Xcode error when uploading to App Store: “Invalid Bundle structure” - ios

I'm using Xcode to build a native script app for iOS. I've registered an app on iTunes Connect.
when I build the application on Xcode its works well.
All goes well in Xcode until I upload to the App Store. I get the following error:

Your error is related with devDependencies, Since error is showing invalid bundle structure this is because some of your devDependencies is added in the dependencies object inside package.json.
In your case "nativescript-dev-sass": "^1.0.0-rc.2" dependency was added in your package.json just move it from dependecy to devDependency.

Open the project in Finder and search if you have added any .framework file in Project directory besides pod folder. Delete the .framwork file and build,archive again.


Upload missing required dSYMs through uploader tool

How to upload dSYM file. please help us. I am using “Pods/Fabric” folder of your Xcode project directory
finally i got issue
vicky-MacBook-Air-2:~ vicky$ /Users/vicky/Documents/Office/CAADE\ MAIN/Caade_12.2/Caade\ 12.2/Pods/Fabric/upload-symbols -a <85ffrf2c3dc15de343dfdf0bbbbdfe083115fb50> -p ios /Users/vicky/Desktop/CTCaade.app.dSYM
-bash: 89ffbf2c3dc15dee4677690bbbbdfe083115fb50: No such file or directory
You can initialize Crashlytics by adding a run script to your project’s build phase. The run script allows Xcode to automatically upload your project’s dSYM file whenever your app crashes so that Crashlytics can automatically generate crash reports.
- Make sure your new build phase is the project's last build phase or Crashlytics can't initialize properly.
- make sure Fabric org id is correct.
If you still get in to the issues - Write to the FirebaseSupport and include your app name bundle id , Firebase Project id.

Renaming a React Native project

I have a working react native app (without expo), running and compiling in both Android and iOS devices. Now I'm trying to rename the app, but I'm having problems with that.
Steps followed:
I have deleted both ios and android directories.
Changed the project name in my app.json
Regenerated the android and ios directories with react-native upgrade --legacy (cause eject is not working anymore)
Updated my podfile with the need
Pod install
When i tried to compile my app via xcode, I got "null is not an object (evaluating '_RNGestureHandlerModule.default.Direction')
I guessed that was due to the autolinking when you install some react native third party components. So I deleted node_modules, and installed all react native navigation again. Then I ran react-native link. The previous error went away.
Now, I'm stuck with:
Target 'cjlrnneTests' has target dependency on Target 'cjlrnne'
That command depends on command in Target 'cjlrnne': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resources”
Honestly, I don't know what else more to do / look for.
Can anyone please provide with some clue, or the steps to change a RN app's name?
You can try this package for renaming the app.
react-native-rename <newName>
It will automatically configure all the things.

How to compile xcode project?

I have an Xcode project for an iOS app as a legacy project. Full source code, it works 100%. I need to publish it to AppStore. But I have never used Xcode, macOS or done any ios app development related stuff and I have problems to compile it and not sure if I am doing it correctly.
I tried "Product->Run" and "Product->Build". I always get "Build Failed" and some errors. In the navbar, I choose "iPhone 7 (10.3.1)" and some other versions as well. Errors I get -
But as I mentioned, it is a finished app and I don't feel I should be making any changes to the code and not to a 3rd party code (SDWebImage).
I want to compile this project so I get the .ipa file. What is the step-by-step approach to getting a .ipa file from source code?
You mentioned in the comments that you downloaded and unpacked a .zip of the project. Your issues are most likely caused by a conflict in the way the dependencies were setup.
Try delete the pods folder and run pod install in terminal, in the root project folder, to re-install all the project dependencies.

After adding Watch Kit Target: com.apple.actool.errors "No such file or directory" with Image Assets

I just made a branch in my iOS project and added a target for an WatchKit App in there. When I hit build and run now I get this strange error:
: error: Failed to read file attributes for "/Users/philip.brechler/Documents/motortalk/ForumApp/ForumApp/Images.xcassets /Users/philip.brechler/Documents/motortalk/ForumApp/MOTOR-TALK WatchKit App/Images.xcassets /Users/philip.brechler/Documents/motortalk/ForumApp/MOTOR-TALK WatchKit Extension/Images.xcassets"
Failure Reason: No such file or directory
The directories exist of course and I didn't change anything else then adding the target. I also tried this twice with the same result. Any ideas?
Upgrading to the new version of Cocoapods fixed this for me.

Facebook SDK error on IOS App

Iam trying to add the FacebookSDK to an existing IOS app, followed the steps mentioned # http://developers.facebook.com/docs/getting-started/facebook-sdk-for-ios/3.1/
i.e., downloading the facebooksdk.pkg and dragging the files into Framework section of project Navigator
but when i run the app, the build fails.
(null): error: /Volumes/E
No such file or directory.
if you get this error after having upgraded to a newer version of Facebook SDK (f.e. 3.8), check the folder where the .bundle file should be: there should be a FacebookSDKResources.bundle.README file which tells that this file is no more needed, so you can safely remove its reference from the app project.
I guess file is missing.
You can download latest Facebook package "FacebookSDK-3.1.1.pkg" from here
