iOS Apps not showing up in Visual Studio AppCenter for 1 user - ios

I'm using VS AppCenter ( to distribute an iOS app to my beta testers. For most of them everything is fine. However, one user is unable to see anything (the one who is paying for everything naturally).
He says his phone is registered. He receives the emails from AppCenter whenever I push a new build, but when he follows the link he is shown a blank page.
Has anybody else experienced this?
I've searched but not found anything relevant.

The users in question were added to the organization but not the apps being tested. You have to either add the user to a group that has been assigned to the group or add the user directly to the app being tested.


TestFlight build is not working same for every user

I'm new to iOS development.
I have a app built with React Native and already deployed on app store. I'm working on version 2.0 of the app. Previous version was built by some other developer company.
They delivered the source code for the version one, I'm gonna work on top of the codes of version one.
I've pushed a build on TestFlight to check if the existing codes are okay.
Now on TestFlight,
most of the testers are not finding any problems but some users can't login. Whenever they try to login, either there is an infinite loading screen or the app takes back to splash screen. The users then tries again to login but again after entering otp, user is sent back to splash screen.
Now this scenario is happening only with 2, out of our 20+ testers. We don't know where the problem is because we can't recreate the same issue in other devices.
Also, this same app with same code is deployed on google play store and working without any issue.
Has anyone else faced similar issue? Is it a problem with the test flight?
N.B: Everyone using iphone with latest iOS update 16.3
Try to log in with their credentials on your simulator/local device where you have access to logs etc.
Sounds to me like there's an issue with some specific accounts, maybe they have some properties in their accounts that has been altered/removed that's making the login process fail / load the correct content.
Edit: If there's infinite loading, have they checked their internet connectivity as well?

Why does my Internal Test Track opt-in URL not work?

I'm developing an app and am ready to release it to a small group (5) of testers for internal testing, so I added their Gmail addresses to the list:
I sent one of the testers the link to the app and after opening email and selecting the link, they got this:
followed by this:
So far, so good. Now when I select the tester in question, instead of advancing to the next page, which is the start of a tutorial (as the app does when it's run from Android Studio), it returns to the previous screen. No error message or crash (I checked with Crashlytics). Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
UPDATE: I added Firebase event logging to my app and saw that no events are being logged from the LoginActivity (on the other hand, when I install the app via Android Studio, events DO get logged). Logcat shows a NameNotFoundException thrown by the PackageManager for for the app's package. Thinking the package manager doesn't like app bundles, I generated an APK instead, but got the same problem.
UPDATE #2: The next thing I tried was re-installing the app via Android Studio. When I simply let the app run, it exhibited the same problem, but if I ran it in Debug mode, it was fine. Not a solution, just a clue.
If I don't get this resolved by this weekend, I'll have to email my testers the APK. I wish someone in the Firebase group were monitoring this problem because emailing APKs as a workaround really sucks!
UPDATE #3: Getting closer to the cause of the problem. The reason that events weren't getting logged in LoginActivity was because I was using a reserved event name: user event names cannot start with "google". After fixing that, events did start getting logged, including an ApiException "10:" when trying to log into a Google account. So I googled around and I THINK the bottom line is that when I opted into Google App Signing I may have uploaded the wrong app signing key. If that's the case, how do I upload the correct one? I hope the answer isn't "create a new app with a different package name and start over".
After opting in to App Signing, I neglected to copy the SHA-1 fingerprint into my Firebase settings. Also, I needed to rebuild the app with the updated google-services.json. After doing all that and updating the release, the opt-in link worked fine.

What is the UX when I add additional builds to an existing external beta test in iTunesConnect

I currently have an app on iTunesConnect with a few hundred external beta testers using it. Important to note, we will have 2000 testers by the end of the month. I want to push new builds to this app- and this, I know how to do.
What I don't know is, what is the expected behavior for my beta users when I add a new build?
Our company cares a lot about user experience, and we don't want to have our current testers of our current build open the version that they've already installed, only to see it crash because I added a new build that i'm hoping will just update their current version automatically.
Apple does a good job of making a developer think this might happen. I've searched everywhere to find this answer in the docs- please help! After selecting a newly approved build to switch to in the External Testing portal, upon selecting Save, this alert appears:
(405 is the first build, 407 is the new build)
So, what happens when I save this- will users be notified that they need to update the app?
Will the "update" happen automatically for them if they've already installed the first build?
If they open the already installed version, will it simply crash?
If so, what can I do to prevent this from happening?
My team will likely want to send out 1-2 builds / week (of the same app, with fixes and improvements) to the same group of testers until we're ready to officially launch the app. I'd hate to think this would crash the app on them every time. As far as I know, there is no way for me to test this before performing this action- I'm already added as an Internal Tester, but that's a completely different UX in TestFlight (builds are made available to internal testers immediately after uploading)
If you think this has been asked already:
This is not a duplicate of this question- because I haven't attempted to send out the build yet. I want to make sure that linked issue does not happen to my testers!
My question is unlike this one where the user did not know how to properly increase his build number, unlike this one, referring to testing a new build of an app that already has a version in the app store, unlike this one which refers to a bug in the app store where a user couldn't initiate an external test after uploading a build, and unlike this one where the user just didn't know how the iTunesConnect portal works.

