For google firebase dynamic link, wiith preview page off (efr=1), the link always redirect you to app store even if the app is installed - ios

Seems a few people had the issues too, but didn't figure a solution yet. For example I am having exactly the same this one.
Also according to this a reliable way to test if the universal link set up properly or not is to test the link in the notes app, which works for me. (Also works if I send the message with the link to myself.) However I can't open the app directly in most chat apps (eg. slack, discord) nor safari. On the other hand they works with the preview page on.
Anyone had a fix / workaround? Or that's just how it is (saw this might be issues with app trying to open the link in there build in browser and prevent redirecting somehow ?)
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

I had the same issue, enabling both universal links and custom url schemes for my dynamic link solved the issue.
Dynamic Links -> Edit Link -> Define link behavior for iOS
This is the setup:


Firebase Dynamic Links for iOS work for my device and simulators, but do not work for users after release

So I have implemented Firebase Dynamic Links in my app. I thought that I had them set up correctly, because they work for my own personal device and the simulators perfectly. I released the update to the app, but when two of my friends tried to open them after updating to the new version, it takes them to the Firebase website citing an error. I click the same link and it opens my app and handles the link.
Firebase has added the apple app site association to my domain prefix, I have added the a--link in my app's capabilities, I am truly at a loss as to why this may be. Even if they click the link from notes, it does not give them the option to open the link with my app like it will for me.
Is there anything that I could be overlooking? Happy to supply any relevant details but I feel like I have to be missing something.
App Links:
URL Type is set up in Target Info.
Custom Dynamic Domain is set in info.plist.
For others that come across this, it seems to be an open Apple bug:
After several days, the user's apps downloaded the proper AASA and the deep links began to work. There doesn't seem to be a workaround with Google Dynamic Links, but offers forced URI redirect mode to avoid this issue.

iOS deeplink doesn't open the installed app and always redirects to app store except for the first link shared

I'm using Branch SDK for creating deep links and sharing them. If the app is installed, the link should've open it. But the link is always redirecting to app store except for the first link. The first link opens the app perfectly but any new links always redirect to the app store even though the app is installed.
I followed all the steps from documentation,
but still no luck. Can you please help me find the problem?
Jackie from Branch here:
Here's our iOS integration guide you're looking for. We have code samples both in Swift and Objective C:
If you continue to experience issues after you have gone through the troubleshoot docs(, could you please reach out to us at with the following details?
Your Branch app ID
Detailed steps to reproduce
Links where the issue can be seen

Firebase dynamic link always goes to app store URL even if the app is installed

I am trying to integrate Firebase dynamic link into IOS app but the problem is that even if the app is installed the dynamic link is taking me to app store page to download the App from app store.
Did anybody face the same problem and have solution for the same.
Edited the link through firebase console. With the 'Skip the app preview page' enabled and 'Use a custom scheme when universal links aren't supported' disabled I was always redirected to the app store.
The solution for me was to enable both universal links and a custom
Can't say why, but maybe it will help someone.
After spending my whole one day, I am able to figure it out finally. It is working if your app is live, just set App ID & TeamID in Firebase App settings.
Issue comes up when app is not live and we are setting another App ID. Just add following line, it will work like a charm:
FirebaseOptions.defaultOptions()?.deepLinkURLScheme = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
Setting deepLinkURLScheme with your bundle id.
TL;DR: To make it work, you must also set up the Firebase Dynamic Link as a universal link in your app settings. To do so, see below.
My dynamic link worked with the preview page, but then I added "&efr=1" to skip the preview page and redirect directly to either the App Store or my app. It worked with the preview page because it called the universal link that was already set up with the app.
Example: My app is named Spontit. Preview page worked because the "Open" button redirected to, which is linked to my app. But the dynamic link is - a different domain name - and therefore, if you skip the preview page, it opens and not in Safari and so not my app, and subsequently redirected to the App Store always.
You must set up the custom dynamic link (e.g. as a universal link. Follow these steps to do so.
I faced the exact same problem.
To work around this, I give up href attribute and use onclick on <a/>
<a onclick="location.href=https://somedynamiclink.url">Dynamic Link</a>
Please note, no href attribute on a tag.

Universal Links to Amazon

Shouldn't we be able to use Universal Links into Amazon on iOS? They are hosting this file: and this blog post seem to be certain of it. However, if I make a link that follows one of their site-association rules, such as,
I keep getting directed to Safari instead of the app. I have never clicked Back to X from the Amazon app, so it can't be that cache that is messing with me.
Universal Links do work with the Amazon app on iOS. I tested the example ( on iOS 9.2.1, and it opened the app as expected.
Have you have scrolled all the way to the top of the Amazon page? There should be a banner like this that will forward you to the app. If not, I suppose it's conceivable that your copy of the Amazon app didn't correctly register for Universal Links when first installed. You could try deleting it and reinstalling.
I know this is an old question, however I did post an answer that seems to work currently which might help someone:
I too had mixed results with universal links, it worked on some devices and not on others even though the Amazon app is installed.
In summary, what I did was:
Using I was able to get the URL Scheme for the amazon app
I whitelisted that URL scheme in my info.Plist
I added some code to check if I can open the amazon app using the scheme otherwise I should fallback to using Universal links
Exact code I used is available on my answer here.

iOS Facebook Popup Window is going everything about:blank

I have a Problem. On Android, Chrome Mobile Devices when i open my website from the Facebook APP my popup is working. e(Popunder)... But when i open the same on my IPhone, iOS, it redirects automatic to about:blank!
Does anyone know this problem?
1) My Website has got an Popunder script on it from Adcash. 2) When i open the site on iOS, Android, or Desktop the pounder is working very fine. 3) When i open the site on Android, Chrome, etc. from the Facebook inApp is working fine.
But !!!
When i open the site from iOS(IPhone) from the Facebook inApp it will redirect to about:blank empty page...
Do you understand know the problem? I tried many weeks to solve this issue but i don't know why it is so.
I've come across this issue.
On iOS only, and on either Facebook or Twitter's in-app browser
Tap on an article/link
Within the article, tap on a link that goes to a different domain and has a target=_blank attribute
The window is now white with the url set to about:blank
This issue is cross-product and not only Facebook's end.
The only method to address this issue was to change the target attribute from _blank to _self.
I'm trying to see if other people have had this issue or even addressed anywhere else, but this post is the closest I've come across to seeing it addressed.
