Twilio Send Message API Error 21603 - twilio

I'm using postman to see the response format of send message api in Twilio. The Api that I'm using is{AccountSid}/Messages.
I have entered the basic authentication parameters (Account_Sid and AuthToken as username and password) the json request format is
"To":"My Number",
"From":"Twilio Number",
"Body":"Hello this msg is from postman"}
But I'm getting error 21603 which states "A 'From 'phone number is required". Can you please tell me where I'm wrong. The messages are sent when using Twilio console.

I can't see your Postman but, maybe this is what you're missing...
Click on the Body tab and make sure form-data is selected from the radio buttons.
Also if you go to Twilio docs page ( you can see the expected response if you click on the OUTPUT link (tab) that is located at the top right of the code sample.


Slack call API - getting 500 error when posting on response url

I am trying to build a calling app on slack that invokes a voip app installed on the computer. So when the slack app is given a particular command with a number it should invoke this desktop app and allow the user to make a call.
I have given the slack app calls:read
calls:write permissions but when i post a message from the service back to slack on response_url i am getting 500 error on slack.
slack_message = {
"response_type": "Call",
"call_initiation_url": "",
"desktop_protocol_call_initiation_url": "sip:+15551231234?action=call"
header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, headers=header, data=json.dumps(slack_message))
Slack show 500 error.
However, posting back to response_url works when i post back a simple message, like shown below and i see it on the slack.
slack_message2 = {
"response_type": "in_channel",
"text": "It's 80 degrees right now."
Could some help in understanding what is going wrong ? I am stuck here.

Twilio whatsapp message fails even when matches the approved template

I am trying to send a whatsapp message via Twilio Business Account, from a number my company has registered via twilio and configured to be a sender.
In the Twilio logs, I see error 63016 message not in template, even though I double-checked every word and spacing to see that my message matches the approved template
some code to help:
def send_message(phone, template_message):
message = twilio_client.messages.create(
except TwilioRestException as e:
return False, e.msg
return True, ''
this completes with no error and results in this log line in twilio
AND some characters like '' and ,
note: if I open my whatsapp and sends the sender a message, then if I run this code again it will work and I will see that message (as that message does not have to match a template for a 24-hr window).
After help from Twilio support, it was a missing '\n' in the message that I was trying to send, that caused the message not to match the template.
I had the same problem, but was due to just a simple whitespace.

Is there a way to print the POST request URL that the Twilio-API makes when sending SMS?

I need to have the exact request URL that Twilio makes when sending an SMS. Is there a way to print/log it? When I use the Message.getUri method, it gives me something that ends with .json which I think is the response from Twilio after making the request. From what I've read, it should look something like "<Account_SID>/Messages".
I'm using the Java API:
.creator(new PhoneNumber(toNumber), // to
new PhoneNumber(twilioFromNumber), // from
The URL is indeed
where ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the account SID which you can find on your dashboard if you login in your Twilio account console at
See more docs at (

Is there any way to get messages we send/received by using phone number in twilio?

I would like to make my client to check whether end client is received text or not and what reply he/she has sent? I always going through twilio to see whether client received sms or not? Is there any way to check it from twilio?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can get both incoming messages to your Twilio numbers and reports on the status of messages after you send them from Twilio using webhooks.
When you send a message you can include a StatusCallback parameter. The parameter should be a URL in your application.
"from" => $from,
"body" => "Let's grab lunch at Milliways tomorrow!",
"statusCallback" => ""
Twilio will send a POST request to the statusCallback URL each time your message status changes to one of the following: queued, failed, sent, delivered, or undelivered. It will include the original message's SID, so you can tie these webhooks back to the message you sent.
Similarly, you can get these webhook notifications for incoming messages to your Twilio numbers. For this you need to set up the incoming webhook URL to the number in your Twilio console. Set it to a URL in your application and you will receive a webhook when someone sends a message to your Twilio number. Check out this quickstart guide on receiving messages to your Twilio number with PHP.
Let me know if that helps at all.
Thanks for the comment where you made it clear that this is after the fact, not at the time of sending.
In this case, you can absolutely list the messages by the phone number that sent them. A message resource includes a Status attribute that lists the current message state in the Twilio system, anything from "accepted" and "queued" to "sending", "sent", "delivered", "undelivered" and "failed". You can see more about these statuses in the documentation.
To get the list of messages sent from a number you can use the following code:
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$token = "your_auth_token";
$client = new Client($sid, $token);
// Loop over the list of messages and echo a property for each one
foreach ($client->messages->read(array("from" => $FROM_NUMBER) as $message) {
echo $message->status . " - " . $message->to . " = " . $message->body;
You can pull data for specific messages
or you can simply pull all the logs

StatusCallback does not work as expected

I am working on a VB.NET application that places a call into Twilio, the number is not a test number. I am using the C# library with the code written in VB.Net.
When I use this line of code:
Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
I receive a text message on my phone however the post back is never posted to my website. I have included the URL of the site on the account under Messaging > Request URL.
When I reply to the message, Twilio does make a post to my site. From what I understand, a POST should have been made when Twilio was first sent a message from my application, however this is not the case.
When using this code, I do not get any text message and no POST is made.
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
I have tried SendSMSMessage, I have tried it with the URL on my account and without it,
nothing seems to effect the behavior.
I need the SmsMessageSid at the time the message is sent. From everything I have seen, Twilio does not provide a response other then what is sent to the PostBackURL, I could parse a response for the
SmsMessageSid however since there is no response that is not an option. If I am mistaken on that point that would be great, however it looks like the only way to get a reply is with the post back URL. Thanks for your help with this! Below you will find an excerpt of the code I am working with:
PostBackURL = "http%3A%2F%2F173.111.111.110%3A8001/XMLResponse.aspx"
' Create Twilio REST account object using Twilio account ID and token
account = New Twilio.TwilioRestClient(SID, Token)
message = New Twilio.Message
'Console.WriteLine(account.SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
Console.WriteLine(account.SendMessage(Caller, to1, strBody, PostBackURL))
Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: {0}", e.Message)
End Try
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue")
I'm doing something similar with C# and like you, I'm not getting the POST to the callback URL. I don't know why that's not working, but if all you need is the sid when you send the message, you should be able to do this:
message = SendSmsMessage(Caller, to1, strBody))
and message.Sid will give you what you need, assuming no exceptions.
