iOS Simulator 8.1 SDK missing in XCode 6.2 - ios

Developers I'm supporting just got new Macs with XCode 6.2 (Version 6.2 (6C131e)).
In running xcodebuild we're having failures in running against any earlier version of the simulator, even if it's been downloaded, getting:
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphonesimulator7.1" cannot be located.
:build FAILED
I go to Xcode -> Preferences and download the iOS 8.1 and 7.1 simulator, but still they don't show when doing an xcodebuild -showsdks:
xcodebuild -showsdks
iOS Simulator SDKs:
Simulator - iOS 8.2 -sdk iphonesimulator8.2
Ideas? I can't flip my whole project & CI pipeline to build against 8.2 just yet, wondering if there's a trick to getting the 7.1 / 8.1 sim working from the command line tools in Xcode 6.2.

It looks like Xcode 6.2 is having an issue recognizing any additional simulators:
xcodebuild[4554:1175053] [MT] iPhoneSimulator: SimVerifier returned: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Simulator verification failed."
UserInfo=0x7fe952514ca0 {
NSLocalizedFailureReason=A connection to the simulator verification service could not be established.,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Ensure that is installed on a volume with ownership enabled.,
NSLocalizedDescription=Simulator verification failed.}
Some in the Apple Developer Forums are experiencing the same issues. A radar has been filed, and one possible solution of:
"Finally success by nuking /Library/Deverloper/* and re-installing Xcode."

Found the answer in this thread: xcode simulator not coming up - reinstall possible? (the accepted answer). Looks like xcode 6.2 is not "smart" enough to create the simulators on its own. This is why, if you update from 6.1 to 6.2, you won't be able to see ios 8.2 simulators even if you have the sdk, and the same reason why if you do a clean install you can't see any simulator at all, even if you specifically install the simulators in the preferences menu. Cheers for the poorly packaged official bundles!

I found this issue too. But my method is to copy the simulator into the SDKs folder and this work at Xcode 6 earlier versions. After I upgrade to xcode 6.2, I found this method did not work anymore.


Facebook review build must work on Xcode 7.3 simulator?

Facebook has rejected a simulator build created with Xcode 9.4.1, targeting iOS 11+, that was submitted for review with the message:
Please ensure that the Simulator Build provided works with Xcode Version 7.3, as this is the software our team uses in review. More information about creating simulator builds can be found here.
Is it possible to create such a build with Xcode 9?
I have tried installing the build I submitted on the Xcode 7.3.1 simulator like this:
xcrun simctl install booted \
but when I try to launch the app it crashes immediately, leaving an assertion failed: message with some hex digits in the system log. I suspect this is because it does not support iOS 9.3, which the simulator is running, but there could have been other changes to the simulator that are causing it to fail.
The link facebook provided says to run in the Xcode iPhone 5 simulator, but my version of Xcode only seems to have simulators going back to the 5s.
Do I need to make my app run under iOS 9.3? Or re-write it in swift 2.2 so I can build it using xcode 7.3?

How to Fix Xcode Error “Could not find Developer Disk Image” on iOS9.2

I am trying to test my app on iOS 9.2 device using Xcode 7.1.1, and getting the error message
“Could not find Developer Disk Image”.
Googled and found that, this is due to the Version Mismatch between Xcode deployment target and iOS version. On Xcode 7.1, I can see the deployment target till iOS 9.1 only.
So, I do understand that have to update my Xcode to the 7.2 version for deployment target iOS 9.2. But i don't wanna do the update.
Is there any valid way to test my app using Xcode 7.1 on iOS 9.2 device?
Fix it by downloading XCode 7.2 dmg and installed it as a new copy.
Uninstall exiting one and directly download new version of xcode from App Store.
Have look on same thread in SO .
If you go for update there also some problem have look on this.
Your Xcode iOS SDK should not be less that Device iOS SDK you can install app as Internal Tester by TestFlight. or

Xcode 6.4 "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 simulator"

I've been trying to install iOS simulators 8.3 & 8.4 on Xcode 6.3.2 an 6.4 beta respectively. In the first case is not even an option to download this simulator while in Xcode 6.4 it shows an error "Could not download and install iOS 8.3 Simulator. Authorization is required to install the packages". I've searched the web but I could not find anything so I tries reinstalling Xcode from Apple developer website as well as from the app store with no change at all. The only simulator I can use is 8.2. I cannot install any other version. Any help would be really appreciated.
This is the error on Xcode 6.4 with no additional option of iOS 8.4 Simulator
These are the simulator options for me to download which result in that error
These are my options in Xcode 6.3.2 with no option for iOS 8.3
I found a workaround on the Apple forums. If you run Xcode using sudo the simulator downloads and installs work just fine:
sudo /Applications/
Note: Once the downloads and installs are complete you should quit Xcode and start it normally.
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime is includes in Xcode 6.3 (which is why it isn't offered as an additional download).
The iOS 8.3 Simulator runtime should be downloadable from Xcode 6.4, as you show. Your dialog box reports that there was an authentication problem when attempting to install the package. You need to provide administrator credentials when installing the package.
The reason you are getting your "iPhone 6 runs iOS 8.2 which is lower than -project name- minimum deployment target." errors is because you are selecting an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.2 on it and not an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.3 on it.
Use 'xcrun simctl create' or Xcode's Devices window to create the iOS 8.3 devices you need.

