Xamarin Live Player not working on iOS - ios

I have created a Xamarin.Forms application using .NET standard library. I am trying to run iOS application on my iOS device using Xamarin Live Player application but I am always getting the error
"The type or namespace 'Xamarin' could not be found in global namespace"
I have tried to update Xamarin.Forms as some links suggested but still no fruitful.
Here is the screenshot of error that I am getting.
Please help me with running application on my iOS device. My device is iPhone 6 Plus and iOS version is 11.4.
Thank you in advance.

Unfortunately Xamarin Live Player is not available on iOS, as mentioned here:
Xamarin Live Player
This is one of its limitations.
Limitations There are some limitations on the things Xamarin Live
Player can run, including the items below:
Live Player is not available for iOS.


To achieve local media tracks when deploying ionic application in IOS using twilio

I am building an ionic application. I am using twilio-video sdk to implement video call. I am able to work it in android devices and browser. When i try to deploy it on IOS, the mobile UI Webview browser does not let me use the getUserMedia() function.
Error: getUserMedia() is not supported
Apple developer forums states that it supports only safari 11 and not any other Webkit Views. Has anyone came to a solution?
Also is there a way to get local media tracks when building an ionic application in ios?

google mobile ads unity crashes app on startup in iOS

I am serving ads using google mobile ads in my Unity game running on iOS and Android. on iOS devices under iOS9, the app crashes on startup. the call stack shows it is crashing in google mobile ads ( [GADApplication runEarlyActivities] )
Anyone had such a problem ?
In case it helps any one, here is what I found:
This crash stopped happening altogether when I built the same app with Unity Pro (I was not using pro before)
dont know why it is related but it is a sure correlation.

Can I use an AIR Component/Library for developing iOS App using Xcode?

I want to develop a Flash Live Stream Player on iOS. As you known, Flash does not supported on iOS platform. I searched Google, but all results are about the ANE (Air Native Extensions).
Is there any way that building Xcode usable component/control/library/framework from Flash/Flex/AIR? Or any other solutions that playing flash on iOS?
Any advice would be grateful, thanks.

Adding Ads via iAd and AdMob

I have a requirement to develop Android and iPhone versions of the same app, so I'm considering Trigger.io. My question is, I need to support ads on both versions of the application. I'm thinking on using iAd for the iPhone version, and AdMob for the Android one. Does Trigger.io support integration with these two systems? If true, is there any example I can use to start things up? Thanks.
There isn't an existing integration with iAds or AdMob, but you should be able to get that done with our native plugin system
We've published webinar recordings for iOS and Android to help get you started.

Does Google Analytics Tracking for Flash works in packaged air application for IOS?

I'm building an air application (using adt packager) for iPad. I would like tracking some informations in my app so is it possible to embed Google Analytics library for Flash (.swc) in my packaged app ?
otherwise are there alternatives ways ?
Note: Currently, Flash tracking is available for any Flash content embedded in a web page. Tracking of data sent from Adobe Air, Shockwave, or via the Flash IDE (e.g. using Test Movie) is not supported at this time.
got this from https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/other/flashTrackingIntro
I am having better luck with this alternative native extension (ANE) for iOS and Android:
GAForFlash (http://code.google.com/p/gaforflash/) v1.0.1.319 did work for me when compiling with AIR and running in ADL on Windows, but seems to work intermittently when compiling and running it on an Android or iOS device. The visual debug feedback reports it always sending correctly, but half the time GA never receives the data.
Both solutions can send both pageViews and events, but neither (currently) works with the new mobile app GA profiles so you need to use a classic web profile.
It is possible. I have it running in my pure AS3 AIR project for mobile.
See http://code.google.com/p/gaforflash/ there is a swc you can use there.
