses this custom init in the following way:
#interface B : A ()
#implementation B
B *b = [[B alloc] customInitImplementedInA];
return b;
Now I would like to create class C writen in Swift that inharits from A and uses the same init function. How do I do that?
class C: A {
//How do I use customInitImplementedInA here?

You should be able to do this via super.methodname syntax.
class C: A {
init() {
// Any extra initialization for C goes here.

If you inherit your swift class from Obj-C than your swift clas will have obj-c init().
if you need to call it you can include it to your swift init.
class C: A {
var message: B?
init(message: B) {
self.message = message


How to pass an Objective-C with callback to a Swift method?

I really don't know how to ask this question, but:
I have a bridge between Objective-C and Swift
In my Obj-C class I invoke my Swift class
IAPbridge = [[IAPBridge alloc] init];
[IAPbridge requestProducts];
I have a swift class
public func requestProducts () {
My Obj-C class should have a block to receive some data from the Swift class
It should be something like this (this code is wrong, but something like what I think it should be)
[IAPbridge requestProducts:^(id *products) {
NSLog(#"Response:%#", products);
public typealias ProductsRequestCompletionHandler = (_ products: [SKProduct]?) -> Void
private var productsRequestCompletionHandler: ProductsRequestCompletionHandler?
public func requestProducts (completionHandler) {
productsRequestCompletionHandler = completionHandler
productsRequestCompletionHandler?(true, products)
So, any help?
This part is impossible as your spec stands:
productsRequestCompletionHandler?(true, products)
You cannot hand back two values if a ProductsRequestCompletionHandler takes only one value. So you will have to revise your definition of a ProductsRequestCompletionHandler.
We may then imagine that on the Swift side we have a class like this:
#objc class IAPBridge : NSObject {
public typealias ProductsRequestCompletionHandler = (Bool, [SKProduct]?) -> Void
#objc func requestProducts(_ ch:ProductsRequestCompletionHandler) {
let products : [SKProduct]? = // whatever
ch(true, products)
Over on the Objective-C side, your class's .m file must import the implicitly generated bridging header:
#import "MyApp-Swift.h" // or whatever it is called
In the eyes of your Objective-C class, an IAPBridge has this method:
- (void)requestProducts:(SWIFT_NOESCAPE void (^ _Nonnull)(BOOL, NSArray<SKProduct *> * _Nullable))ch;
So now you just call it:
IAPBridge* b = [[IAPBridge alloc] init];
[b requestProducts:^(BOOL success, NSArray<SKProduct *> * products) {
if (success) {
NSLog(#"Thank you for the products! They are %#", products);
} else {
NSLog(#"%#", #"Darn, something went wrong");

Static variables in protocols

I have a protocol A which has a static variabe x. B is a implementation of A. In Class C I pass an instance of B and assigned it to a. How can I access 2 (value of x in class B) from it ?
protocol A {
static var x : Int { get }
class B : A {
static var x: Int {
return 2
class C {
// instance of B is assigned to a.
let a: A
A static variable belongs to the class, not the instance. You can refer to the class by calling dynamicType:
So things have changed a little bit since this answer was posted
type(of: a).x
Within class C a is a property that holds an instance of a type adhering to protocol A. A static variable (otherwise known as a class variable) however is not accessible from an instance, it is accessible from the class, so you will access the value in the following way:
An instance variable would be a different matter and the code for this would be:
protocol A {
var x : Int { get }
class B : A {
var x: Int {
return 2
class C {
// instance of B is assigned to a.
let a: A
init() {
a = B()
These can happily co-exist with the same variable names:
protocol A {
static var x : Int { get }
var x : Int { get }
class B : A {
static var x: Int {
return 2
var x: Int {
return 2
class C {
// instance of B is assigned to a.
let a: A
init() {
a = B()

