How can I move multiple Pylons Applications into a single Composite Application? - pylons

We have several single Pylon websites running but would like to make these more easily reusable.
There is a concept of a "Composite Application" inside pylons, but there seems to be limited instructions on how to achieve this.
Has anyone done this or is aware of a good tutorial on "How to convert multiple pylons apps into a composite app?" ?
I've tried - perhaps too optimistically - to simply copy an existing app into another app and fiddle with the development.ini file, but this does not seem to work. (I'm getting the error "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: wiki" in that case)

This is done by modifying the WSGI pipeline to dispatch a request to different applications based on request properties (usually URL). The simplest way to modify the pipeline is by PasteDeploy (the package that controls your INI files).
use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/foo = foo
/bar = bar
/ = baz
use = myapp#main
use = yourapp#main
use = myapp#baz
This creates a composite application that dispatches to different endpoints based on the URL prefix.


Architecture of CMS on Top Symfony CMF

Im building a very custom CMS on top of Symfony CMF Components/Bundles. I read almost everything i could about the CMF Components/Bundles and i have the "architecture" kinda defined. Im experienced/familiarized with Symfony2 components.
The CMS should provide a way to manage multiple sites.
A Site contains Pages.
A Page, requires a title and may have content. A page can also have blocks associated(Those already provided by the Block Bundle, and others with custom functionality developed by me for the CMS).
For now i defined two Documents(Site and Page).
Based on the application requirements im using the CoreBundle, BlockBundle, RoutingBundle, DoctrinePHPCRBundle, and DoctrinePHPCRAdminBundle.
Based on this requirements the expected Repository Tree should be something like:
/site1 ( nodename of the Site Document )
/pages ( all pages of this site )
/page1 ( nodename of a Page Document )
/routes ( all routes of this site )
The configurations for CoreBundle:
basepath: /sites
enabled: true
Because i need nodes(/pages, /routes) for each site, how can i initialize them? My first idea was onPostPersist event of a Site document i initialize the required nodes.
use PHPCR\Util\NodeHelper;
public function initSiteNodes(ManagerRegistry $registry, Site $site)
$session = $registry->getConnection();
NodeHelper::createPath($session, $site->getId()./pages);
NodeHelper::createPath($session, $site->getId()./routes);
So my questions are:
Is this architecture feasible and is SonataAdminBundle prepared for such a structure?
Great to hear you are building a custom CMS on top of the CMF. This is one of the main intended use cases for it.
For your usecase, one important thing to note is that the route base paths can be an array of paths. If you know the sites that will exist, you can simply configure base paths for all of them.
If they can be dynamically created, you will need some more work. You could check if the expression language can help you, or write a symfony request listener that comes very early and sets the right base path on the cmf_routing.phpcr_candidates_prefix service.
The sonata phpcr-odm admin was not really optimized for multisite use cases. However, with the help of the permission system, you should be able to control who may see what.
You could also write to the symfony-cmf-users mailing list. A couple of people did multisite projects with the CMF and might have additional ideas or inputs. And feel free to open pull requests or issues on the corresponding CMF repositories if you see things that could be improved.

Can I use url parameters in LESS css?

I'm trying out LESS in an mvc environment.
I use dotless for server side processing (and I wouldn't want to use client side processing especially afer publishing the complete project).
I have to apply a design where there are different color schemes depending on different things (e.g. time of the day).
Less felt very powerful in this case as designing a parameterized css and only changing like 10 variables at the beginning of the file for every theme was really uplifting.
But I would need to somehow change the color themes from an outside parameter.
First I thought that an URL parameter like style.less?theme=fuschia would be good, but I found no way to parse something like this.
Then I thought that making a very short blue.less, green.less, orange.less consisting only declared color variables, and including the main.less in every one of them would be a solid solution.
I had no chance to try out the second solution, but I thought this would be a good time to ask for advice on the most robust way of doing this.
The problem again is: I want to control some things in my less file from the outside.
Yes you can (because I implemented that feature for exactly that reason).
Dotless supports parameters from the outside via the querystring parameter.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.less?foo=bar" />
Will let you use the following less:
#foo = bar;
The parameter injection code is very simple. it just prepends the variable declarations to your normal less file, so anything that comes as a querystring parameter will follow the above syntax.
The code in question is very simple:
AFAIK, you cannot pass parameters for dotnetless to use to do the compile.
As a suggestion, why not just call different less files? This would be fairly easy to do by using a Viewbag property.
To make the different less ones, You first create a less file with each set of colors in them. Then you import your base css file. dotnetless will merge the color definations in the parent file with the usages in the base file. So you have something like -
#baseGray: #ddd;
#baseGrayDark: darken(#baseGray, 15%);
#baseGrayLight: lighten(#baseGray, 10%);
#import "baseCss.less";
I just tested this on and MVC3 project and it works.

