Installation & Configuration of Gremlin-neo4j in windows - neo4j

Hi i am new to gremlin and neo4j anyone please tell me how to install and configure this database.
I use this link for reference but i con't configure it.

That's a really old version of TinkerPop you are referencing in that link. The latest version is 3.3.3, please considering using that.
The most simple way to get started is to just create a Graph instance which will start Neo4j in an embedded mode:
Graph graph ='data/neo4j');
GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
List<Vertex> vertices = g.V().toList()
To have greater control over the Neo4j specific configuration rather than all the defaults then you will want to create a properties file or Configuration object and pass that to open() rather than a directory where your data is:
Configuration conf = new BaseConfiguration();
Graph graph =;
GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
List<Vertex> vertices = g.V().toList()
I'd suggest sticking to embedded mode initially, but connecting in high availability mode is also possible using the "configuration" approach above with specifics defined here in the documentation.


Neo4j APOC import error

I have a data model that starts with a single record, this has a custom "recordId" that's a uuid, then it relates out to other nodes and they then in turn relate to each other. That starting node is what defines the data that "belongs" together, as in if we had separate databases inside neo4j. I need to export this data, into a backup data-set that can be re-imported into either the same or a new database with ease
After some help, I'm using APOC to do the export:
call apoc.export.cypher.query("MATCH (start:installations)
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(start, {}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships", "/var/lib/neo4j/data/test_export.cypher", {})
There are then 2 problems I'm having:
Problem 1 is the data that's exported has internal neo4j identifiers to generate the relationships. This is bad if we need to import into a new database and the UNIQUE IMPORT ID values already exist. I need to have this data generated with my own custom recordIds as the point of reference.
Problem 2 is that the import doesn't even work.
call apoc.cypher.runFile("/var/lib/neo4j/data/test_export.cypher") yield row, result
Failed to invoke procedure apoc.cypher.runFile: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error accessing file /var/lib/neo4j/data/test_export.cypher
I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what may be going on, but I'm not sure what additional info is helpful. No one in the Neo4j slack channel has been able to help find a solution.
The exported file does not contain any internal neo4j ids. It is not safe to use neo4j ids out of the database, since they are not globally unique. So you should not use them to transfer data from one database to another.
If you are about to use globally uniqe ids, you can use an external plugin like GraphAware UUID plugin. (disclaimer: I work for GraphAware)
If you cannot access the file, then possible reasons:
apoc.import.file.enabled=true is not set in neo4j.conf
os level
permission is not set

libreoffice - run (python) macro to insert cross reference from Gnu/Linux command line

I have verified that I can run both normal office and python macros from within office but I still haven't figured out how to run one (even the hello world one) from the command line.
I have googled and looked at other answers here but I'm still not entirely clear how to run an open office macro from the command line:
suggests to use:
office writer.odt "macro://Standard.Module1.Macro1()"
I have also seen:
office "macro://Standard.Module1.Macro1()" writer.odt
Either way around this just opens the document and and neither runs a macro nor reports an error.
Whereas How to call an existing LibreOffice python macro from a python script
suggests to run office listening on a port and communicate via that.
If I can get that far I still need to find API documentation that will explain how to insert an anchor (as per my other question
asciidoc: is there a way to create an anchor that will be visible in libreoffice writer?)
I'm using RHEL7 for context.
oowriter "foo.odt" macro:///Standard.Module1.addXref
works with a office basic macro.
I still haven't figured out the python one.
One issue is I can't find any debug information to look at. Are there any log files anywhere?
Another issue is which version of python to use.
The RHEL package installs site packages for python 2.7.
>rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/writer
>rpm -ql libreoffice-pyuno-
Libreoffice5.1 includes 3.5 with the distro:
>/opt/libreoffice5.1/program/python --version
Python 3.5.0
So to start with I am looking for a hello world python example that pairs a known version of python with a known version of office. Preferably either of the two above (writer 4.3.7 & python 2.7? or writer 5.1 & python 3.5).
Using python3.5 as installed with office5.1 I have a working hello world using the following:
import uno
# get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
# create the UnoUrlResolver
resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext )
# connect to the running office
ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
# get the central desktop object
desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( "",ctx)
# access the current writer document
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
# access the document's text property
text = model.Text
# create a cursor
cursor = text.createTextCursor()
# insert the text into the document
text.insertString( cursor, "Hello World", 0 )
This works with either version of open office via:
/usr/bin/oowriter --accept="socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
So the final part is to add the cross reference.
It looks like the command needs an extra slash. This worked for me on Ubuntu:
lowriter "Untitled 1.odt" macro:///Standard.Module1.SayHello
That calls this method in the module named Module1 under My Macros & Dialogs / Standard:
Sub SayHello
MsgBox("Hello, World!")
End Sub
The above approach only works for Basic macros. For Python macros, the standard command line approach is to connect to a listening instance of Office. Warning: This will be much (perhaps 10x) slower than running from within Office.
The link you suggested shows how to call a Python macro from a different Python script, which is more complex than what we need here. Instead, put the connecting code (starting with localContext = uno.getComponentContext()) and macro code in the same script. For an example of what should go in the script, see "First play with the Python shell to get familiar" at
As far as creating anchors, there are a number of different objects in LibreOffice that can function as anchors:
Bookmarks - example code to create them
Tables and Frames
Images and OLE Objects
This list was copied from How do I check for broken internal links in Star Basic?. In your other question you also asked about checking for broken links, so hopefully that question is helpful.
One way to create a hyperlink is to edit the HyperLinkURL property of some text. For example, say there is a bookmark called MyBookmark. Then the following code changes the currently selected text into a hyperlink:
viewcursor = currentController.getViewCursor()
viewcursor.HyperLinkURL = "#MyBookmark"
Regarding which version of python to use, currently LibreOffice uses python 3 and OpenOffice uses python 2.
For debugging information, you can set a checkpoint in the Basic IDE. For python, I use the logging module. OpenOffice also has various log files but I normally do not find them helpful.
Regarding problems with python, did you try the link I posted? If so, how far did you get?
I do not think you will find many RHEL examples. Try to get it working on a desktop distro like Ubuntu first, and then adapt that approach to RHEL.