public private and protected in objective-c

Hi I am trying to learn Opps concept in Objective C but I know PHP so I took a program in which for public, private and protected mentioned bellow.
//Public properties and method can be inherited and can be accessed outside the class.
//private properties and method can not be inherited and can not be accessed outside the class.
//protected properties and method can be inherited but can not be accessed outside the class.
class one
var $a=20;
private $b=30;
protected $c=40;
class two extends one
function disp()
print $this->c;
echo "<br>";
$obj2=new two;
$obj2->disp(); //Inheritance
$obj1=new one;
print $obj1->c; //Outside the class
So this I am trying to convert in Objective c code mentioned bellow.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface one : NSObject
#private int a;
#public int b;
#protected int c;
#property int a;
#property int b;
#property int c;
#implementation one
#synthesize a,b,c;
int a=10;
int b=20;
int c=30;
#interface two : one
#implementation two
// NSLog(#"%d",a);
// NSLog(#"%d",c);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
// insert code here...
two *newtwo;
newtwo =[[two alloc]init];
//calling function
[newtwo setlocation];
return 0;
When I run the above code I am getting
2015-11-03 23:20:16.877 Access Specifier[3562:303] 0
Can some one resolve my problem.
This type of question has been asked before and there's a good explanation in the accepted answer for Private ivar in #interface or #implementation
In general I would recommend you avoid instance variables and use #property instead. Properties have the benefit of read-only/write controls, and free synthesized setters and getters (which if you're learning OOP concepts is a critical concept you should employ).
Properties are declared in the #interface part of an Obj-C file. For access control (according to the link) you have no public/private/protected keywords. All Obj-C methods (and by extension, properties) are public if they're defined in the .h file. If you want them "private" you define them in the the .m file using a class category:
#interface MyClass ()
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* myString;
#implementation MyClass

convert struct to objective c array or class

I m new for IOS. I have some source code for OS X and java. I was trying to convert to IOS.
In OS X, I have the following.
struct _NoteData {
int number; /** The Midi note number, used to determine the color */
WhiteNote *whitenote; /** The white note location to draw */
NoteDuration duration; /** The duration of the note */
BOOL leftside; /** Whether to draw note to the left or right of the stem */
int accid; /** Used to create the AccidSymbols for the chord */
typedef struct _NoteData NoteData;
#interface ChordSymbol : NSObject <MusicSymbol> {
_NoteData notedata[20];/** The notes to draw */
_NoteData is like an array and class here. number, whitenote,duration..are instance variable for _noteData.
I was trying to change struct to objective c class:
#interface _NoteData:NSObject{
#property NSInteger number_color;
#property WhiteNote *whitenote;
#property NoteDuration duration;
#property BOOL leftside;
#property NSInteger accid;
#interface ChordSymbol : NSObject <MusicSymbol> {
_NoteData notedata[20];/** The notes to draw */
In my .m file, it has
+(BOOL)notesOverlap:(_NoteData*)notedata withStart:(int)start andEnd:(int)end {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (!notedata[i].leftside) {
return YES;
return NO;
!notedata[i] throw error expected method to read array element. I understand _NoteData is a class, not an array. What should I change?
In java:
private NoteData[] notedata;
NoteData is a class, and notedata is an array which store NoteData.
Same method in java
private static boolean NotesOverlap(NoteData[] notedata, int start, int end) {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (!notedata[i].leftside) {
return true;
return false;
I feel all I need is to declare an array with _NoteData object. How can I do that?
Objective-C is a superset of C, so you can use C struct in Objective-C code. You can keep your code in the first paragraph. You need to move the function declaration in ChordSymbol class's header file.
+(BOOL)notesOverlap:(NoteData*)notedata withStart:(int)start andEnd:(int)end;
In another Objective-C class's implementation file, call the Class function like this.
NoteData y[] = {
{ .leftside = YES },
{ .leftside = YES },
{ .leftside = YES },
{ .leftside = YES }
BOOL result = [ChordSymbol notesOverlap:y withStart:0 andEnd:3];
You can use NSArray for this purpose. You create an array and populate its data with NoteData objects.
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:20];
NoteData *data1 = [[NoteData alloc] init];
data1.number_color = 1;
[array addObject:data1];
Then you should change (_NoteData*)notedata to (NSArray*)array, and it should work.

override setter with call to inherited setter

I am a little bit confused: can I override a setter / getter but still use the super setter/getter? If yes - how?
Use case:
class A {
void set value(num a) {
// do something smart here
class B extends A {
void set value(num a) {
// call parent setter and then do something even smarter
If this is not possible how can one still preserve the API but expand the logic in the new class. The users of the code already use instance.value = ... so I do not want to change it to method call is possible.
Please help:)
You can access to parent with super. :
class B extends A {
void set value(num a) {
super.value = a;
Only need call super.value = a
class A {
void set value(String value) {
class B extends A {
void set value(String value) {
super.value = value;
void main() {
B b = new B();
b.value = "Hello World";
