Mapping textures to 2 triangles in roblox - lua

I am currently trying to map textures using image labels onto 2 different triangles (because im using right angle wedges so i need 2 to make scalene triangles), but here is the problem, I can only set positional, size, and rotational data so I need to figure out how I can use this information to correctly map the texture onto the triangle
the position is based on the topleft corner and size of triangle (<1,1> corner is at the bottom right and <0,0> corner is at top left) and the size is based on triangle size also (<1,1> is same size as triangle and <0,0> is infinitely tiny) and rotation is central based.
I have the UV coordinates (given 0-1) and face vertices, all from an obj file. The triangles in 3D are made up of 2 wedges which are split at a right angle from the longest surface and from the opposite angle.

I don't quite understand this however it may be help to change the canvas properties on the Surface GUI


How to rectify a detected ellipse

I am trying to find circles in images and warp them back to a canonical view (i.e. as if looking into the center). However, circles in general project to ellipses under perspective transformations. So I am first detecting ellipses, roughly doing the following (in OpenCV):
1. Find contours in the image
2. Estimate area of contour
3. Fitting a bounded box to contour and estimating area by width/2 * height/2 * PI (area of ellipse)
4. checking if area of contour and estimated area of ellipse is < a threhsold
Assuming I have found an ellipse by this method, how can I rectify it back to a circle such that I "undo" the perspective transform (although not in plane rotation as this cannot be done I guess). For example, if it was a rectangle I would just compute the homography from the 4 corners of an uprigh rectangle to the detected projected one.
I have no idea how to do this with an ellipse, any help is much appreciated.
A circle is indeed transformed into an ellipse by a perspective transformation, however its axes are not the same as the axes of the initial circle, as shown in this illustration:
You can refer to this link for a detailled demonstration. As a consequence, the bounding rectangle of the ellipse is not the image of the initial square by the perspective tranformation.
This means that the center and the axes of the ellipse you observe are not the images, by the perspective mapping, of the center and axes of the original circle. I tried to make a clearer illustration:
On this image, I drew in green the axes and center of the original circle, after perspective transformation, and the axes and center of the ellipse in red. On this specific example, the vertical axis is not deformed by the perspective mapping, but it would be deformed in the general case. Hence, deforming a circle by a perspective transformation gives an ellipse, but the axes and center that you see are not the axes and center of the original circle.
As a consequence, you cannot simply use the top, bottom, left and right points on the ellipse (the red points, which can easily be detected from the ellipse) to map these onto the top, bottom, left and right points of the circle because they do not correspond under the perspective mapping (the green points do, but they cannot be detected easily from the ellipse).
In the end, I don't think that it is at all possible to estimate the perspective mapping from a single detected ellipse.
This looks like an indeterminate problem.
The projection of a rectangle supplies 8 equations in 8 unknowns (homography coefficients).
With an ellipse, you can only retrieve the center coordinates (2 DOF), the axis (2 DOF) and the axis orientation (1 DOF).

Calculating position of object so it matches screen pixels

I would like to move a 3D plane in a 3D space, and have the movement match
the screens pixels so I can snap the plane to the edges of the screen.
I have played around with the focal length, camera position and camera scale,
and I have managed to get a plane to match the screen pixels in terms of size,
however when moving the plane things are not correct anymore.
So basically my current status is that I feed the plane size with values
assuming that I am working with standard 2D graphics.
So if I set the plane size to 128x128, it more or less is viewed as a 2D sqaure with that
exact size.
I am not using and will not use Orthographic view, I am using and will be using Projection view because my application needs some perspective to it.
How can this be calculated?
Does anyone have any links to resources that I can read?
you need to grab the transformation matrices you use in the vertex shader and apply them to the point/some points that represents the plane
that will result in a set of points in -1,-1 to 1,1 (after dividing by w) which you will need to map to the viewport

