Design Help Required in Vaadin - vaadin

Hope you are fine and doing good.
Im new in VAADIN and my seniors give a task to create a website using VAADIN but im facing a alot of difficulties in VAADIN for creating HTML,CSS etc. Designer gives me website design in PSD/JPG format and i have to implement those in VAADIN. but how....
Please help me or guide me. if you any any video tutorial link on this please share it with me.
I have sound knowledge in HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, RESPONSIVE Webdesign.
Inshort my question is how can i create webpage from PSD to HTML using vaadin

The Vaadin framework has changed a lot over the last few years, just be careful in searching for answers that you get the latest information. The Book of Vaadin is a great place to start. The Demo Sampler also gives you code examples (the icons in Menu provide various code details).


How to use Bootstrap in flutter?

I am making a app in which I want to show a web page which is made using bootstrap.Can anyone show me how to do it.
The app I am making is like an article app so I want to make more quickly so I use Bootstrap to write the long article.
Here is the screenshot of the design but it will make more mesh if i write in dart.
Flutter does not come with a Bootstrap library. You can't use an existing one too, as flutter use neither a webview nor native components for rendering.
If you miss something that is available in bootstrap, create it yourself for flutter.
Disclaimer: This is an untested idea and I am rather unexperienced with that. But maybe it can guide you in the right direction.
You might be able to use flutter-view to include the Bootstrap css. You might still have to rebuild the interactivity though.

Edit and Share Angular Material Demos

I am trying to share an idea for part of a webpage using Angular Material, but I can't. I am trying to send a sample using CodePen or Plunker, or any other similar webpage, but they don't load.
What I want to do is similar to the 'Demos' that they show on Angular Material webpage (Link to Angular Material Demos).
It is strange that all Demos have a link to CodePen, but they don't load.
I tried the same code using Plunker, but it doesn't work either.
So my question is if there is any way to host Angular Material in one site like Pluker, CodePen or any other?
The problem here is that one of the CDN links is broken.
I modified the Demos provided by Angular Material and changed its settings from:
And it worked

My Twitter api is not working suddenly

I have a web application which uses twitter api. It was working fine.But suddenly it stopped work. I started googling & came to know about that twitter upgraded their api. So I need to use the library which supports v1.1
Have anybody worked with v1.1 library please help me
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at this project on GitHub. Don't be confused by the title - it has been updated since Twitter's API update to 1.1.
The jQuery plugin on the page has been re-purposed to be a Rendering engine, i.e. it helps with rendering your feeds.
The important part, however is in the "Server-Side Examples and Setup" directory. Go there, read and follow the directions in the SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS document. When you are done, if you are using PHP, use the file in the "Plug_And_Play" directory as a start point. If you are using C#, you can use this library. It is still under development, but it is updated regularly and mimics the Twitter API's specifications as closely as possible.
P.S. I am the author of both of those projects, so if you need any help, let me know. Good luck! :)

ASP.NET MVC View/Site Design

This stems from my question that i started at MVC Beginner Question
Im now confident in developing a MVC website from the MVC side of things.
My fatal floor now is the UI level designing. i.e. designing views and master pages including css styling.
Just wanting to get any advice on where i should start? Im currently about to look at the expression studio to see if that will help.
I need to get up and running in this quickly so that it doesnt hold back the development of the website.
Thanks in advance
I would look at a CSS grid-framework like 960 Grid System or Blueprint.
There is often controversy from CSS/Markup purists as to whether the use of such frameworks is valid, but they often overlook that not everyone is a CSS expert. I have found that the use of these frameworks has saved me hours of productivity since my CSS skills (as a programmer) are not that great.
As far as using Expression, I tend to use this as a "test-bed" with simple HTML files. The Designer and CSS Style support seem to be more interactive than that which Visual Studio supports, so for quick mock-ups -- Expression, then move that HTML/CSS over to VS as soon as possible.
One other priceless tool to use while designing is the add-on "Firebug" for Firefox ... it allows you to inspect single elements on your page, the CSS properties affecting that element - it even allows you to change CSS attributes "on-the-fly" to immediately see the ramificatiions. This tool has saved me HOURS!
Consider finding a suitable theme in a free open source template.
Consider something that suits at

Sifr 3 Links Problem

I am currently coding a site that is using an extensive amount of sifr'ed links. The appearance of the sifr'ed text is fine, however the links only seem to work in Safari. I have seen that there are several other people having trouble with firefox with older versions of sifr, however I have updated to the latest nightly build for Sifr3.
The site is
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure to not replace the <a> directly, but replace its parent element.
