hot to create orbeon docker container? - orbeon

I would like to ask for some help to create a obeonforms docker container
Firstly I would like to describe the context in which I can reproduce the problem:
This is my simplest Dockerfile in which I download and configure orbeon for login:
I made a 7min screencast on youtube to reproduce the problem visually. I will remove the video after
I realize that either form runner and form builder seams to work when access orbeon from container ip but do not work when be accessed from docker mapped port
Below is some part of (the huge) log when form runner is accessed from docker mapped port
Can someone give some help, please?


How to pass localhost address to Tyk target URL?

I have my Tyk components (Tyk Pro Demo from GitHub) running using Docker compose. When I create a simple API using some public APIs, like Pet Store Io, it works fine.
Now I have word press application running using Docker compose, and the Docker compose file is available here ( This application is running on http://localhost:8000.
However, when I pass this 'localhost:8000' to the target URL in Tyk API definition, and call it through Tyk, it show 'There was a problem proxying the request'.
Is there any setting/ method which can solve this problem?
Actually when I referred to Docker documentation, I realized that I just need to put them in the same Docker network and it will be done.

Using other person's docker containers

I am new to docker and while I was searching for something related to my project, I found a popular container on dockerhub ->
This may solve the problem that I was facing before. My question is how do I use it? Do I simply run this container, register my applications on consul and this will handle the rest, or something else.
Is it like, where we simply import libraries and use them?
My idea of docker is that its a replication of images in which you can make modifications,so go ahead and build a container of the said project.Changes or any form of modifications will remain yours(your container) until you push it to a repo(upstream).For how to use it just go to the docker docs for more info on how to use it.Hope this helps.
you can simply pull the image docker pull augury/haproxy-consul and run using docker run augury/haproxy-consul -p 80:80. the container will be running and accessible on 80(2nd port)
And also, You can use the image as a base image in your DockerFile if you want to add something on top of it.
You already have a good idea of how the docker runs.Use the port created to make all your modifications, and yes all the changes are on your local repo.

Graylog stream rule with application running on docker

I have an application that running on a docker container, and logs to our Graylog server, however, the Graylog source field is actually the container ID:
Since the container ID changes frequently, I cannot apply the source to the stream rules.
I had a look at the message and seems like there is nothing much I can rely on to create stream rules for this application:
Can someone please share some experience on this case? My problem here is that I cannot identify the application nor environment.
I am looking for ideas like:
Is there a way to make container id static (prob not)
Is there a way to send more information to graylog without making code changes or making code to specify the specific values
Any better ideas
I just realised I can set the hostname to my docker containers, so just by adding the following to my docker-compose file should work
hostname: billing-rq-${ENV_NAME}

Needed example of a docker run --user on a windows server running docker

On my windows server 2016, I am trying to figure out the run command syntax to run a docker image as a user in my ldap. I read this article, but I am not following it very well (different environments)
Perhaps I am miss understanding the concept all together, but in the end I need to run the container as a specific user in our active directory.
Any links to a well documented run --user examples would be appreciated...
One of the things that is confusing is trying to figure out the UserId and such...
The answer depends on the use case, but may be gMSA authentication would help? Basically, with gMSA authentication, you can add the host OS to an AD domain, and containers running on it can share the privileges to use things like network drive. That way, you don't need to pass credential every time you access them.
MS team has a good write up on it here:
Active Directory Service Accounts for Windows Containers
Also, artisticcheese has fantastic walk through.
Enabling integrated Windows Authentication in windows docker container
Hope this helps.

How would a provide a self-updating web application, delivered via docker image?

I would like to build in my web application, the ability to monitor updates, and install them, if the admin chooses to do so.
This functionality is some-what similar to what Jira does.
The question is, how would I perform this?
Let's assume I have full admin access to the docker host.
Maybe there is a tool out there?
I was thinking something along the lines of:
Have a seperate "update" docker container.
When starting an update, the web app communicates to host docker to startup the update container.
The update container will receive the new docker images then docker save && docker load into the host machine (can child containers do this?)
The update container will shutdown web container and start another web container (progress container) that just gives update progress on port 80.
The update container will update the web container with new image.
When complete, the update container will shutdown the progress container, and start the new web application.
Sorry if this isn't exactly a Q/A question, but I am wondering if there is a tool out there that does something like this, or maybe a tool that could be re purposed for this.
i'm not an expert, but answering in case someone like me searches and finds this.
so maybe the answer is you wouldn't. docker container shall be immutable. so the way you update your webapp is by building a new docker image and deploying that.
see also:
Can I push application updates to docker image without rebuilding?
