Unknown command 'nand' - try 'help' on beaglebone black - beagleboneblack

I'm trying build a linux system on beaglebone black and following to mastering embedded linux programming book, however when I boot my u-boot on beaglebone black, I have received a error: unknown command 'nand' - try 'help'.
Does anybody have any idea of what did I do wrong or did I miss something?

If you are in Chapter 3: All About Bootloaders → U-Boot → Using U-Boot:
This is NOT an example meant to be executed on a BeagleBoneBlack.
It is a generic example of a U-Boot command that possibly could work on hardware that actually has NAND flash. The BBB does not have raw NAND flash, it has an eMMC and a micro-SD card slot.
If that's not where you are in the book, please provide chapter information and what you are trying to achieve.
BTW: please also note that there are errata for this book, especially around U-Boot and the NAND commands. You might want to verify if they apply to your reprint.

The command nand is only available in U-Boot if CONFIG_CMD_NAND=y is configured.
Use make menuconfig for configuration.


systemtap fails to determine souce filenames and line numbers, although gdb finds them

I am running systemtap 4.7 on Centos 8 with a 4.18 kernel and using GCC 8.5.0
When I have systemtap produce a user-code backtrace, it never manages to find the filenames and line numbers for my source functions, despite there being a full .debuginfo installed, as well as a .debugsource. GDB finds this information without difficulty. I am using a -d option to point to my library.
There was a similar question asked here: systemtap probing by line number "analysis failed" but its only suggestion is that one doesn't have full debuginfo. I do. So, what else might be wrong?

Printing postscript with GSView 5.0

I've been using GSView 5.0 and GhostScript 9.52 to do postscript printing on vellums. However, today GSView started throwing error codes on every .ps file I've attempted to print. I'm using Windows 10 Pro and the printer is an Epson Artisan 1430.
The error is as follows:
GPL Ghostscript 9.52: **** Could not open file 00000e60.
Unrecoverable error: invalidfileaccess in showpage
Operand stack:
--nostringval-- 1 true
gsapi_execute_cont returns -9
gsapi_exit returns 0
I've tried changing permissions for the files and different printer drivers to no avail. I'm sorry I can't be more descriptive on this issue as it's hard to articulate.
OK... You must have recently updated to a new version of Ghostscript. I can reproduce your problem, and it comes down to a recent (documented) change in behaviour for Ghostscript.
Due to the well-documented public disclosure of security exploits using Ghostscript a couple of years ago, the current version (and any version since 9.50) now defaults to running in SAFER mode.
When running in SAFER, Ghostscript prevents access by the PostScript interpreter to the file system. For those unaware of the problem; PostScript is a full-blown programming language and, by design, permits programs to access the underlying file system. SAFER mode prevents this so that malicious PostScript programs cannot, for example, run arbitrary code on your computer.
It seems that GSView is using Ghostscript in a way which requires it to read the PostScript program to be printed using the PostScript interpreter, instead of the more normal practice of specifying the input file as one of the arguments. For simplicity the input file is granted read availability by the Ghostscript executable. I suspect that GSview is using the DLL directly and not adding that extra information.
Now there are ways to permit access to specific files or folders, so that existing PostScript programs can continue to work, but obviously this requires some changes in the calling application. GSview has not changed in, literally, years so obviously it does not take any such action.
You can, however, get GSview to work as before. Under Options select Advanced Configure. In the resulting dialog look for the 'Ghostscript options' text box. In there add -dNOSAFER, that should get it to work again, though you may have to reboot the computer if the OS print subsystem has stalled.
Yes, this does open you up to the sorts of exploits I alluded to above, you should only do this with PostScript programs that you trust.

Adding a CUPS printing server filter

So I just got a raspberry pi with the intention to make my Rollo label printer wireless. I installed Raspbian and PrintNode, but when it came down to downloading the Rollo driver onto the device I couldn't because it expects an 86_64x cpu and mine is armv71.
I inspected the .ppd and found that the main issue was a failed filter, bc Rollo is trying to use a filter that cups cannot find.
Is there a way to just copy a filter into CUPS? how do I add a custom filter so CUPS can find it and I can use my printer?
I've been hunting this down trying to solve the exact same problem for a bit now and have come to the conclusion that it's not possible unless one of these things happens:
Rollo releases a filter that's been compiled for the ARM arch.
Someone reverse engineers the compiled filter to recompile it for ARM.
Rollo releases the filter source code so we can compile our own for the RPi (ie. ARM).
Update: Rollo released a beta RPi driver here: https://www.rollo.com/driver-dl/beta/rollo-driver-raspberrypi-beta.zip
The first two seem the most unlikely. The third seems possible and I think I'll ask them to do just that... but who knows how they view their IP.
That said, I punted for a small fanless (well, it had a fan...) Celeron micropc that runs Ubuntu x86_64 until the Rollo filter comes out for ARM. Good luck!

how to program PRU of beaglebone black in C

I want to try blinking a led on PRU core of beaglebone black rev c.The program I want to write is in c language and o.s. is ubuntu without emulator as described in TI's hands on labs for pru.
I tried blinking led program with TI am335x cortex-A8.
I want to try same with PRU.
I am confused with the dependencies required by PRU.
Any suggestions or guideline will be very helpful.
you can use this example to blink the a led. It is working on my side.
Also please, review the git repository:

AHB AP transaction error with zynq board

I'm new at zynq board. I am trying to work with XADC of zynq-xc7z020 and want to see its quality for my application through vivado and xilinx SDK.
I tested two ways of designing through lab3 and lab4 tutorials. Synthesis, implementation and generating bitstream are OK in vivado. in the Xilinx SDK, after programming of the board, when I run a simple printf through system debugger or GDB but I get "AHB AP transaction Error". I googled it a lot and spent few days for it, but didn't get any solution. Additional, I tried to connect to the arm core of the board through XMD console by "connect arm hw" command. but console get JTAG connection error, while JTAG cable is connected and programming of the board is done.
suggested solutions of here didn't help.
thank you.
I understand what my mistake was.
Through XSCT console in SDK, I run mrd command to access DDR and read its address. but I couldn't. So I got that the problem was from DDR configurations.
I create a new project and at the first step of designing, after adding ZYNQ7 Processing System to block design, click on 'run block automation' and continue all previous steps and it worked. The point was that automation run. It sets some auto configuration of block that have to be set; and my mistake was this, that I connected DDR port manually.