Keeping Squares Along A Circle's Circumference

I'm drawing squares along a circular path for an iOS application. However, at certain points along the circle, the squares start to go out of the circle's circumference. How do I make sure that the squares stay inside?
Here's an illustration I made. The green squares represent the positions I need the squares to actually be in. The red squares are where they actually appear given the following values for each square's upper-left corner:
x = origin.x + radius * cos(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
y = origin.y + radius * sin(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
Origin refers to the center of the circle. I have a loop that repeats this for every angle from 1 till 360 degrees.
EDIT: I've changed my design to position the centers of the squares along the circular path rather than their upper left corners.
why not just draw the centers of the squares along a smaller circle inside of the bigger one?
You could do the math to figure out exactly what the radius would have to be to ensure an exact fit, but you could probably trial and error your way there quickly too.
Doing it this way ensures that your objects would end up laid out in an actual circle too, which is not the case if you were merely making sure that one and only one corner of each square touched the larger bounding circle (that would create a slightly octagonal shape instead of a circle)
ryan cumley's answer made me realize how dumb I was all along. I just needed to change each square's anchor point to its center & that solved it. Now every calculated value for x & y would position every square's center exactly on the circular path.
Option 1) You could always find the diameter of the circle and then using Pythagorean Theorem, you could create a square that would fit perfectly within the circle. You could then loop through the square that was just made in the circle to create smaller squares, but I doubt this is what you are aiming for.
Option2) Find out what half of the length of one of the diagonals of the squares should be, and create a ring within the first ring. Then lay down squares at key points (like ever 30 degrees or 15 degrees, etc) along the inner path. Ex:
As you can see, the smaller (inner) circle is in the center of each green square, and that ensures that the corners of each square just touches the larger (outer) circle. Obviously my cheaply made picture in paint is not perfect, but mathematically it will work.

Why does DirectX use a flipped Y axis?

I am saving my driven X/Y coordinates, and then using a function that convert the coordinates to meters, and add 1280 to each point (so it will fit nicely into a 2560x2560 image), and then draw a polygon between the 'points', resulting in a some sort of racing line. But once I have generated the polygon and saved it as an image, it is vertically flipped somehow. Flipping the image vertically will make it match the track bitmaps perfectly. I was told this is due to DirectX internally has the Y axis flipped. Why does DirectX use a flipped Y axis?
Well, the question is, does DirectX have a flipped Y-axis or does the image?
DirectX uses a 3D/4D coordinate system where the X-axis points to the right and Y-axis points upwards when no transformation is applied. This is because the screen (where Y-axis points downwards) is the last instance that has to process the image. Every step before that uses the coordinate system with the upward Y-axis. Since Direct3D is designed for 3D worlds, a coordinate system that is aligned like the world and like most coordinate system in maths is much more convenient for the programmer and designer. Imagine, you would create a 3D model. Wouldn't it be kind of weird, if you design it so that the Y-axis is pointing downwards?
When you have no transformation at all that would allow perspective and so on, you have the same coordinate system. Ignoring the Z-axis, the top left corner is (-1 | 1), the bottom right corner is (1, -1). This is equal to the coordinate systems used in e.g. maths. In the end, this coordinate system is transformed with the viewport which will result in the top left corner to be (0 | 0) and the bottom right corner to be (ResolutionX | ResolutionY).
So all in all, the reason why the Y-axis points upwards is that Direct3D's main purpose is to describe worlds in a convenient way independently of the screen's physical attributes.

What is this rotation behavior in XNA?

I am just starting out in XNA and have a question about rotation. When you multiply a vector by a rotation matrix in XNA, it goes counter-clockwise. This I understand.
However, let me give you an example of what I don't get. Let's say I load a random art asset into the pipeline. I then create some variable to increment every frame by 2 radians when the update method runs(testRot += 0.034906585f). The main thing of my confusion is, the asset rotates clockwise in this screen space. This confuses me as a rotation matrix will rotate a vector counter-clockwise.
One other thing, when I specify where my position vector is, as well as my origin, I understand that I am rotating about the origin. Am I to assume that there are perpendicular axis passing through this asset's origin as well? If so, where does rotation start from? In other words, am I starting rotation from the top of the Y-axis or the x-axis?
The XNA SpriteBatch works in Client Space. Where "up" is Y-, not Y+ (as in Cartesian space, projection space, and what most people usually select for their world space). This makes the rotation appear as clockwise (not counter-clockwise as it would in Cartesian space). The actual coordinates the rotation is producing are the same.
Rotations are relative, so they don't really "start" from any specified position.
If you are using maths functions like sin or cos or atan2, then absolute angles always start from the X+ axis as zero radians, and the positive rotation direction rotates towards Y+.
The order of operations of SpriteBatch looks something like this:
Sprite starts as a quad with the top-left corner at (0,0), its size being the same as its texture size (or SourceRectangle).
Translate the sprite back by its origin (thus placing its origin at (0,0)).
Scale the sprite
Rotate the sprite
Translate the sprite by its position
Apply the matrix from SpriteBatch.Begin
This places the sprite in Client Space.
Finally a matrix is applied to each batch to transform that Client Space into the Projection Space used by the GPU. (Projection space is from (-1,-1) at the bottom left of the viewport, to (1,1) in the top right.)
Since you are new to XNA, allow me to introduce a library that will greatly help you out while you learn. It is called XNA Debug Terminal and is an open source project that allows you to run arbitrary code during runtime. So you can see if your variables have the value you expect. All this happens in a terminal display on top of your game and without pausing your game. It can be downloaded at
It is free and very easy to setup so you really have nothing to lose.