iTunesConnect: cannot transfer app because of "You must turn off TestFlight beta testing for the app that you want to transfer"

Below you can see that testing for external testers are turned off:
same for internal testing:
but when I transfer app, one of the criterias are not met:
I had the exact same issue, resolved by removing all Tester and Build from the TestFlight as discussed above also (!important) remove everything fields at the App Information - Test Information.
For me it was localised test descriptions. Make sure you check that drop down list on the right and clear out info for all languages.
I just solved the transfer issue, you just need to expire your build from tester by following the steps below. and then app will available for transfer..
open your app and click on testflight then click on the icon of your app as shown in below screenshot.
The click on expire build.
Now you can transfer your app :)
I've search for a long time and to me this worked:
Clean all builds inside: My Apps --> App Name --> TestFlight
Go to: Itunes Connect --> Users and Roles --> Tab "TestFlight Beta Testers" and click in the name from another user that isn't you.
Go back to the App in Itunes Connect: "Itunes Connect --> App Name --> Transfer App" and attempt to transfer again by clicking in "Transfer App".
To me this works. Hope help someone.
i had the same issue i deleted (mark expired) all the versions of app testing version in App TestFlight section and done the trick for me ;) attach is the screen shot of activity.
Another possible reason:
When you delete all test information from TestFlight, make sure you delete it for every language.
In the testinformation page, select every localised language and check if the form is empty.
I struggled with this for an entire day, I tried everything and finally found another workaround:
1) Expire all the builds
2) Delete all testers
3) Clear all the informations in the Testflight tab
4) Delete all langages except the main one
And finally the step which fixed the Testflight criteria for us
5) Create a new app version (no need to submit or even edit it)
now you check transfer.
Good Luck.
I know it's an old question, but it still bugs people to this day.
So the solution here, after you have removed all the testers, and expired all builds, go to TestFlight > Test Information and clear all the fields.
Also make sure you delete any localization you might have there. Give it 5 minutes, after which transfering will be possible.
Not sure if this is going to help,
Check Users and Roles > TestFlight Beta Testers
Do you have a tester who is testing the app that you want to transfer?
I have the exact same issue and I'm currently getting from Apple "our engineering team is still working diligently to have this resolved for you". I have been supplied with a workaround:
Enable TestFlight by adding a tester to a build
Then deactivate the build, by turning off TestFlight beta testing
Attempt to transfer again
unfortunately, I still haven't been able to resolve the issue.
We found that in addition to the other answers here, logging out and logging back in to iTunesConnect allowed us to continue after it was saying TestFlight was still enabled.
I was facing the same issue, going inside tranferring app console multiple times automatically fixed the issue and started showing all criteria as met.
Do the same step as #Imran Iqbal answer, if your app is Sign-in Required, uncheck Sign-in Required also, like:
then, you can transfer app.
I've exactly the same problem and could not solve it. The good news: After contacting Apple, they have confirmed a bug and they're working on a solutions. Apple confirmed also, that many developers ran into this.
Got that workaround from the support (that did not work for me):
1. Enable TestFlight by adding a tester to a build
2. Then deactivate the build, by turning off TestFlight beta testing
3. Attempt to transfer again
It looks like this is being done on purpose for new apps.
Now, A newly created app CANNOT be transferred into an account, until 14 - 21 days have passed.
An expiration period.
First, You must remove all build and user from TestFlight of that app. After its looks like below.
If you still not match last criteria than Sign Out and login again.
Creating new app version did it for me! Thanks!
The tricky solution is to enable testing again, add some tester in. The visit the TestFlight and under test flight users, you will see old active test flight users. Simple delete them.

iOS simulator build for Facebook app approval crashes

I have done everything specified by Facebook. I even validated the sim build using the ios-sim tools and it runs fine on my Mac. There are no crashes. Has anyone had this problem before? What am I missing. here is a screenshot :
Edit I gave it another try and I got the same results. Even for the Android build. I was thinking tht maybe i sent them a zip by mistake but this time I double checked that I'm sending them a link to a .apk file to download from Testing the iOS sim build on my end yields nothing since the game runs fine. I'm in dire need of some sage advice from someone who has gone trough this process. Here is another screenshot from todays rejection.
In my case I just set the app in facebook to be active for the public. This allowed my users to log in and share post, from the app to facebook. I'm Only missing the publish_actions permission. Just get your app approved on the app store and send facebook the link for that. Simulation builds just dont work for them
Dude I never tried it before but I read somewhere that if you are getting trouble to get approved by selecting iOS on submitting you can select Android as platform on submission and after approved your facebook integrations will be working fine for iOS apps too.
Doesn't cost too much to have a try ;)