iPhone running iOS 8.3 shows up as ineligible in Xcode 6.2

Current setup:
iPhone 6+ updated to iOS 8.2
iMac running Mavericks (10.9) with Xcode 6.2
Deployment target set to 8.2
When I connect the iPhone, it shows up as ineligible.
Also, it shows this warning:
I've tried:
to reboot both iPhone & iMac -> Not solved
to manually select iPhone from: Product > Destination > Ineligible Devices
Many other answers in this question, but all for problems using Xcode 6.3, not 6.2.
I know I can solve this:
upgrading to Yosemite & installing Xcode 6.3
using an iPhone running 8.2
But is there any possibility that mounting the Xcode 6.3 DMG and copying some libs / symlinking something it will work?
Just copy the folder DeviceSupport/8.3 from Xcode 6.3 to Xcode 6.2.
Download Xcode 6.2 and 6.3, install as /Applications/ and /Applications/ (or similar names)
In both installations, there's a folder Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
In Xcode 6.2, this folder contains packages for iOS 8.2 and many lower versions, but not for 8.3.
In Xcode 6.3, this folder also contains a package for iOS 8.3. In my case, the folder is called 8.3 (12F69)
Copy the iOS 8.3 package from Xcode 6.3 to Xcode 6.2 (this command is one line, of course):
cp -r '/Applications/ (12F69)' '/Applications/'
Or even better, create a link:
ln -s '/Applications/ (12F69)' '/Applications/'
Now restart Xcode 6.2 and connect your device through USB. Xcode should allow you to test apps on it.
Diego Freniche's solution (copying the whole iPhoneOS.platform folder) was a great help, but when I ran my app from Xcode 6.2, it looked slightly different than it did when I deployed an ipa file on the phone (buttons in wrong positions, status bar display wrong). I guess Xcode got confused and built the app as if it was targeted at a different iOS version.
With this solution (only copy one folder in DeviceSupport), it looks like the app works exactly as it is supposed to. I'll let you know if I encounter problems, but I haven't seen any so far.
A little progress, but this is a WIP.
Looks like in Yosemite Xcode 6.2 works correctly with 8.3 devices. Need to test on Mavericks
Testing with Xcode 6.2 in Yosemite (need to test also in Mavericks, any feedback would be appreciated)
Go to your Xcode 6.2 folder and rename
Mount your Xcode 6.3 DMG, install it
Copy from Xcode 6.3 this folder:
inside your Xcode 6.2 folder.
you'll probably find an error telling you rootuser does not own the simulator / OS Platform folder. To solve that just open Terminal, then:
$ cd /Applications/
$ sudo chown -R root iPhoneSimulator.platform/
$ sudo chown -R root iPhoneOS.platform/
now you can run your app inside your iOS 8.3 device from Xcode 6.2 but you have no simulators in the target tdestination menu
UPDATE: I'm getting weird errors while ibtool tries to compile the storyboards:
/Users/dfreniche/Desktop/Test/Test/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2001.)
So finally give up and update to Yosemite. If there's any new info on this, please share.
Had the same problem with connecting iOS8.3 devices to Xcode 6.2 on Mavericks. Ok on a machine at work running Xcode 6.4 on Yosemite. Software update on the Mavericks machine doesn't offer any higher version. Looking at the specs of Xcode 6.4 (and presumably 6.3 of the original question) says it requires OS X 10.10 (i.e. Yosemite). So, whether or not you can hack around it, the behaviour you/we are seeing on Mavericks is what Apple intends.
I have the same issue and I don't want to just use the lastest version of XCode for the need of maintaining my old projects. I end up with installing two versions XCode(6.2 and 6.3) to solve this problem. Here is what I did.
Download XCode6.2 install package from apple site
Upgrade the existed XCode6.2 to x6.3
Open my project on XCode6.3 (this time the device can be recognized by XCode, and I think XCode6.3 might have done some updates to your project.)
Close my project, re-install XCode6.2, there will be a prompt saying I have a newer version and if I want to keep both. Click Yes. Then I have two versions of XCode.
After all those steps done, I can finally open my project and use my device in XCode6.2. Hopefully it can help someone.
XCODE 6.3 is out.. It solved my problem.. If you have Yosemite, you can download the 6.4 beta version

The iOS 8.1 simulator runtime is not available error in Xcode 6.1

I was using Xcode 6.0.1 till now and things were fine. Then I upgraded to Xcode 6.1 and tried running my application(which has a deployment target of 7.0) in iPhone 6 simulator. But it shows an error message :
The iOS 8.1 simulator runtime is not available. Download the iOS 8.1 simulator runtime from the Downloads section in Xcode's Preferences
I manually deleted the earlier Xcode (6.0.1) and installed 6.1 from a dmg.
I tried searching across but couldn't find related stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
It is a Mac problem, not an Xcode problem.
Logout the user, shutdown, restart or just reboot Mac. Your Xcode simulator will go back to normal.
For anyone still facing this issue, this command worked for me:
sudo killall -9
Rebooting did not help me.
Installing/Reinstalling Simulators worked!!
Look under (XCode Preferences-> Downloads -> Components)
Maintain an accurate list of iOS simulators
When upgrading, you may drag around old simulators no longer available with your current version of Xcode. You can clean these by running this command in Terminal:
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
Quit Xcode first just for good measures. From the documentation:
Delete a device or all unavailable devices.
Rebooting my computer fixed this exact issue for me. Same error was thrown for both iOS7 and iOS8 simulators. I'm on OS X 10.10 and Xcode 6.1.
Just had this problem with Xcode 8 beta 5. I downloaded ios8 and 9 simulators, but was not able to run my app. I simply deleted derived data and rebooted my computer. It worked for me.
