Why does DirectX use a flipped Y axis? - directx

I am saving my driven X/Y coordinates, and then using a function that convert the coordinates to meters, and add 1280 to each point (so it will fit nicely into a 2560x2560 image), and then draw a polygon between the 'points', resulting in a some sort of racing line. But once I have generated the polygon and saved it as an image, it is vertically flipped somehow. Flipping the image vertically will make it match the track bitmaps perfectly. I was told this is due to DirectX internally has the Y axis flipped. Why does DirectX use a flipped Y axis?

Well, the question is, does DirectX have a flipped Y-axis or does the image?
DirectX uses a 3D/4D coordinate system where the X-axis points to the right and Y-axis points upwards when no transformation is applied. This is because the screen (where Y-axis points downwards) is the last instance that has to process the image. Every step before that uses the coordinate system with the upward Y-axis. Since Direct3D is designed for 3D worlds, a coordinate system that is aligned like the world and like most coordinate system in maths is much more convenient for the programmer and designer. Imagine, you would create a 3D model. Wouldn't it be kind of weird, if you design it so that the Y-axis is pointing downwards?
When you have no transformation at all that would allow perspective and so on, you have the same coordinate system. Ignoring the Z-axis, the top left corner is (-1 | 1), the bottom right corner is (1, -1). This is equal to the coordinate systems used in e.g. maths. In the end, this coordinate system is transformed with the viewport which will result in the top left corner to be (0 | 0) and the bottom right corner to be (ResolutionX | ResolutionY).
So all in all, the reason why the Y-axis points upwards is that Direct3D's main purpose is to describe worlds in a convenient way independently of the screen's physical attributes.


Mapping textures to 2 triangles in roblox

I am currently trying to map textures using image labels onto 2 different triangles (because im using right angle wedges so i need 2 to make scalene triangles), but here is the problem, I can only set positional, size, and rotational data so I need to figure out how I can use this information to correctly map the texture onto the triangle
the position is based on the topleft corner and size of triangle (<1,1> corner is at the bottom right and <0,0> corner is at top left) and the size is based on triangle size also (<1,1> is same size as triangle and <0,0> is infinitely tiny) and rotation is central based.
I have the UV coordinates (given 0-1) and face vertices, all from an obj file. The triangles in 3D are made up of 2 wedges which are split at a right angle from the longest surface and from the opposite angle.
I don't quite understand this however it may be help to change the canvas properties on the Surface GUI

Why did Apple flip their unit circle for UIBezierPath?

The image on the left is what a typical unit circle looks like. The one on the right is from the documentation. I haven't seen a more in depth explanation for why it was flipped anywhere online. Why is this so?
A drawing of a circle is often represented by x = center.x + r * cos(φ) and y = center.y + r * sin(φ) as φ progresses from 0 to 2π. With a standard Cartesian coordinate system, with the origin in the lower-left corner, this results in a circle drawn, starting at 3 o'clock and proceeding counterclockwise. See diagram to the left, below.
But the iOS coordinate system has the the y-axis flipped from the standard Cartesian coordinate system, with the origin in the upper-left corner and y increasing as you move down the screen. See right diagram below:
(This is adapted from Coordinate Systems in the Quartz 2D Programming Guide. The original diagram in the Apple documentation is merely illustrating how the coordinate systems are flipped, but I've changed the arrow to more accurately represent how this affects the drawing of an arc from 0 to π/2.)
The result is that, when using the iOS coordinate system, it will start at 3 o'clock but then proceed clockwise.
Because iOS draws everything upside-down.
In OS X (and just about every math book, and also by default in Core Graphics which came from OS X), the origin is in the lower-left corner and the Y-axis increases as you move up. In that coordinate system, the angles lay out the way you think they should. In UIKit's upside-down coordinate system, everything is flipped.
What's interesting is that the direction of the angles bothered you, but the bizarre Y-axis did not. (*) This inverted intuition among programmers is likely the reason that Apple flipped the coordinate system when they wrote iOS, but you can still see the artifacts here and there. (In fairness to Apple, layout code that mimics a page, like text views and scroll views, is much easier to compute when Y increases downward. Since those are very common design elements, it's not so crazy that UIKit flips the axes. It also goes to show that these things are very arbitrary in math and computers.)
(*) Yes, you noted where the origin was located, and that this was a likely part of the answer, but allow me some hyperbole to make the next point :D

