Xcode Signing - Failed to create provisioning - ios

Here's the story:
I created a free developer account to build an app for a client.
I used this info for the Identity and Signing:
It came time to upload the app to TestFlight and to use the client's developer account.
I created the account in xcode using their apple id and updated the signing like so:
But now I got this error.
It was clear, so I updated the Bundle Identifier to this:
But again, now I am getting a different error, and I don't know what to do.
I do not have an iOS device to register, nor do I care to get one, since I'm not doing the testing - they are.
I did create an app in the App Store Connect, and it is set up like so:
As you can see I created it to match the Bundle ID from before and still no luck.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I just want to be able to get my Xcode project onto TestFlight using someone else's developer account (with their consent of course).

It needs to have at least one iOS device registered in order to create the development profile. Ask your client for the UDID of one of their devices and add that manually to the developer portal. If they don't have one handy, feel free to use: f978c5f2e861f71b340125a4fa8d130a6254a0b3 which will work.
Alternatively, switch to manual signing and do everything manually. That's my preferred method, but some say Xcode is finally good at managing profiles etc for you.

The only way to do this without a device is to turn off "Automatically manage signing" and manage everything at the Member Center.
You will need the distribution identity / certificate first. If the team already has one, you will need them to export it to you; otherwise you cannot upload.
Then register the app.
Then make a development certificate, and a distribution certificate for the app store, and download and install them.
Now you can archive and then export to the app store.


How do I update someone else's iOS TestFlight build in App Store Connect?

I'm trying to upload a new build to TestFlight. I was invited to App Store Connect as an admin, and I added my Apple ID in Xcode. There is already an existing TestFlight build a bygone developer has put up there, but I've taken over the project and need to update it. I can build the app in the simulator just fine, but when I try to make a build for a generic iOS device I get these two errors:
Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
No profiles for 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.blahblahlbah.blahblahblah'.
I don't see any way to select a different team. Do I need to enroll in the developer program? I'm using Macincloud to try to build the app from Ionic, so I don't have an iOS device to set up two-factor authentication with, but I can get one if that is required to get this to work. Are there some build settings that I have to set up?
I eventually got the last developer to revoke their certificate. Turns out there was some issue with my account not being able to register for the developer program. After dealing with their support for a while I just made a new account. Then I was finally able to create a new certificate and select it in XCode. After that, it built just fine.

Unable to add device in Apple Developer Program

I am unable to add a new device in the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section of the Apple Developer portal.
I have two developer accounts, one personal account and one account for a company. The account for the company, I am set as a 'member' for the team. This is the account that I am unable to add a new device for. (I am also not able to download the Distribution certificate, which I believe is a related issue that I need resolved too).
I have researched the other similar questions on SO, but neither of them applied to my scenario.
Here is a picture showing the + button disabled (greyed out)
From Apple documentation:
Team members can’t register devices and create development
provisioning profiles using their developer account.
Ask from someone who has Team admin or Team agent privileges to add you.
I figured it out. Team Members are unable to add a new device via the Developer Portal. However, they are allowed to add a new device to the provisioning file via XCode. I was working with Xamarin and didn't know that I needed to go back to XCode in order to add a new device to the provisioning file.
If you're working in Xamarin and experience this problem, you need to create a 'dummy app' in XCode with the same info as your Xamarin app. Then select your team and it should generate the correct provisioning file for you. After that, build and run your app on your device, then a pop up window should display telling you that the device is not in the provisioning file, then asks if you would like to add it. A simple click of 'Yes' will automatically add the device to the provisioning file which is then reflected on the Developer Account.
Hope that helps someone else! I spent many hours trying to figure this out.

Make an .IPA for iPhone and iPad

As I had asked this question already and didn't get the answer that I needed, the problem is as follows:
I developed a game for both iPhones and iPads. Everything is working fine but now I want to Archive my project. As I already have signed in for an Apple account, the problem is I don't have another device to register with.
And, according to Apple's terms and condition "Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your Account."
Is there any way we can get it done without costing any money?
You mentioned in the comments that the purpose of the archive is to send the IPA to someone else. For that to work, the app needs to be provisioned for the device it's going to run on - that other person's device.
So, ask that person for their device UDID (that they can get from iTunes), then register it in your account in the apple developer portal member center and build using that.
It should be an ad-hoc configuration that you create.
What XCode is complaining here is that you need to register the devices that you want the archive to run on! Or, it can be an expired license causing the trouble.
Note: Check in Keychain for any expired licenses. Go to View -> Show Expired Licenses. And, remove any or all of the expired licenses in System, Root, and any other categories. Mainly its the WWDC License causing the hassle.
Remove your iOS Development and Provisioning License(s).
Now, after removing all the licenses, add back your Provisioning profile, and the developer profile license. That should do it.
Start a clean build, and archive now. This should accept the archive. Do not forget to register a new device UDID in developer.apple.com portal. It is needed for TestFlight.
If you have any queries, please ask us in the comments.

Export .ipa in XCode 7.2 with external .p12 and .mobileprivision

Basically, I want to do exactly what is already stated in this question – just in XCode 7.2.
The setup: I am developing an iOS app (using Ionic) for a client and they want to publish it to app store in their name under their account. They however don't want to give me their account login and details. I have received a distribution certificate and a provisioning profile in stead.
I have installed the .p12 distribution certificate and have received a .mobileprovision profile for App Store Distribution using this certificate. I am however completely unable to select this provisioning profile anywhere.
My only choice in the export of the archive happens when XCode asks me which developer account I want to archive with. And here I can only choose my own account (of course). That's obviously not what I want though.
"Once" (in XCode 5, according the linked question) I should have been able to select the external provisioning profile under "Code Signing", but this doesn't seem to exist anymore.
Can this be done without getting their account details? I know that I don't need to know their password, they can just export it to me. Right?
I don't think you can do exactly what you are saying without code signing it with their account (which you don't have access to). I see two possible solutions for you to achieve your goal:
Send them the Xcode project and explain to them how to sign in to Xcode, archive the app and send it up to the store
Upload the app to your personal store account and then transfer it to their account. See this link for details on how to do that: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/TransferringAndDeletingApps.html

How to use of certificates in ios

Recently my client gives me access to his "developer.apple" account and told me to use it for further development for his existing project. But still now, i was develop with another "developer.apple" account. In client account all certificates and profile (certificates, identifiers, devices, provisioning profiles ) are ready. Now my question is should i create a new profile (with my keychain request file) for my device as well as iPhone or iPad to develop this project or i could use his certificate as usually by downloading it. Besides if any one give me some tutorials or links about Details about apple certificates and how to use it in devices (mac & iPhone/iPad) and how does it works with xcode, that will be much appreciable. I am new here in iOS..
Thanks, Have a good day..
If you are working with XCode5 then things are easy now. Just log in to your new apple developer account using Accounts section in XCode5.
Press CMD + , on XCode or go to preferences and select Accounts. You can see there your already logged-in account and using bottom option Add Apple ID add your new apple id there. Other things will be automatically done along with your keychain certs and provisioning profiles.
And after this again go to XCode general section and choose your newly added developer account.
Hope this helps.
You dont need to create new provisioning profile. You can use the client' profile. But you have to import the private keys(from the client) in your system. Some nice tutorials are