Where to run neo4j spatial queries and code?

Beeing till now a RDBMS user its difficult for me to understand the interface of neo4j server when it comes using spatial plugin.
I am used to the interfaces of oracle spatial and postgis in which someone can use the provided gui to create a table with geometry etc.
I have two questions.
1) How can I create a node in neo4j server (I am using version 1.9) with spatial features (coordinates)I read the manual from here:
and I know that I have to create a spatial index, then create a node and later to add the node to the index. But doing this through the console of neo4j 1.9 is not efficient. Is there an interface which I can use to do this?
2) In this website:
they show a way to import shapefiles in neo4j. What I don't understand (might besimple but as I said all these things are new to me) is where should I execute this code.
GraphDatabaseService database = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(databasePath);
try {
ShapefileImporter importer = new ShapefileImporter(database);
importer.importFile("shp/highway.shp", "highway", Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
} finally {
Although neo4j and its spatial extension is very promising and interesting I think the community is very small and the existing examples very few. I hope I get some help.
Thank you.
For a very clear explanation I kindly suggest you to visit this post:
All you have to do is adding a property to your nodes as for example: { "wtk": "POINT(-2.20024 53.483)" }. If you're familiar with java or some other language you could implement a small piece of code to create these nodes and add them to the index, as Mark did.
I also wrote something on my blog:
Once again, the code you pasted have to be execute as a simple java program that connects to the graph db and import shape files with a well-known format.
Finally you'll be able to inquiry your node by executing Cypher queries like:
start m=node:museumLocation('withinDistance:[51.5086,-0.1283,0.1]') return m;
where "museumLocation" is the index name, (51.5086,-0.1283) is the center of a circle, 0.1 is the radius within it you want to find some museums.

OMNIORB: Read current orb setting

It is possible to use CORBA::ORB_init to set the native codeset for the orb.
But if in an application an orb is retrieved in different configurations the orb is initialized only once.
"-ORBconfigFile config1.cfg"
CORBA::ORB_var orb1 = CORBA::ORB_init(orbInitParams.argc(), orbInitParams.argv());
"-ORBconfigFile config2.cfg"
CORBA::ORB_var orb2 = CORBA::ORB_init(orbInitParams.argc(), orbInitParams.argv());
But the thing is that the first one wins. So in a big application where the caller of the second ORB_init does not know of the first caller he will get the orb configured like 1.
This matters if 1. uses
nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
while 2 uses
nativeCharCodeSet = UTF-8
Is there a way to read the ORB setting to check if settings are attached successful?
Why this shows up: I am using Omniorb in a dll (Thats where I initialize it). Now the application has a second component using omniorb which comes first. So I lost my UTF-8 configuration.
With omniorb it seems not possible to have to orbs in one process or is it possible to read the configuration.

How can I move multiple Pylons Applications into a single Composite Application?

We have several single Pylon websites running but would like to make these more easily reusable.
There is a concept of a "Composite Application" inside pylons, but there seems to be limited instructions on how to achieve this.
Has anyone done this or is aware of a good tutorial on "How to convert multiple pylons apps into a composite app?" ?
I've tried - perhaps too optimistically - to simply copy an existing app into another app and fiddle with the development.ini file, but this does not seem to work. (I'm getting the error "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: wiki" in that case)
This is done by modifying the WSGI pipeline to dispatch a request to different applications based on request properties (usually URL). The simplest way to modify the pipeline is by PasteDeploy (the package that controls your INI files).
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/foo = foo
/bar = bar
/ = baz
use = myapp#main
use = yourapp#main
use = myapp#baz
This creates a composite application that dispatches to different endpoints based on the URL prefix.
