Facebook review build must work on Xcode 7.3 simulator? - ios

Facebook has rejected a simulator build created with Xcode 9.4.1, targeting iOS 11+, that was submitted for review with the message:
Please ensure that the Simulator Build provided works with Xcode Version 7.3, as this is the software our team uses in review. More information about creating simulator builds can be found here.
Is it possible to create such a build with Xcode 9?
I have tried installing the build I submitted on the Xcode 7.3.1 simulator like this:
xcrun simctl install booted \
but when I try to launch the app it crashes immediately, leaving an assertion failed: message with some hex digits in the system log. I suspect this is because it does not support iOS 9.3, which the simulator is running, but there could have been other changes to the simulator that are causing it to fail.
The link facebook provided says to run in the Xcode iPhone 5 simulator, but my version of Xcode only seems to have simulators going back to the 5s.
Do I need to make my app run under iOS 9.3? Or re-write it in swift 2.2 so I can build it using xcode 7.3?


Cannot test flutter app on actual iphone, unable to install 'Runner' error on xcode 11.4

I updated Xcode to 11.4 but when I went to test my flutter app on a physical device the error 'Unable to install "Runner" popped up and going into details it said No code signature found. I've already upgraded my iPhone to iOS 13.4 and there's no problem on the simulator.
I've also tried cleaning the xcode build and running flutter clean but the problem persisted. Am I missing another step?
#jmagman said and I quote
The bug first appeared in iOS 13.3.1 and is fixed in iOS 13.4 beta 3 (17E5241d). It was not specific to Flutter, was hit at runtime loading an embedded dylib (like Flutter), and can be reproduced without Flutter. It should not impact apps that are already distributed to the App Store (meaning: your customers are not hitting this crash). You should still be able to distribute your application to the App Store.
Install the beta profile on your test device and install iOS 13.4 beta 3 or higher.
Wait for iOS 13.4 to be released.
Use a non-Personal Team provisioning profile. Personal Team provisioning profile says "Personal Team" in the Xcode build settings Runner Target > General > Signing and Capabilities > Team dropdown.
Run in the simulator.
Test on an iOS device running 13.3 or lower. If you are seeing a similar crash on iOS 13.4 or greater, please file a new Flutter GitHub issue so we can take a look."
check the full thread at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/49504

How to Fix Xcode Error “Could not find Developer Disk Image” on iOS9.2

I am trying to test my app on iOS 9.2 device using Xcode 7.1.1, and getting the error message
“Could not find Developer Disk Image”.
Googled and found that, this is due to the Version Mismatch between Xcode deployment target and iOS version. On Xcode 7.1, I can see the deployment target till iOS 9.1 only.
So, I do understand that have to update my Xcode to the 7.2 version for deployment target iOS 9.2. But i don't wanna do the update.
Is there any valid way to test my app using Xcode 7.1 on iOS 9.2 device?
Fix it by downloading XCode 7.2 dmg and installed it as a new copy.
Uninstall exiting one and directly download new version of xcode from App Store.
Have look on same thread in SO .
If you go for update there also some problem have look on this.
Your Xcode iOS SDK should not be less that Device iOS SDK you can install app as Internal Tester by TestFlight. or www.diawi.com

Xcode 6.4 "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 simulator"

I've been trying to install iOS simulators 8.3 & 8.4 on Xcode 6.3.2 an 6.4 beta respectively. In the first case is not even an option to download this simulator while in Xcode 6.4 it shows an error "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 Simulator. Authorization is required to install the packages". I've searched the web but I could not find anything so I tries reinstalling Xcode from Apple developer website as well as from the app store with no change at all. The only simulator I can use is 8.2. I cannot install any other version. Any help would be really appreciated.
This is the error on Xcode 6.4 with no additional option of iOS 8.4 Simulator
These are the simulator options for me to download which result in that error
These are my options in Xcode 6.3.2 with no option for iOS 8.3
I found a workaround on the Apple forums. If you run Xcode using sudo the simulator downloads and installs work just fine:
sudo /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Note: Once the downloads and installs are complete you should quit Xcode and start it normally.
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime is includes in Xcode 6.3 (which is why it isn't offered as an additional download).
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime should be downloadable from Xcode 6.4, as you show. Your dialog box reports that there was an authentication problem when attempting to install the package. You need to provide administrator credentials when installing the package.
The reason you are getting your "iPhone 6 runs iOS 8.2 which is lower than -project name- minimum deployment target." errors is because you are selecting an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.2 on it and not an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.3 on it.
Use 'xcrun simctl create' or Xcode's Devices window to create the iOS 8.3 devices you need.

iOS Simulator 8.1 SDK missing in XCode 6.2

Developers I'm supporting just got new Macs with XCode 6.2 (Version 6.2 (6C131e)).
In running xcodebuild we're having failures in running against any earlier version of the simulator, even if it's been downloaded, getting:
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphonesimulator7.1" cannot be located.
:build FAILED
I go to Xcode -> Preferences and download the iOS 8.1 and 7.1 simulator, but still they don't show when doing an xcodebuild -showsdks:
xcodebuild -showsdks
iOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - iOS 8.2 -sdk iphonesimulator8.2
Ideas? I can't flip my whole project & CI pipeline to build against 8.2 just yet, wondering if there's a trick to getting the 7.1 / 8.1 sim working from the command line tools in Xcode 6.2.
It looks like Xcode 6.2 is having an issue recognizing any additional simulators:
xcodebuild[4554:1175053] [MT] iPhoneSimulator: SimVerifier returned: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Simulator verification failed."
UserInfo=0x7fe952514ca0 {
NSLocalizedFailureReason=A connection to the simulator verification service could not be established.,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Ensure that Xcode.app is installed on a volume with ownership enabled.,
NSLocalizedDescription=Simulator verification failed.}
Some in the Apple Developer Forums are experiencing the same issues. A radar has been filed, and one possible solution of:
"Finally success by nuking /Library/Deverloper/* and re-installing Xcode."
Found the answer in this thread: xcode simulator not coming up - reinstall possible? (the accepted answer). Looks like xcode 6.2 is not "smart" enough to create the simulators on its own. This is why, if you update from 6.1 to 6.2, you won't be able to see ios 8.2 simulators even if you have the sdk, and the same reason why if you do a clean install you can't see any simulator at all, even if you specifically install the simulators in the preferences menu. Cheers for the poorly packaged official bundles!
I found this issue too. But my method is to copy the simulator into the SDKs folder and this work at Xcode 6 earlier versions. After I upgrade to xcode 6.2, I found this method did not work anymore.

Running xcode iOS simulator build

I developed an iOS app with Facebook integration. I need to send an iOS simulator build for Facebook to review how the Facebook integration works on my app.
The link provides the instructions on how to create the iOS Simulator build.
The said link provides code that creates the iOS simulator build
xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator{version}
What I wanted to do is to run the app iOS Simulator Build. I want to test if iOS simulator build works.
I searched and found this:
Launch an iOS app in the simulator without XCode
which asked me to use this code to run the iOS simulator build.
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\ Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/iPhone\ Simulator -SimulateApplication ${PROJECT}/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/<yourapp>.app/<yourapp>
Yes, the iOS simulator runs however it does not launch my app.
How should I run the iOS simulator build on the simulator? Need help on this. Thanks!
Addition Note:
I am using Xcode 5.1.1
I had success using ios-sim. Then run with ios-sim launch <yourproject>.app
Update instructions for Xcode 6.x and later using simctl:
xcrun simctl install booted /path/to/your/built/simulator.app
xcrun simctl launch booted com.your.app.identifier
