Passing parameters in Google News app URL scheme - ios

I want to integrate the Google News app with another iOS customized app. I've found the URL scheme for Google News (googlenews://) and it opens the app. Now I am trying to pass a parameter in order to automatically search news for it. I've used the following URLs with no success.
Looks simple but it doesn't work. How to do that correctly?

If you want a parameter search to Google News, you can try the following:<YOUR_SEARCH_TERM>
Where <YOUR_SEARCH_TERM> is the parameter you want search.


iOS Deep Linking with Auto Login Token in the URL

I am new to deep linking in iOS and I am trying to make sign-in work with a magic link.
The links that the users would receive in their email inbox would be something like this:
I want to extract the auto login token and make sure when users click into this link, it takes the user directly to the app.
What path should I put in the apple-app-site-association file?
Currently I have /?autoLogin= and it's not working.
In your URL, ?autoLogin= is a query item and not part of the path.
In your apple-app-site-association you should just need to set the path to /. The ? is messing it up since it's used to match any single character in the string.
If you want to have a specific path, you'll have to update your url to something like, then you could add /autoLogin to apple-app-site-association.

How to handle the redirected uri in ios for google sign in programmatically?

I am currently doing a task in which i need to implement google sign in programmatically. I am passing the client id in the custom uri scheme and present it through svc. When i do authorization, google is not returning to my app instead it opening page. I can get the uri in the open url method of app delegate but i don't know how to handle it and open my app instead of page. Can someone help me to resolve it programmatically? since i should not use any predefined libraries here. Thanks in advance!
Are you using Google SDK ? If so then you should've created an App on , get you redirect URI from there and add it in you info.plist. It's not returning because it's not finding the redirect URI.

Google Analytics - URL builder not linking back to campaigns

I have been trying to use the URL builder to get more insight into how productive our links are. I build the url in the Google builder, and have linked it into emails and our website hyperlinks. However, nothing comes back to the analytics dashboard.
Specifically, I want a URL that I can use in an email campaign that when clicked will tally in our analytics dashboard. I have tried with this builder: but nothing links back to our Acquisition - Campaigns report.
Is there a way that I have to manually link the campaign url to our dashbaord to get it tracked and reported?
Usually, it's not a URL builder issue, but a redirect that you have on your website, that "resets" the session and ignores your UTM's.
BTW, try using this extension instead

custom url schemes in twitter posts it does not work

I am an ios app developer. We have implemented a custom URL scheme 'my_app://section_name' or so where if the link is opened in the user's mobile browser, it will redirect the user to a specific section in the app.
We would like to be able to tweet these URLs and have users on their mobile device click on them to open up the app, however it just can click once
(when you click close , maybe you click wrong then you want to click it second but it does not work )
I hope this isn't too silly of a question. Thanks
Make sure to check the tweet body after it have been posted.
This may be due of an URL shortener, especially if the tweet is posted from the iOS 5 Twitter framework.
I'm having a similar issue with url schemes. We can include them in emails and text messages, and they highlight and work properly.
Unfortunately, when we do the same with a tweet, the iOS Twitter client fails to recognise the special URL scheme and so the user cannot tap on it to open our app.
Pretty big oversight, methinks. Anyone else had any joy including special URL scheme links in tweets?
A solution that you should consider involves not sharing the URI scheme directly, but rather creating a page on your web server to handle this. In fact, if you want to be able to share full URI schemes with paths, you're better off building a web server to dynamically generate a page with a URI scheme redirect.
This is a over-simplified representation of what we built at Branch. This includes some code to get you started though the web server will require a bit of setup not described here.
instead of testapp://, you'll link to
your server should listen at the route /hosted-redirect, grab and build the following page (body here):
So your server will have to generate and respond with this page, filling in, anytime is requested.
A lightweight node app could do this with a single file.

Link on Facebook with custom prefix/protocol (like myapp://blahblah)

I added to my iOS application option to detect and response to custom URL schemes to launch application ( ).
Link is working perfectly on different sites (using href), but I'm having problem with Facebook. If I'm trying to post link (using Graph API) which looks like:
Facebook return error:
The url you supplied is invalid
And for feed with link return
link URL is not properly formatted.
I can't just post url as a message because it's not being detected as a URL and appear like text only.
Is there any way to post to Facebook wall with custom links?
I have an idea, but I don't know if it gonna work. Putting
myapp://blabla directly into address field in mobile browser is launching application so probably accessing an webpage (like http://www.mywebpage/myapp) with only redirection to
myapp://blabla gonna work too, but is Facebook gonna accept that link?
I think your suggestion in the edit is the correct method, and should work. However applications like spotify seem to use an intersticial page which fires the "app link" with javascript, the advantage to this approach is that you can use that page to "sell" the app to users who don't have it and also provide lovely open graph tags for people who want to share it.