how to find orientation of a picture with delphi

I need to find orientation of corn pictures (as examples below) they have different angles to right or left. I need to turn them upside (90 degree angle with their normal) (when they look like a water drop)
Is there any way I can do it easily?
As starting point - find image moments (and Hu moments for complex forms like pear). From the link:
Information about image orientation can be derived by first using the
second order central moments to construct a covariance matrix.
I suspect that usage of some image processing library like OpenCV could give more reliable results in common case
From the OP I got the impression you a rookie in this so I stick to something simple:
compute bounding box of image
simple enough go through all pixels and remember min,max of x,y coordinates of non background pixels
compute critical dimensions
Just cast few lines through the bounding box computing the red points positions. So select the start points I choose 25%,50%,75% of height. First start from left and stop on first non background pixel. Then start from right and stop on first non background pixel.
axis aligned position
start rotating the image with some step remember/stop on position where the red dots are symmetric so they are almost the same distance from left and from right. Also the bounding box has maximal height and minimal width in axis aligned position so you can also exploit that instead ...
determine the position
You got 4 options if I call the distance l0,l1,l2,r0,r1,r2
l means from left, r means from right
0 is upper (bluish) line, 1 middle, 2 bottom
then you wanted position is if (l0==r0)>=(l1==r1)>=(l2==r2) and bounding box is bigger in y axis then in x axis so rotate by 90 degrees until match is found or determine the orientation directly from distances and rotate just once ...
You will need accessing pixels of image so I strongly recommend to use Graphics::TBitmap from VCL. Look here gfx in C specially the section GDI Bitmap and also at this finding horizon on high altitude photo might help a bit.
I use C++ and VCL so you have to translate to Pascal but the VCL stuff is the same...

drawing overlapping circles in corona

How to draw a circle overlapping another circle in the moved phase of touch event,such that no gap is left out between the circles.The circles must be tightly packed to one another,so that even when user moves his hand on the screen faster or lightly,no gap must be present between the circles.
Just two circles? Or many circles? If just two, then detecting if they overlap is simply verifying that their centers are not closer than the sum of their radii. For example, if Circle1's raduis is 10 pixels, and Circle2's radius is 25 pixels, then they overlap if the center of Circle1 is less than 35 pixels from the center of Circle2.
So if you do your calculations in the "moved" phase and find that they're too close, you have to adjust the position of one of them. How you go about that will depend on the specifics of your application. You could:
Keep the y coordinate of the moving circle the same, and calculate the necessary x coordinate to maintain the required distance.
Same as above but swap x and y.
As above, but move the "unmoving" circle away from the "moving" circle.
Some other calculation that makes sense for your application.
NOTE: You should accept some of the answers you've been given.

What is this rotation behavior in XNA?

I am just starting out in XNA and have a question about rotation. When you multiply a vector by a rotation matrix in XNA, it goes counter-clockwise. This I understand.
However, let me give you an example of what I don't get. Let's say I load a random art asset into the pipeline. I then create some variable to increment every frame by 2 radians when the update method runs(testRot += 0.034906585f). The main thing of my confusion is, the asset rotates clockwise in this screen space. This confuses me as a rotation matrix will rotate a vector counter-clockwise.
One other thing, when I specify where my position vector is, as well as my origin, I understand that I am rotating about the origin. Am I to assume that there are perpendicular axis passing through this asset's origin as well? If so, where does rotation start from? In other words, am I starting rotation from the top of the Y-axis or the x-axis?
The XNA SpriteBatch works in Client Space. Where "up" is Y-, not Y+ (as in Cartesian space, projection space, and what most people usually select for their world space). This makes the rotation appear as clockwise (not counter-clockwise as it would in Cartesian space). The actual coordinates the rotation is producing are the same.
Rotations are relative, so they don't really "start" from any specified position.
If you are using maths functions like sin or cos or atan2, then absolute angles always start from the X+ axis as zero radians, and the positive rotation direction rotates towards Y+.
The order of operations of SpriteBatch looks something like this:
Sprite starts as a quad with the top-left corner at (0,0), its size being the same as its texture size (or SourceRectangle).
Translate the sprite back by its origin (thus placing its origin at (0,0)).
Scale the sprite
Rotate the sprite
Translate the sprite by its position
Apply the matrix from SpriteBatch.Begin
This places the sprite in Client Space.
Finally a matrix is applied to each batch to transform that Client Space into the Projection Space used by the GPU. (Projection space is from (-1,-1) at the bottom left of the viewport, to (1,1) in the top right.)
Since you are new to XNA, allow me to introduce a library that will greatly help you out while you learn. It is called XNA Debug Terminal and is an open source project that allows you to run arbitrary code during runtime. So you can see if your variables have the value you expect. All this happens in a terminal display on top of your game and without pausing your game. It can be downloaded at http://www.protohacks.net/xna_debug_terminal
It is free and very easy to setup so you really have nothing to lose.
