Black window when opening CellProfiler - image-processing

I installed CellProfiler version 3.0.0 from here, but when I open it, I only get a black window instead of the application's main page. Any idea why?
I am using windows, and my machine in 64bit.
Note: I posted a question on forum but got no replies. Your help is appreciated!

I just had the same question from someone in our labs, so I installed it on my machine to see if it was the same. I got the black window as well, but after a wait of about 30 seconds there was a few lines of text visible and the program launched shortly after.


Electron BrowserWindow hangs and becomes unresponsive

We have builds of our application for mac and window with the Electron framework. And a lot of our users complain that the application sometimes hangs and becomes unresponsive. The Sentry monitoring shows that we have a lot of reports about that app become unresponsive and a lot of users with that problem. But when the app runs in the native browser, like Google Chrome, it doesn't happen.
Electron version 8.5.1 - this is the last 8.x version now. We can't move on the higher version, because there are some critical things that work correctly only on this one. This one for example - (It's closed but still not working).
Investigation of the Sentry logs didn't help us to understand what's the root of the cause. It happens at different times and we didn't find what it might depend on.
Just a senrty log example:
We made a workaround that helps to reload the application window.
window.on('unresponsive', () => {
// there we can destroy window and create new
but it doesn't solve the root of the cause.
Could someone help to solve it or why can it be happening? Maybe someone has the same problems?

CodeLite 12.0.2 : nothing in Editor

I wondered if anyone could help me with a strange bug I am having with CodeLite, which I am using as C IDE.
Basically nothing displays in the right side window editor when I open source files. This also happens when trying to change the fonts etc (this is where i looked first), whereby no preview displays.
Of possible note, that this absence of displayed text also occurs for example texts such as the one during the set up, as well as the pop up "Colours and Fonts".
The rest seems to work correctly, I was able to compile and run a project in the workspace for which I knew no edits needed to be made.
I am running Windows 7 professional 64 bits and i have not observed any issue elsewhere, only with CodeLite. I used the 64 bits installer to install CodeLite 12.02.
Attempted so far: restart computer, uninstall / reinstall CodeLite. Obviously looked up google, stackoverflow and CodeLite forum, without success finding anything similar.
Any idea where I should look for ways to solve this issue ?
Screenshot of CodeLite with a an example main.c open in editor but not showing content:
Screenshot of actual content of example main.c (hello world):
Screenshot of CodeLite initial set up, also showing no example text:
Screenshot of CodeLite "Colours and Fonts" pop up, also showing no example text:
May be it's late, but it happened that I solved the issue. I experienced the same problem with the latest CodeLite v15.0.3 at the time of writing. I also have Windows 7 64 bits and nothing was shown for the text of any opened source file.
Open Settings > Preferences > Misc
and simply uncheck this setting:
[ ] Windows Only: use Direct2D editor drawings
It helped me.

Visual Studio Express 2015 For Web Builds Successfully But Hangs Forever On Debug Start

I've spent the better part of about forty eight hours dealing with this issue. I've read all that is said about it on this forum. (Which isn't much.) And I've read all about it elsewhere. And I still have not found a solution.The problem.
It's simple. My project builds successfully. When I start the debugger, I get the endless blue loading circle. It never launches into the browser.
If you know what the issue is, please do share I would be grateful.
For the record, what worked for me, was running my program in a terminal. Completely bipassed Visual Studio's buggy UI.
I don't know what caused the infinite blue loading circle.
And I don't care.
I'm moving on.

Screenshot of directX app without window

I'm running DirectX application on the server (Windows Server 2003) and it does not have window (normally, running on PC, it has window). The issue is that I want to take screenshot of it from it (and save it to the png picture). When running on PC, this is working:
Surface backBuff = Device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono);
SurfaceLoader.Save(fileName, ImageFileFormat.Png, backBuff);
But on server, the only thing I'm given is black picture (with right size).
Is it possible to take screenshot of directX app without window?
Thank you very much for answers
The solution is quite simple: running the app from script that is running under another user than IIS.

application wont start or load in blackberry simulator

I'm developing an application on two different machines (home and work) and while the home one seems to run just fine, the work one is, for lack of a better word, possessed. It has been exhibiting the following issues:
When loading the application, it will start at the simulator's main screen instead of starting the application at random intervals. You can start the application and have it work fine, then close the simulator, reload, and have the same codebase not load.
Going to applications doesn't show the application itself, in fact it never does.
Trying to load the applications cod file (File->load java program) never works. Tried the steps in this thread, with unreliable results.
Extremely small changes, such as modifying the value of a width variable by one, commenting out a function such as makeMenu or adding a button will cause code to no longer work, with no errors shown by the IDE.
Using clear.bat with sometimes work, sometimes not. Same with manually removing all files with the name of the project.
reinstalling the eclipse environment and the blackberry plugin did nothing more then burn off an hour.
having "load on startup" in the blackberry_app_descriptor.xml file is set.
Both systems are using Eclipse 3.5.1, BB plugin for eclipse 1.1 beta, Java 4.5 with the 8300 simulator. THe only difference that I am seeing is the operating system between the two systems. The work one being XP Sp3, home being vista. THe vista one isn't perfect, but I can test variable changes without flipping a coin to see if the app will even load or not.
I've tried the solutions that were similar on this forum, such as this one, but it looked to be that those solutions are dated as none of the options for the steps existed in my eclipse install.
So has anyone ran into such baffling behavior, and can it be fixed? Anything that I might have missed that could be tried?
I've been seeing this behavior with the new 1.1 plugin, the application doesn't load on startup and the FIle->load java program doesn't help. For me, the solution was I have to run a clean build every time, that is the eclipse clean and build instead of just build, not the clean.bat... Hope this helps!
Try clearing resources that have improper naming structure in your projects stuff with spaces or special character in the name of the file.
It took me two days to figure out.
One solution i got regarding your problem.
As I See Please run the application first time as Run as blackberry simulator
that is got start and here pick up run and then Run as Blackberry simulator
