Running and Deploying Rails to Docker Container - ruby-on-rails

I am a total noob to linux containers and been spending some time learning about Docker, and forgive my confusion thought this question. Currently, I have a Rails app in production deployed via capistrano. My cloud servers are maintained with Opscode Chef on the Debian Wheezy distribution. For development, I have a Vagrant VM preinstalled with the app and services.
If I were to employ Docker, where would my app sit? The container or the host? How would I deploy (production) and share directories (development)? Can I run all my additional services ie memcache, redis, postgresql, etc on the same server using docker? I can maybe envision the potential of Docker but having trouble seeing its practical use.
Seems like containers are part of the future. Any guidance for someone making the switch from virtualization?

If I were to employ Docker, where would my app sit?
It could sit inside the container or it could sit on the host(you can use docker build to copy the app into the container)
How would I deploy (production) and share directories (development)?
Deploying your app would mean committing your local container into an image, publishing it
and running a container out of the published images on your servers. I have not tried sharing directories between host and container, but you can try this : . You can also write a Dockerfile which can copy a directory to a target in the container. Docker's docs on building images will help you there.
Can I run all my additional services ie memcache, redis, postgresql, etc on the same server using docker?
Yes. You will be running multiple containers on the same server.

I'm no expert and I haven't even used docker myself, but as I understand it, your app sits inside a docker container. You would deploy ideally a whole container with your own ruby version installed and so on.
The big benefit is, that you can test exactly the same container in your staging system that you're going to ship to production then. So you're able to test the complete system with all installed C extensions, the exact same ls command and so on.


Gradual transition of my development environment from a MAMP stack to Docker?

Context: I am planning to switch to Docker for my localhost development environment.
I have my localhost development-enviroment setup on a Mac with MAMP (lot of different vhosts), composer, git etcetera.
Is it possible to have a docker based environment and my old environment next to each other, so I could start trying out one project in docker but in the mean time run my current project in the old stack?
Because I have like 20+ projects running and no time to rebuild everyting, or even worse, mess up my production sites and projects....
Yes, you can run the Docker based environment alongside your old environment. The container technology allows to isolate all required dependencies for each project in a container image.
You only have to be careful with the port mapping, i.e. the ports which are already used by MAMP must not be used for mapping.

Docker without internet

I am currently working on a project which needs to be deployed on customer infra (which is not cloud) and also it will not have internet.
We currently deploy manually our application and install dependencies using tarball, can docker help us here?
Application stack:
We will not have internet.
You can use docker load and docker save to load Docker images in TAR format or export these images. If you package your application files within these images this could be used to deliver your project to your customers.
Also note that the destination services must all have Docker Engine installed and running.
If you have control over your dev environment, you can also use Nexus or Gitlab as your private Docker repository. You can then pull your images from there into production, if it makes sense for your product.
I think the most advantage can be had in your local dev setup. Instead of installing, say, MySQL locally, you can run it as a Docker container. I use docker-compose for all client services in my current project. This helps keep your computer clean, makes it easy to avoid versioning hell (if you use different versions for each release or stage) and you don't have to mess around with configuration for each dev machine.
In my previous job every developer had a local Oracle SQL install, and that was not a happy state of affairs.

Docker, I have one folder that contains the application server. What can be used as a container?

I want to ask, if I have one folder that contains the application server (Axis2, Tomcat, WSO2, mongodb, and jms-consumer) What can be used as a container?
Is Docker as an application installer? Which classifies the entire application so 1 is then used as installer file, for example: server.exe for windows, server.deb for ubuntu
Could help to explain it?
Docker as an application installer?
No, docker is a a platform which manages containers (isolated user/process/disk machines running with the host kernel), around building, shipping and running (Containers as a Service).
The best practice is to isolate each part of your global service in its own container, both because of the PID1 zombie reaping issue (detailed in "Use of Supervisor in docker"), but also in term of ease of management and update.
If each component only represents a Tomcat, a MongoDB, a..., each one is easier to manage/debug, instead of having one giant container.
Also you can stop/update one without necessarily ipacting all the other ones.
The installation-like part is rather the description of your environment (both in term of OS and of applications you want to add to a container) with the Dockerfile: a description of what your environment will need to run.
That helps building an image (sort of archive of all the files you need), from which you docker run a container.
Right now, those containers only runs as Linux machines on Linux kernel hosts (or on Windows, through a Linux VM).
You don't have yet pure Windows images/containers that runs on Windows (it is in progress, with Windows Server 2016).
So can you just take what you have in one giant folder and put it in a docker container?
Not directly. The goal of Dockerfile is to describe how you would install what you need.
Then you docker build, and from the image you get, you docker run.
But in order for docker to manage correctly the lifecycle of that container, it is best if the container is limited to one process (instead of trynig to run everything like a webapp server, a mongodb, and so on in the same container space)
That means:
describing in separate Dockerfile (building separate images) for each of the components of your system
running those containers in a way they see each others and communicate with each others.
You have an example of a complex multi-component system in my project: b2d.

How can my friend and I share an exact development environment together while on different operating systems?

I use a Mac for development and deployment, and have a need for creating an isolated environment. I've been exploring vagrant and docker and it seems that in order to run Docker, I need to be on a linux environment. I'm running an instance of vagrant with Ubuntu, the same as my partner uses on their desktop.
My question is, can my partner run the docker container off their Ubuntu instance instead of having to setup Vagrant like myself? Does my server and app run inside my Docker instance? (I'm using MEAN).
Trying to build a workflow and piece it all together.
He could probably get docker to run but packaging it all inside of a vagrant VM really is the way to go as that will keep it transportable across the board.
You can skip the vagrant file and just share the Docker images. There should be no detectable host differences from within the container.

Linking containers together on production deploys

I want to migrate my current deploy to docker, it counts on a mongodb service, a redis service, a pg server and a rails app, I have created already a docker container for each but i have doubts when it comes to start and linking them. Under development I'm using fig but I think it was not meant to be used on production. In order to take my deployment to production level, what mechanism should I use to auto-start and link containers together? my deploy uses a single docker host that already runs Ubuntu so i can't use CoreOS.
Linknig containers in production is a tricky thing. It will hardwire the IP addresses of the dependent containers so if you ever need to restart a container or launch a replacement (like upgrading the version of mongodb) your rails app will not work out of the box with the new container and its new IP address.
This other answer explains some available alternatives to linking.
Regarding starting the containers, you can use any deployment tool to run the required docker commands (Capistrano can easily do that). After that, docker will restart running the containers after a reboot.
You might need a watcher process to restart containers if they die, just as you would have one for a normal rails app.
Services like Tutum and can make this simpler. As far as I know, Tutum will not deploy to your servers. will, but is very rough (disclaimer: I'm part of the team building it).
You can convert your fig configuration to CoreOS formatted systemd configuration files with fig2coreos. Google App Engine supports CoreOS, or you can run CoreOS on AWS or your cloud provider of choice. fig2coreos also supports deploying to CoreOS in Vagrant for local development.
CenturyLink (fig2coreos authors) have an example blog post here:
This blog post will show you how to bridge the gap between building
complex multi-container apps using Fig and deploying those
applications into a production CoreOS system.
EDIT: If you are constrained to an existing host OS you can use QEMU ("a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer") to host a CoreOS instance. Instructions are available from the CoreOS team.
