How does Yubo previously known as Yello remember users after reinstall? - ios

Okay, I have asked Reddit 3x and Apple once and no one could answer this so I am coming to you guys. Please be the ones to answer this validly. Okay, details. Yubo remembers my phone after reinstall and I do not know how. I have tried the following:
Changed my IP Address using a VPN
Change my IDFA through reset identifier which I now know is pointless as since I had “limit ad tracking” on the output would have been an output value of numerous 0’s (though this some how got me unbanned from the “Instagram” app, idk how tho)
Changed my IDFV by...well reinstalling the app (Yubo is there only app so don’t ask about other apps from the vendor)
Change my iPhones name multiple times
Prevented the app from being backed up on Icloud then reinstalling
I also logged out of the Icloud prior to using the app for the first time after reinstall
And that’s about it. I am aware the app may recognize: my phone, ios version and hardware. However, none of that is exclusive to my phone. I have read people having the exact same model and phone so i doubt Yubo is remembering me through that. I have never met an app so smart before, but I know some of you have probably been screaming this entire time one thing I have missed so please tell me what i missed and a way to change it without resetting my phone.
My device: Iphone6s and IOS 11


How to let iOS/macOS update our app while its NetworkExtension is running?

We have an app that registers and runs a NetworkExtension (specifically NEPacketTunnelProvider) on both iOS and macOS. This works fine (although not in the iOS simulator, of course, known limitation). However, when the network extension is running, the App Store on macOS/iOS, and TestFlight on iOS, fail to update the app. It looks like they're waiting for the NetworkExtension to terminate, but not actually asking the VPN to disconnect.
We don't want our users to have to think about killing our VPN (which should stay connected whenever possible), but we don't want them to have to think about updates either - they should happen automatically.
Are we missing something? Is there an event we should be listening on to detect that the store is trying to install an app update? Conditions when we should arrange for the VPN to terminate, safe in the knowledge that it will be restarted again after being updated?
Apple had bugs regarding this issue. It was supposed to be ok since iOS 11 (and macOS 10.13 or 10.14), but then users reported that the problem still exists. Several bugs regarding this are still probably open at Apple's bugs reports, but we can't check their status.
You can ask again at their forum, and open another bug regarding this issue.
Probably there's nothing else you can do.
Those are only some of the reports related to this issue:
Edit: Someone just posted a question regarding this at Apple's forum. It might be you who posted to question, but maybe it's someone else, so there's another reference:

How to debug an iOS app that does not make it past launch for certain users?

I have hundreds of people using my app, but a handful are reporting that the app does not make it past the black launch screen (it immediately closes, before entering into my app). I'm using Crittercism but it's not even getting far enough to catch any exception, which makes it sound like a springboard / backboard problem.
Here's what I've asked the users to do:
Reinstall the app
Delete some apps (to free some space)
Restart the device
None of the above worked. I'm completely at a loss as to what's wrong. The app is in the AppStore and works fine for most users. Furthermore, I can't find anything unique about these users (they're using recent versions of iOS with fairly modern hardware).
Crittercism doesn't show anything, because after the crash - log will be send only at the next launch, so if user doesn't open your app anymore (or can't do it, because he has constant crash).
I advice your to try next ideas:
Do use use keychain or store smth there? It's not cleared after uninstall
Maybe your data is backed up in icloud
Did it begin with the new iOs version (9.0 for example)
Maybe it's some cache problem after installing one version on another,
Can it be the problem of different timezones
Can it be a crash with local settings
If you have feedback with users with crash - contact them and ask about device, iOs version and other
your have crash sections in your itunesconnect profile, maybe there you'll get some information

User suddenly can't get past launch image screen

A user has reported that my app suddenly won't launch on their device. They sent me a video, and they launch the app, the launch image screen shows for a split second, but then crashes back to the iOS home screen.
The user tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no benefit.
I use Crashlytics, and am not getting any reports of crashes from them (or any other user- although I've seen them in prior versions so I know it's working correctly). I'm also not seeing any crashes in iTunes connect.
I asked the user to send me any crash reports in the Settings Diagnostics section and they said there are none listed for my app.
I have confirmed that their iOS version is supported by my app. (iOS 8.4).
I'm not sure where to go next, and would appreciate any pointers. Sorry for the vague question but I have posted everything that I know about the situation.
Just wanted to provide some closure on this. The user ended up wiping and restoring their device, and it solved the problem. It seems extreme to me but it was their own suggestion and didn't take them long to do. So I'm not sure what caused this but that's one (albeit brute force) way to fix it.

ios read sms and call logs as mspy does

I went though lot of questions about tracking sms and call logs in non-jailbroken ios device. I came to conclusion that it is not possible.
But then I came across this
So I wonder how mspy does this. I am looking to built this functionality for enterprise app, so no problem of itunes rejection.
Can some one please help.
Please check these features description notes:
mSpy runs on jailbroken/non-jailbroken iOS devices. In the former
case, you need physical access for installation. In the latter case,
you need no access if you have iCloud credentials, but you get fewer
monitoring features. Still, the access may become necessary if iCloud
backup isn’t activated on the device.
I guess they are getting info from iCloud account but not the device itself. Moreover they have said fewer monitoring features , i dont know what they exactly mean by fewer and what info do they actually gets in that case. But they are sure getting info from already synced data over iCloud.

How to get crash logs of Testflight external testers on Xcode or iTunes connect?

Is there any ways to know what's wrong with someone's app. It is working on everyone else's device but this person.
The person tried removing the previous version and installing the new one, but it still does not work. I suspect that one of the files that I place in the documents folder might still be there... but the format of this file has changed since...
Apple has a technote about this named Debugging Deployed iOS Apps.
Also, if your tester syncs up their iPhone with a Macintosh or PC, iTunes also helpfully moves logs into predictable places where they can be retrieved from.
I am attempting to solve this logging of execution in TestFlight with the following simple approach...
In in-App Billing you really have to use TestFlight, so the problem is serious.
The "print("text") statements can be replaced in the code to calls to a func printTestFlight(text: String) which writes the strings to a database along with some identifier so you know the user.
This is quite simple and obvious, and to an extent it works.
If there are events which are logged by the os rather than teh user, then this approach misses those, notably the interesting ones around a crash. I'd be happy to hear from anyone who knows how to do thiso
