Cannot use specific version of bundler - ruby-on-rails

I'm on Debian 9 and I'm trying to use the 1.16.3 version of bundler on a ruby on rails site. However for some reason the system insists on using the older version 1.13.6 both by default and when I explicitly specify it:
To resolve this I tried completely uninstalling the 1.13.6 version:
Now I'm starting to feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is it physically possible to use the 1.16.3 version?
Edit in reply to matthewd: which -a bundler finds two hits:
If run with bundler -v both report to be version 1.13.6
Edit in reply to Kedarnag Mukanahallipatna: There is no .rvm directory in /home/manos/. Could this be somewhere else?

Bundler is pain in the a**
You can solve this by executing these set of commands. Keep in consideration your ruby version also.
- rvm implode --force
- \curl -sSL | bash -s 1.27.0
- rvm reload
- rvm install 2.2.3
- gem uninstall -i /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3 bundler -x
- gem install bundler -v 1.16.3

After a lot of back and forth I ended up uninstalling ruby and rails that were previously installed via apt. I then reinstalled ruby via apt and instead of getting rails via apt I got it with
gem install rails
Bundler is now at 1.16.3.
A disclaimer though... since this whole thing has been a side issue while I was dealing with other rails problems, I've also done a bunch of other reinstalling so there's a chance something there affected the bundler. So there's that.


Failed gem install: gem require ruby-2.6.1 but the currently ruby-2.6.1

Show messages errors:
Required ruby-2.6.1 is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install "ruby-2.6.1"'
ruby -v
ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x64-mingw32]
rails -v
Rails 5.2.2
First of all, I doubt that RVM may not be updated to support this version of Ruby. As I know the following version is supported, you can version by following command and response should match.
rvm --version
If you have updated version then I will do the following to check if RVM has also the same version of ruby installed.
I will check the content of my project root folder's following file
cat .ruby-version
If it has mention same, as rvm is also complaining that I will run the following command on rvm to check if this ruby is really installed in RVM
rvm list
It will show a list of rubies installed and it should include 2.6.1 in the end. If you can't see this list then you probably need to install using the following command
rvm install "ruby-2.6.1"
If it is showing than can you try the following command and see what result comes
rvm use 2.6.1
If all good, then try the following command to see which ruby is being used
which ruby
response must include .rvm/rubies/ mean you are using .rvm ruby otherwise, you may using the system built in ruby.
Just wrote may help you to diagnos issue.
Are you using rbenv? If so, I'd recommend running rvm implode as described here.
if you are using rbenv
see if you have it available in your list :
rbenv install --list | grep 2.6.1
if not, fetch it
cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build && git pull && cd -
now if you try again
rbenv install -l | grep 2.6.1
so just run the installation command:
rbenv install 2.6.1
Downloading ruby-2.6.1.tar.bz2... 08:36:17
Installing ruby-2.6.1...
Installed ruby-2.6.1 to ~/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1
now you can use it for global or local projects. if local :
rbenv local 2.6.1

