Added JSF Tomahawk Library Removes Space Between List Items - jsf-2

I added the JSF Tomahawk Library and as soon as I did, it caused the space between the first menu items in my menu to lose the space between them. But without Tomahawk, there is no issue.
Correct Format and Before Tomahawk was Added:
This is what is it looks like after tomahawk is added:
I dont know why this is happening, there is nothing different in the HTML or the code. Literally as soon as this gets added it happens. Has anyone had this problem before? And if so, how did you fix it?
I am running MyFace 2.0, Tomahawk 1.1.14. If there is any more information you would believe to be relevant, please let me know and I'll grab it.


We have an issue with Preview in Wagtail CMS

We have an issue with Preview in Wagtail CMS. I have looked around at several other people that have had this issue but none are the same as mine. As preview is not even working in Dev and we are receiving no errors to suggest what the issue might be.
We Use Wagtail 1.13.1 & DJANGO 1.11.8
When i click the preview button It just takes me to a new tab thats blank with no error or anything.
if i inspect the button I can see:
<button class="button action-preview icon icon-view" data-action="/admin/pages/30/edit/preview/" data-auto-update="false">Preview</button>
So I took: /admin/pages/30/edit/preview/ and manually pasted into the browser and it gives me:
I am still receiving no errors, which leaves me to believe either a setting is incorrect or this is a bug in Wagtail as it does not work in Dev,Staging or Prod
If anyone can shed more light on this topic it would be greatly appreciated as at least if i got an error I could look to resolve it. but i get nothing.
Where am i going wrong?

Filter not working on Tablesorter 2.17.8 > probably my bad

Been working on getting the UITheme Widget (Bootstrap v3.x) version going to behave exactly the same as this.
Paging & sorting are working fine. When I click on a search box in the 2nd row to type something, for some strange reason, the sort feature fires & as I type nothing happens.
Ive checked over the head code to compare with the documentation & they are the same. When I inspect with Chrome, I can see an additional class of table sorter-header-inner yet this is not in the code of the 2nd row (search row)
An example page with my code can be found here
It could very well be that I have not added a css file or something. Ive searched the files that come with the download above & can't seem to find any additional files related to a filter widget.
Would really appreciate some assistance getting this nailed.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks #Mottie, Little bit embarrassing & a trap for new players but I found myself inspecting elements & copying that code directly into the header. not following your documentation to the letter & simply having say English and letting all the magic happen behind the scenes... I'm probably not the first person to have tried this but hope other newbies benefit from me sharing

Changing a subarray in document will not rerender with proper order

I am using jQuery UI sortable to update the order of an array stored in a container document. When the sort fires the "stop" method, it rebuilds the array and orders it based on the new DOM layout. It all works fine and the updated document reflects the proper order. HOWEVER, the dom reloads and the order is back to what it was.
When I physically refresh the page it actually shows the proper order. It's just that on-the-fly changing of the array won't just re-render itself properly.
Interestingly enough, this problem has only cropped up in 0.9.4, so it may be a bug with meteor, just not sure if there was a change that would affect what I'm trying to accomplish.
I'd provide code examples if needed, but since the code itself seems to be working properly and the each not updating to reflect the order, i'm not sure it'll help at all.
I've put together a standalone demo of the problem, listed out in my comment below:
Ok, here's a crazy example of the issue:
Try doing some sorting of items to see part1 of the issue. Next, after sorting, try hitting the togglers a few times, especially within the list of items you sorted. That's part2 of the issue. Now, if you refresh the page, everything gets caught up. Wat.
Double Update
Thanks to aldeed over at Github, I've got a solution:
By changing my sub-document reference key from 'id' to '_id', Blaze seems to pick up on the changes to sorting no problem!
I confess that I haven't dug into your code, but the way it is updating indicates that you are picking up the previous state rather than the updated state. Wherever you drag, the final state reflects the last place you dragged to (even though it was probably in the wrong place when you started). Perhaps an order-of-execution/async bug?
Have you seen the drag and drop demo that was put together for blaze by Avital Oliver (Meteor core dev) when the blaze rendering engine came out? You can watch a video and check out the repo. If you try the demo and it fails on the current version of Meteor, you can submit an issue there and get some support from the pros :)

JSF 2 f:subview not seeing my changes reflected in the UI

Update It appears I have to rebuild/redeploy the app to see the changes. Anyone know why I have to do this? It's a static .xhtml page. Coming back to update, looks like I just have to stop/restart the server, not a rebuild. I was dumb and didn't try that first, mostly because I have to rebuild/deploy often anyways.
I'm working on a JSF 2 app that uses f:subviews. I'm on one subview where my changes aren't reflected in the UI when I refresh the browser. I've worked on other subviews where I don't have this problem.
I have a batch script which copies my .xhtml files into my installed apps folder. The batch script reports the file is copied over. It's business as usual... If I drill down into this particular installed app, I see my change in the file. Again, seems like business as usual. The change is not reflected in the UI when I refresh, however.
These are simple text changes I'm making, but not seeing.
The problematic subview doesn't appear to be anything special, it's just a p:datatable that's included via a ui:include with a couple of parameters for the data and to give it a unique id. If I replace the p:datatable with just simple text, the "old" table still shows up in the UI when I refresh. I just can't get any changes in this subview to be reflected in the UI.
Console doesn't throw any errors.
I'm using WebSphere 7.0.
Never encountered this problem before. It isn't a browser caching issue as I can edit other subviews and see those changes when I refresh the page.
Anyone have any ideas?

How do I set a Notepad++ variable?

Printing code with Notepad++ is very handy because of the syntax-highlighting.
Unfortunately I'm experiencing a problem with printing.
Now at the left top of the page $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) is printed, which is, D:\cppWorkspace\project1\display\GUI\main.cpp
I don't want the whole path, to the project, to be printed. However it also should not only print the file name.
In this case it should be, display\GUI\main.cpp. (which are packages inside the project and the file itself)
I tried to edit or set a Notepad++ variable, but I couldn't find a way to do this.
Hopefully someone knows how this can be fixed.
Thanks in advance,
Unfortunately the variables are fixed, and cannot be "set" - at least as of the current version (6.3.1). They are simple replacements, handled in the expandNppEnvironmentStrs method in RunDlg.cpp
You're welcome to suggest an idea on IdeaTorrent (see the hosted apps menu on the Sourceforge project), or vote a similar idea up if one exists.
