How to integrate Highmap chart with angular 5 Application? - highcharts

I want to integrate highmap chart with an Angular 5 application. I have tried angular-highchart module but it's not working as expected.
Let me know if you have any solution or any other way to integrate highmap.

Try to use highcharts-angular package instead of mentioned above. There shouldn't be any problem with Highmaps implementation. Here the reference link to package and also the documentation, where everything is described very precisely and clear:


How to create the wrapper cards shown in Angular Material examples

Each material component example is wrapped in a card e.g:
How can i replicate this wrapper? Is the style is custom made for the site is or is easy reproducible using Angular Material?
The Angular material website is open source, so you can have a look at it for yourself.
Specifically, the component you are looking for is this one.

Design Help Required in Vaadin

Hope you are fine and doing good.
Im new in VAADIN and my seniors give a task to create a website using VAADIN but im facing a alot of difficulties in VAADIN for creating HTML,CSS etc. Designer gives me website design in PSD/JPG format and i have to implement those in VAADIN. but how....
Please help me or guide me. if you any any video tutorial link on this please share it with me.
I have sound knowledge in HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, RESPONSIVE Webdesign.
Inshort my question is how can i create webpage from PSD to HTML using vaadin
The Vaadin framework has changed a lot over the last few years, just be careful in searching for answers that you get the latest information. The Book of Vaadin is a great place to start. The Demo Sampler also gives you code examples (the icons in Menu provide various code details).

Highcharts in cakephp

i am very newby in cakephp, can anyone tell me step by step working with highcharts in cakephp. and also how to show my data from my database.
Here is my database columns(total 11)
please help me....thanks in advanced
You can take a look at this here CakePHP Highcharts plugin. Do note however that this is specifically for CakePHP 2.* version and will not work with previous versions.
It includes example code for its usage and has been tested with CakePHP 2.5.7.

how to create Map in JSF

I want to use map in my JSF 2.0 website showing directions how to reach there (like this).
Any idea/ suggestion how to make map in jsf 2.0 would be greatful.
You can take a look at the gmaps4jsf library here, it has a component for directions here, but it is also noted that this component doesn't exists since version 3.0.0 so you will have to use older version.
You can start by studying the API documentation and its examples here:

Highcharts-serverside-export not rendering graph with Rhino 1.7R3

I need to export graph using Highcharts-serverside-export with Rhino/Batik (One2team) to use in my PDF. The problem
I am able to get a nice SVG with the graph when used HighChart with Rhino-1.7R2.
When used HighChart with Rhino-1.7R3 I got SVG without a graph.
I need to use Rhino1.7-R3 because in my project we are using WRO4J (WRO4J has dependency with Rhino-1.7R3). If I m using Rhino-1.7R2 it is solving my problem but creating a more bigger problem by breaking the whole UI of my application.
Any help is really appreciated.
Is the Highcharts-serverside-export deployed as a part of your web app?
Since it requires an older version of rhino, you have the following options:
Use older version of wro4j (<=1.4.5) which is compatible with rhino-1.7.R2
Deploy highchart in a different web app. This way it could use the rhino-1.7.R2 and doesn't conflict with the web app using wro4j which uses rhino-1.7.R3.
