How to restart Oracle WebLogic on Docker containers - docker

I'm using official WebLogic images to run the domain in Docker containers. In the development environment I have to experiment with settings, which requires the WebLogic to be restarted. However, stopping the admin server will also stop the container and all the data will be lost. How to come around with this?
Seems like my only painful choice is to experiment with the settings is in the build phase WLST scripts.


Gradual transition of my development environment from a MAMP stack to Docker?

Context: I am planning to switch to Docker for my localhost development environment.
I have my localhost development-enviroment setup on a Mac with MAMP (lot of different vhosts), composer, git etcetera.
Is it possible to have a docker based environment and my old environment next to each other, so I could start trying out one project in docker but in the mean time run my current project in the old stack?
Because I have like 20+ projects running and no time to rebuild everyting, or even worse, mess up my production sites and projects....
Yes, you can run the Docker based environment alongside your old environment. The container technology allows to isolate all required dependencies for each project in a container image.
You only have to be careful with the port mapping, i.e. the ports which are already used by MAMP must not be used for mapping.

Remote debugging of Docker containers using IntelliJ

I have a number of Docker containers (10) each running a Java service that makes up my system. To create these containers I use a couple of docker-compose files. Using the Docker Integration plugin for IntelliJ, I can now spool up these services to my remote server using the Docker-compose option (the images used are built outside of IntelliJ, using Gradle). Here are the steps I have done to achieve this:
I have added a Docker server using the Docker Machine option to connect to the remote Docker daemon (message says Connection Successful).
I have added a new Docker Compose configuration, using the server, specifying my compose files, and the services I want to start.
Now that I have the system controlled through IntelliJ, I have been trying to figure out how to attach the remote debugger to each of these services so that IntelliJ will hit my breakpoints.
Will I need to add the JVM args (-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005) to each service (container) and add the usual remote debug configuration for each service? Do I need to use a different address for each service? If so, how do I add these args? Surely with the Docker Integration plugin, there is an easier way to do this.
IntelliJ Idea v2018.1.5 (Community Edition)
Docker Integration v181.5087.20

Problems admin'ing my cluster on windows

I’m having problems admin’ing my cluster. I can run ‘standalone -c clustered.xml’ on Windows and everything looks ok. However, if I run ‘domain.bat’ I can’t see how to configure the domain.xml file so that it can see anything else on my local server. Is this somehow related to the host.xml file?
The domain mode is for administration, you can configure servers in cluster mode.
If you start with domain.[bat||sh] there are at least two java processes running.
A HostController, for administration/configuration and a ProcessController to start/stop or restart configured processes.
The domain.xml contains the configuration and here the profile is stored, i.e. caches, endpoints, ports, security etc.
The host.xml contains the server for this host-machine and the link to the domain-master.
Configuration is possible via console GUI or CLI commandline.

server provisioning with Docker

I have little experience using chef for managing the DevOps. I was using AWS opsworks, there you can create a stack with layers and can configure it to create a new server instance for each layer or use existing instance. Now I'm trying to make my hands dirty with Docker. From my reading about Docker so far you have to spin off a new server instance, ssh to it and then run a Docker image on it. Is there a way I can create new server instances and install images on them using scripts?
If you're just concerned with playing around in a development environment, look at docker-machine, and docker-compose. These are tools for orchestrating docker images and containers from your primary machine on a local VM running docker.
If you're interested in orchestrating containers and images with multiple servers on a production level, you will still need a configuration management tool like chef. However you will be doing less application environment setup in chef, just the basic docker configuration and container management.
If you aren't too attached to chef. I'd look at ansible. It has some configuration management modules specifically for docker that are great for starting out.

Running and Deploying Rails to Docker Container

I am a total noob to linux containers and been spending some time learning about Docker, and forgive my confusion thought this question. Currently, I have a Rails app in production deployed via capistrano. My cloud servers are maintained with Opscode Chef on the Debian Wheezy distribution. For development, I have a Vagrant VM preinstalled with the app and services.
If I were to employ Docker, where would my app sit? The container or the host? How would I deploy (production) and share directories (development)? Can I run all my additional services ie memcache, redis, postgresql, etc on the same server using docker? I can maybe envision the potential of Docker but having trouble seeing its practical use.
Seems like containers are part of the future. Any guidance for someone making the switch from virtualization?
If I were to employ Docker, where would my app sit?
It could sit inside the container or it could sit on the host(you can use docker build to copy the app into the container)
How would I deploy (production) and share directories (development)?
Deploying your app would mean committing your local container into an image, publishing it
and running a container out of the published images on your servers. I have not tried sharing directories between host and container, but you can try this : . You can also write a Dockerfile which can copy a directory to a target in the container. Docker's docs on building images will help you there.
Can I run all my additional services ie memcache, redis, postgresql, etc on the same server using docker?
Yes. You will be running multiple containers on the same server.
I'm no expert and I haven't even used docker myself, but as I understand it, your app sits inside a docker container. You would deploy ideally a whole container with your own ruby version installed and so on.
The big benefit is, that you can test exactly the same container in your staging system that you're going to ship to production then. So you're able to test the complete system with all installed C extensions, the exact same ls command and so on.