Can't install rails - "File exists # dir_s_mkdir" error

I have had rails installed and almost working. Was working on a solution to another problem with I accidentally closed the bash window. So I reopened it, and now I am unable to use rails at all and it's telling me that rails isn't installed. So I ran gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdocand now I get the following:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EEXIST)
File exists # dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/gems`
How do I correct this error?
I just removed the broken gems, site_ruby and vendor_ruby symlinks from the /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/ folder and now everything seems to work fine.
I just added a gems/ directory here /usr/local/lib/ruby/ and that solved the issue.
for a temporary solution, you can mkdir -p /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0 to solve.
When you open your bash window (called the "terminal window" or "console"), what folder ("directory") are you in? Find out with:
$ pwd
Navigate to the folder where you created your Rails project using the Unix cd command, for example:
$ cd workspace/learn-rails
If you are using RVM, make sure you have selected the correct gemset:
$ rvm gemset list
gemsets for ruby-2.1.1 (found in ...)
=> learn-rails
Then see if Ruby and Rails are installed:
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.1p76 (2014-02-24 revision 45161) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
$ rails -v
Rails 4.1.0
Refer to the article Install Ruby on Rails for help. If you haven't followed all the steps in the article, you may have problems, especially if you followed some of the inaccurate instructions found elsewhere on the web.
I was recently in this wormhole. It seems like Homebrew's ruby installation has an issue with soft links and uses version 2.1.1. I couldn't "gem install" anything without getting the annoying "File exists # dir_s_mkdir" error. Even tried MacPort and that was a nightmare.
First uninstall ruby via
brew uninstall ruby
port uninstall ruby
And follow the instruction on to install ruby
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
It might then complain about ruby-2.0.0-p353 not installed
To install do:
rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p353
Then run the rvm install script. Your "gem install << whatever >>" should now work
This fixed the issue for me (Homebrew on a Mac, Ruby 2.1.3):
$ brew reinstall ruby
$ brew unlink ruby && brew link ruby
the same issue. I just remove dir_s_mkdir, then pod install. it works for me!

Accidentally nuked my Rails installation - what do I need to do to recover?

I seem to have broken my Rails installation on Mac OS 10.6.7. Here's the status:
MacBook-Pro$ which ruby
MacBook-Pro$ which gem
MacBook-Pro$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.5.0]
MacBook-Pro$ gem -v
I use homebrew to manage these packages:
MacBook-Pro$ brew list
distribute libyaml ossp-uuid python sqlite
gdbm mongodb pip readline wget
git mysql postgresql ruby
My ~/.profile has this:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"
Before this ordeal started, I used
sudo gem install rails
I just ran it again and got this:
MacBook-Pro$ sudo gem install rails
Successfully installed rails-3.0.9
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.9...
file 'lib' not found
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-3.0.9...
file 'lib' not found
But when I run:
which rails
I get nothing in return.
I think at some point I went into /usr/bin/ which is I think the "which rails" pointed to in order to see what was in the rails file. And I think I may have deleted this file. (Yes, I'm an idiot.)
It looks like I somehow need to connect the location of the rails gem with the OS so that it knows it's there? Or can/should I nuke the whole installation? I'd appreciate any guidance!
This might be a good time to switch to using rvm.
Try with gem install with -V option, maybe you'll see where it's installing everything. It installs rails for me in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rails-3.0.9/bin/rails and /usr/bin/rails. It's hacky but you could copy rails from the first location to the second if it doesn't automatically add for you. Best idea is probably to nuke it and start fresh.

Installing Heroku on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx is broken

I am trying to get a Ruby on Rails app hosted free somewhere, and Heroku is looking like my last resource. It is supposed to work on Linux, and the gem installs with no errors, but whenever I run any Heroku command it spits out several errors, all connected, and talking about a failed 'require.' I looked it up in the code, and it says:
require 'readline'
That is it.
I have tried to install every variation of libreadline that I can find and think of, but none of it makes any difference. Any ideas here?
It could be that your system installed version of Ruby is not build with readline support. If so then you could reinstall it from source and select the correct configure parameters for readline support. That's not only annoying but means you'd have to manually maintain updates yourself.
Better still would be to abandon your system Ruby altogether in favor of one installed with RVM
Install RVM as described here
Install libreadline-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
Install a version of ruby (e.g. 1.8.7)
$ rvm install 1.8.7
$ rvm --default 1.8.7
Install your rails and Heroku gems under the RVM ruby
$ gem install rails heroku taps ... # Note no sudo!
See if your problem persists
If so, then do this:
$ cd ~/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p299/ext/readline
$ ruby extconf.rb
$ make
$ make install
Ubuntu's ruby-full package depends on libreadline-ruby and should pull in everything both you and it needs. If you have tried installing ruby by installing a bunch of separate packages you might be missing something. If that's the case go back and install ruby-full.
I have a script I use to rebuild my Rails Environment whenever I install the latest Ubuntu. It installs everything you need for Heroku (which is where I host my apps) as well. You might want to take a peek at it and see if there is anything there that you are missing.
If ruby-full doesn't sort you out, I would second Bjg's advice and ditch the system ruby for RVM.
I got it to work, but it was rather a hack. I hunted down the file from where it was installed (in some strange spot) and did a hard link to where ruby was looking for readline, and it worked. Not optimum, and I will definitely try what you guys recommend next time. Thanks!

