Facebook SDK error on IOS App - ios

Iam trying to add the FacebookSDK to an existing IOS app, followed the steps mentioned # http://developers.facebook.com/docs/getting-started/facebook-sdk-for-ios/3.1/
i.e., downloading the facebooksdk.pkg and dragging the files into Framework section of project Navigator
but when i run the app, the build fails.
(null): error: /Volumes/E
No such file or directory.

if you get this error after having upgraded to a newer version of Facebook SDK (f.e. 3.8), check the folder where the .bundle file should be: there should be a FacebookSDKResources.bundle.README file which tells that this file is no more needed, so you can safely remove its reference from the app project.

I guess file is missing.
You can download latest Facebook package "FacebookSDK-3.1.1.pkg" from here


Xcode error when uploading to App Store: “Invalid Bundle structure”

I'm using Xcode to build a native script app for iOS. I've registered an app on iTunes Connect.
when I build the application on Xcode its works well.
All goes well in Xcode until I upload to the App Store. I get the following error:
Your error is related with devDependencies, Since error is showing invalid bundle structure this is because some of your devDependencies is added in the dependencies object inside package.json.
In your case "nativescript-dev-sass": "^1.0.0-rc.2" dependency was added in your package.json just move it from dependecy to devDependency.
Open the project in Finder and search if you have added any .framework file in Project directory besides pod folder. Delete the .framwork file and build,archive again.

Adding Firebase via importing SDK (not CocoaPods) causes file not found exception

I am attempting to add Firebase to my iOS project via importing the SDK instead of using CocoaPods (I'm not a fan).
I have followed the documentation but I am getting file not found error.
I have cleaned, deleted, restarted, re-imported, re-did the instructions SEVERAL times and I keep getting this error.
Has anyone succesfully imported the Firebase SDK into an iOS project?
Added to the projects directory:
The frameworks auto-added themselves to the Linked Frameworks
Added the -ObjC to Other linker flags
But still the file not found error:
Any help?
Inside the frameworks:
Pastebin of the Build file: PASTBIN
Try adding the Firebase SDK to the root directory and later move them to the frameworks folder.

Remove fabric framework from ios app

I have been landed an iOS project from a client. The main task is to explore and see the user interface so that multiplatform app will be made from scratch with Xamarin.
I notice that the project uses third party framework called fabric. From what i see it is used from crash analytics. I don't need that and i don't have registration so i want to remove all dependencies from the project.
So far I did:
Deleted define ENABLE_FABRIC ( which removed some code from
AptDelegate, replaced logging messages with plain NSLog etc)
Removed some fabric script invocation from build phases
Removed reference from fabric framework in project
So i still have errors building my app:
(null): bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Does anyone know a quick way to get rid of this?
I know it's an old question but I want to help. When you install Fabric, previously Crashlytics, it asks you to put a script in project->Build Phases-> Run Script
it will look like this
./Fabric.framework/run 123456fd7ec....6e2170Q
I think you should remove that script and other Linked Frameworks and Libraries and then it possibly could run
Try deleting the files DerivedData path and clean build folder
then re run the application.
Also check once again the Framework search path in xcode settings.

Echoprint iOS Missing Framework

Has anyone downloaded the demo iOS version of EchoPrint? It's an audio fingerprinting open source software.
I just downloaded it but it appears to missing framework... any place to get a functioning version?
Follow the steps to get it the framework running
Download latest version of boost . The download link for latest 1.51.0 for boost library
Extract the boost_1_51_0.tar.gz file.
Download the project for generation of libechoprint-codegen-ios.a famework from here
Open the project and set the Header Search Path as the path of the extracted boost folder. e.g. in my case the below is the path
Open the echoprint-codegen-ios.xcconfig file and add the same path in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
Now clean and build the project would give you libechoprint-codegen-ios.a under Products folder
Now download the Echoprint iOS Sample
Building this project would give you Errors as the files of ASIHTTP folder and the libechoprint-codegen-ios.a framework is missing are not added to the xcode project but are physically present in the project Folder.
Delete this folder from the project and drag-drop the physical folder to the xcode project. Also delete and add only the libechoprint-codegen-ios.a framework to this project from the previously compiled project.
Now you are ready with an error-free code.
Update for people who are still interested in this and are using XCode 5 + iOS 7 + LLVM 5.0.
I have forked the sample repo, upgraded it to XCode 5+ iOS 7 and modified it to automatically build in the echoprint-codegen dependency as a sub-project: https://github.com/rexstjohn/echoprint-ios-sample.
The above instructions will no longer work for the latest XCode + iOS.

Integration facebook api to iOS app

I try to walk through this tutorial Facebook Tutorial
% ~/facebook-ios-sdk/scripts/build_facebook_ios_sdk_static_lib.sh
My question: this command should be run via terminal, but where?
I have make git clone facebook api to Desktop and now it is on Desktop folder.
Which action I need to do that run this command line as above.
I mean action such as (cd Desktop - > cd facebook-ios-sdk ...)
Thanks a lot!
It's just given in your link itself.. Instead of working with scripts and making such a complex way of including facebook-ios-sdk into your project, why don't you just see the last line of this note. Yes. You can just drag and drop it to your xcode project folder.
Creating an iOS Facebook SDK Static Library
If you create an iOS app that has Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) enabled then you should use a static library version of the iOS Facebook SDK instead of dragging in the files from the src folder. The latest release of the iOS Facebook SDK includes a shell script you can run to build the static library. You would do this through the command line by calling the build_facebook_ios_sdk_static_lib.sh build script found under the scripts directory, for example:
% ~/facebook-ios-sdk/scripts/build_facebook_ios_sdk_static_lib.sh
This will create the static library under the /lib/facebook-ios-sdk folder (e.g. ~/facebook-ios-sdk/lib/facebook-ios-sdk). You may then drag the facebook-ios-sdk folder into the app Xcode project to include the iOS Facebook SDK static library.
I have been struggling for this for a long time, so the solution is, just paste the following:
into your terminal, then hit enter. Everything will be all set, you will have a new "lib" folder with the "facebook-ios-sdk/lib/facebook-ios-sdk" directory.
Hope this helps!