Translating server file paths to URLs in Codeigniter

I'm developing my first application in Codeigniter 2.0.2, and I've got a minor issue I can't seem to find any info about on the web.
The application revolves around resources stored locally on the server (namely images and audio files) which need to be exposed to the user. The locations of these resources are stored in a DB as absolute paths. As a result, I find myself needing to translate server paths to base_url-based URLs fairly often.
I already wrote a simple and robust-enough function to handle it for me, but with all the seemingly-relevant helpers in CI (url, path), I can't shake the feeling that I just reinvented the wheel.
At the least, I would think there would be some kind of CI function (say, "basify") that will translate any server path to a base_url-relative path like so:
$server_path = '/server/path/to/app/resources/image.jpg';
basify( $server_path ); // returns 'resources/image.jpg' or './resources/image.jpg'
where the CI app lives in /server/path/to/app. Then it's a simple call to base_url() to make the URL.
Does anything like that exist?
Edit: And yes, I know that a simple preg_replace will handle most cases for me (at least those where the resource is within the base path), but I feel like this should be CI's job, not mine! Half the reason I'm using it is because I don't want to think about path management.
Maybe you can use php function str_replace together with codeigniter FCPATH constant.
Your code will be:
function basify($image_path) {
return str_replace(FCPATH, '', $image_path);
The FCPATH constant is new to me, but I have done some tests and it works fine.

SVNServ deny write access to a directory via wildcard match

We have a requirement that every piece of code that makes it into production will be reviewed by a senior developer.
The way I have envisioned this working is by a naming convention for branches that regular developers cannot check code into.
Following the SVN recomended directory structure this translates into something like.
So in the authz file I would like to have something like the following
#developers = rw
#developers = r
#senior_developers = rw
However I can't find any evidence that SVN supports * (or any other wildcard character).
Is such a thing possible or do I need a pre-commit hook?
It is possible to do a directory structure of
and deny access to releases but that still leaves you having to do one denial listing per project and worse its not adhering to the SVN standard project structure.
It is not possible to have wildcards as you like to use them. For this purpose you should take a look at script (just google for it) it will match exactly this purpose.

Scaffolding Web Services in Grails

I need to implement a web app, but instead of using relational database I need to use different SOAP Web Services as a back-end. An important part of application only calls web services and displays the result. Since Web Services are clearly defined in form of Operation: In parameters and Return Type it seems to me that basic GUI could be easily constructed just like in the case of scaffolding based on Domain Entities.
For example in case of SearchProducts web service operation I need to enter search parameters as input, so the search page can be constructed. Operation will return a list of products, so I need a page that will display this list in some kind of table.
Is there already some library in grails that let you achieve this. If not, how would you go about creating one?
Probably the easiest approach is to use wsimport on the WSDL files to generate the client-side stubs. Then you can call methods in the stubs from Groovy just as you would have called them from Java.
For example, consider the WSDL file for Microsoft's TerraServer, located at . Then you run something like
wsimport -d src -keep
which puts all the compiled stubs in the src directory. Then you can write Groovy code like
import com.terraserver_usa.terraserver.*;
TerraServiceSoap sei = new TerraService().getTerraServiceSoap()
Place home = new Place(city:'Boston',state:'MA',country:'US')
def pt = sei.convertPlaceToLonLatPt(home)
println "$, $pt.lon"
assert Math.abs( - 42.360000) < 0.001
assert Math.abs(pt.lon - -71.05000) < 0.001
If you want to access a lot of web services, generate the stubs for all of them. Or you can use dynamic proxies instead.
The bottom line, though, is to let Java do what it already does well, and use Groovy where it makes your life easier.
You should be able to use XFire or CXF Plugins. For automatic scaffolding, modify your Controller.groovy template in scaffolding templates so it auto-generates methods you need.