How can I install Ruby on Rails 3 on OSX?

I got a White Macbook and I have to go to a conference in 10 hours but I'm having a lot of problems.
First, I wanted to have Rails 3, so I used MacPorts to install Ruby 1.8.7. It worked well ;)
Then I was thinking I should install Rails 3, but no, no! It says:
$ sudo gem install rails --pre
ERROR: Error installing rails:
activesupport requires Ruby version >= 1.8.7.
What should I do? I already have 1.8.7!
First you need to install RVM, then the latest version of Ruby. Next you'll set that version of Ruby as the default. Finally, you'll install Rails b3.
Install RVM (
bash < <( curl )
Install the latest Ruby (
rvm install ruby-head
You can check which versions you now have installed with:
rvm list
Set the latest version of Ruby as default (replace 'ruby-1.9.2-head' with desired version):
rvm ruby-1.9.2-head --default
Make sure things are up to day, then install the Rails beta:
gem update --system
gem install rails --pre
You may have to install some gem dependencies before Rails will install.
To easily setup Rails 3 on osx machine the only thing you need to do is follow this brilliant (as always) Railscast, here for the transcription
You can also see comments to check for problems and eventually solutions.
You may have two different versions of Ruby installed. Try "gem env" or "sudo gem env" and see which version of Ruby it says you have.
Remove the older one if you have two installed. If all else fails, upgrade to 1.9.x, I believe it is recommended for Rails 3 anyway.
I would strongly recommend using RVM (Ruby Version Manager) to keep your Rails 3 separate from your Rails 2. (One example of Rails 2 conflicting with Rails 3: when you go to the command line to generate a Rails app, will it generate a Rails 2 app or a Rails 3 app? RVM allows you to keep them separate.)
Also, the latest Ruby 1.8.7 will probably not work with Rails 3, so you have to use an earlier patchlevel (248 works for me). Details are here:
You should use rvm as others have said to manage multiple installations of Ruby and Ruby gems. (If you go that way, take the time to read rvm's documentation carefully.)
However, you should also get comfortable figuring out what version of Ruby your shell is seeing as the default and why. It sounds to me like your $PATH variable may not be properly updated. The $PATH variable is what determines which Ruby interpreter or gem command is the first seen, if you have more than one installed (as you now do). MacPorts will install new binaries into /opt/local/bin by default, and it should also alter your $PATH so that /opt/local/bin precedes /usr/bin (which is where Apple's out of the box Ruby lives).
I suspect that when you did sudo gem install, you were using /usr/bin/gem (which is the gem installer for /usr/bin/ruby rather than /opt/local/bin/gem (which would be the installer for MacPort's Ruby).
Check the output of echo $PATH, which ruby and which gem to see what's going on.
You should indeed use rvm, but as no one explained to you how to do this without rvm, here you go:
sudo gem install tzinfo builder memcache-client rack rack-test rack-mount \
abstract erubis activesupport mime-types mail text-hyphen text-format \
thor i18n rake bundler arel railties rails --prerelease --force
Based on your question and your responses to some of the answers, it sounds like you're not using the MacPorts version of Ruby. You should make sure that /opt/local/bin is in the front of your $PATH, before /usr/bin. Also, you should install RubyGems via MacPorts (sudo port install rb-rubygems) and make sure you're using the MacPorts gem. Then install Rails using the MacPorts gem.
