VS Code integration with TFS - tfs

I'm now starting to use VS Code and I like this tool except for the fact it won't integrate with TFS.
I have looked all over the place for a solution that would be easy to use and didn't find anything good.
The solution of TFVC that offered here How to connect TFS in Visual Studio code is not what I'm looking for.
I need to have the source control explorer and to be able to right click on a file to check it in and out.
Any good solution out there?

Visual Studio Team Services Extension for Visual Studio Code is the only official solution for now.
Source control explorer is something integrated with visual studio, which do not included in visual studio code.
If you really need this feature, you could submit a uservoice here, TFS PM and Admin will kindly review your suggestion.
As a workaround, suggest you to use the tf command to do the check in option.

1.on the Tools menu, click Connect to Team Foundation Server.
2.in the Connect to Team Foundation Server dialog box, select a Team Foundation Server from the drop-down list.
3.Under Team projects, select one or more team projects from the list. Team projects with a check mark next to them will display in Team Explorer.
4.click OK.
Team Explorer displays the team projects under the selected Team Foundation Server.


How to Setup TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2017

Firstly,I was used TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2015 in my previous project.In this project,My leader setup the TFS and I just used it and it is very nice to use.
Now i am developing new project with Visual Studio 2017 and I want to use TFS.I was googled but not clear for me.So Please Let me known,where can i see clear step by step setup guide of TFS with Visual Studio 2017.
Visual Studio includes all the client pieces for TFS in the default install.
So all you need to do is go to the Team menu to connect to the TFS server. The URL will depend on the configuration of the server: get this from the Admin. (For VSTS it will be your-account.visualstudio.com.)
There is a new user's guide which should help with the details.
So you want to add the new solution which is created in VS 2017 into TFS. Please follow the steps below:
Connect to your team project in VS 2017.
Add your solution to source control. Refer to Add a existing app.
Check your new project into TFS.
Hi you just go to the team Explorer and using the admin rights link add the TFS that u want to use.
And from source control you can get the files of the project.
Hope this will work #Jze

How to search the projects with TFS Team Explorer?

Is there a way for me to locate the project inside the TFS, using the Team Explorer or whatever way by a search? I know the project name but don't know the exact path.
If you install Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015/2013/2012 Power Tools from Visual Studio gallery you'll have the Find in Source Control option that will search through the file names in source control.

Unable to see documents in Team Explorer 2013 after upgrade

We have upgraded TFS2008 to 2013 on a new server and source control/workitem tracking is okay - we can use all that from within VS2013 Pro.
We have also upgraded Sharepoint (containing all the project documentation) to a new database server and using the TFS 2013 Adminisration Console we can see the Team Projects listed there.
However although from the VS2013 Team Exlorer we can add the team projects and open the 'web portal' for each team project, we cannot see any of the documents nor can we (seemingly) view in a browser the portal that in VS2008 shows the document libraries.
Are we missing something in the unfamiliar interface, or can anyone advise what the cause might be and how to fix it?
You need to "wire up" the Team Projects to the Sharepoint sites. It sounds like they have been detached through the order of the upgrade.
Sharepoint needs to be upgraded and available during the upgrade process or this happens
You can however easily wire them back up. In the Team Project in Visual Studio go to the Team Explorer and do "Settings|Portal".
You should have a dialog for wiring up The existing Sharepoint to the Team Project.
If you don't you may have Tbeen disconnected at the collection level. In which case you can open the TFS Administration Console and follow: http://nakedalm.com/integrate-sharepoint-2013-with-team-foundation-server-2013/

Migrate Local projects to TFS

I have about 14 projects (different solution files) that are sitting on local dev box. Just got connected with TFS 2010. How do I move these projects to TFS 2010 (without getting vss involved)?
If you have Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 installed, then the first thing you need to do is install Team Explorer 2005 or 2008 from the TFS 2005 or TFS 2008 media. You'll then need to install the TFS 2010 forward compatibility GDR (2005, 2008) For the forward compatibility information, see this post.
If you have Visual Studio 2010 installed, then Team Explorer is installed already.
You then go to View, Team Explorer. Right click on the little "+" button to connect to a server and enter your details.
The you can either add your files by right clicking on the solution in solution explorer and sayying Add to Source Control or by going to the Source Control Explorer and pressing Add then selecting your files.
Very easy: You just add them to TFS. Right click on the files and choose "Add" from the menu and afterwards check-in. Then they are in the TFS. Of course that doesn't include automatic deployment via TFSBUILD etc.
I found the answer on these links.

How do i configure team system 2008

I am installing VSTS. What components do i need to install for both .net & sql server. ?
How do we configure our projects?
There are two parts to a successful Team System environment: Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team System.
For best results, install the former on a dedicated server. There are great resources to help you through installation right from Microsoft. There's even a video series of TFS-related content!
Once your Team Foundation Server (TFS) is installed, Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) is installed on your development workstation. VSTS looks just like any other VS install at startup. To configure it to work with your TFS instance, go into Tools > Options and Select Source Control: here you will see a pull down which should contain an entry entitled Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. I forget how to select your TFS server instance for VSTS to work with but I don't recall having trouble with it when I did it a few months ago.
Once you've configured all that, you interact with your TFS work items and source code from the Team Explorer and Source Control Explorer panes in VSTS: it should begin to feel rather like using VS without integrated source control from there forward.
The bigger issue is configuring your process in TFS to reflect your project's strategy, etc. That is an exercise in thought/reading more-so than how to configure it.
All this documentation is readily available via Microsoft's website. It does require some reading but devote some time to it: it'll pay off in the long run.
Team Foundation Server Requirements
