How to use an optional, generic parameter on a controller action? -

I am working with a BaseController that is used for a variety of entities. They may have int or string primary keys, represented by <TPk>.
public ActionResult Create(TPk id)
return View();
Everything is fine until I try and use TPk as an optional parameter.
public ActionResult Create(TPk id = default(TPk))
return View();
It seems that the 'optional' part isn't working.
So /controller/create/2 is fine, but /controller/create gives me the following error:
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Create(Int32)'
The optional works fine with an int or string id. I can call /controller/create/2 AND /controller/create.
But using a generic type argument TPk, the parameterless route no longer works.
What I've Tried
I have tried making the TPk parameter nullable, but it won't compile:
The type 'TPk' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Nullable'
I have tried changing the parameter name from id to altId as per this question - no joy
I have tried calling the same method, in exactly the same way, but with non-generic parameters. E.g.:
public virtual async Task<ActionResult> Create(int id = default(int))
This worked fine.
I have tried creating a simple new project to isolate this code. (Shown below). This still gives problems with the parameterless version.
Simple Code Test
public abstract class BaseController<TPk> : Controller
public ActionResult Create(TPk id = default(TPk))
return View();
public class NewsController : BaseController<int>
Entity Classes
public class BaseDataModel<TPk>
public TPk Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public class PageDataModel : BaseDataModel<string>
public string Content { get; set; }
public class NewsDataModel : BaseDataModel<int>
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
} conventions are heavily based on reflection. So this might explain the behavior. I have not tested if it realy does not work, but I am sure at this state you already tried to create a new project (POC) to preclude any custom code.
Maybe it can be fixed by looking deeper into the routing (method selection) and ModelBinder source code...
I would just create a different DuplicateRecord action instead.
If you do not understand your method without this comment, it is a good indication, that your current code probably smells anyway. (You are doing to much at the same thing):
// duplicates existing record if id is passed in, otherwise from scratch
Extract the shared things to another method (maybe even a service class) and have for each difference a seperate method.
That said, the idea of a generic CrudController is lovely, I tried this myself some years ago. But in trying so I have introduced all sort of generic parameters, strategy patterns, event delegates to make all possibilities possible.
What happens if you need a join?
What happens if you need a transaction?
How do you handle errors?
What happens if your crud logic needs 1, 2, 3 ... additional parameters to decide what to do?
Soft Delete / Hard Delete?
Cascade Delete / Restrict Delete?
What happens if you ...
I have written so much code, it was blessing to revert to the good old non generic code. And if abstracted away in a service, the ActionMethods realy do not need to get big.
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateProduct(CancellationToken ct, ProductCreateModel model)
var result = await _productService.CreateAsync(model, ct);
//create response with some helpers... probably some ActionFilters
Generics can work ofcorse in a simple crud mapping where each View has exact one Entity, but it does not scale very well. So beaware and think twice about what you realy want ;)


ASP.NET model binder doesn't fill model values

I want to use global Model Validation filter for all my controllers in ASP.NET 5 application.But I faced with a problem that default binder doesn't fill model values from URI (but works fine for bodied POST actions). For example, I have controller with action:
public class TestController : ApiController
[HttpGet, Route("test/{id}"/return)]
public int TestAction([FromUri] TestModel model)
return model.Id;
public class TestModel
public int? Id { get; set; }
Requesting this controller by URI, for example, localhost:12345/test/10/return, returning 'null' response. The same for another complex models, accessing some of [Required]-marked fields throws a NRE, like binder ignores {id} expression in route.
Any ideas where this behaviour can be turned off?
Sorry for your attention, seems to be there was something like typo or error in property names.
I tried to re-implement test actions with complex models as arguments for methods and now everything works as expected.

Are missing object arguments of action methods automatically instantiated?

Consider the following viewmodel, the view and the action method with no other action methods of the same name:
public class ViewModel
public string Prop1 { get; set; }
public string Prop2 { get; set; }
#model Project.Models.ViewModel
Action method
public ActionResult ActionMethod(ViewModel vm) {
return View(vm);
How come, that when requesting the view without passing in a viewmodel, the request actually succeeds?
I'd expect the "Resource cannot be found error" and if the action method was actually found, I'd expect vm to be assigned to null, but when I checked, the viewmodel was actually instantiated.
I read up on the execution process and about routing, but I feel none the wiser. Is the instantiation carried out by the DefaultModelBinder or am I missing something else entirely?
I'm quite sure that DefaultModelBinder does this. MVC 1 indeed passed null but that behavior has changed. There is no configuration option to change this.
The HTTP protocol has no way in its request data to specify whether a model should be null or instantiated. This distinction does not correspond to any protocol element. Therefore, MVC must pick one of the alternatives.

ASP.NET MVC UpdateModel - fields vs properties?

I refactored some common properties into a base class and immediately my model updates started failing. UpdateModel() and TryUpdateModel() did not seem to update inherited public properties.
I cannot find detailed info on MSDN nor Google as to the rules or semantics of these methods. The docs are terse (, simply stating:
Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current value provider.
SOLVED: MVC.NET does indeed handle inherited properties just fine. This turned out to have nothing to do with inheritance. My base class was implemented with public fields, not properties. Switching them to formal properties (adding {get; set; }) was all I needed. This has bitten me before, I keep wanting to use simple, public fields. I would argue that fields and properties are syntactically identical, and could be argued to be semantically equivalent, for the user of the class.
MVC will bind to properties of the inherited class. The model binder calls something like typeof(yourtype).GetProperties() which returns all the inherited members just fine.
Just tested it out with:
public class PersonBase
public string Name { get; set; }
public class User : PersonBase
public string FavoriteFood { get; set; }
"My assumption is the methods are reflecting on the top class only,"
How would that work? The "top" class IS the base class too.
this one made me curious too.
i made a edit form for a class Manager who derives from a Person
(after all, managers are persons too :-))
then in this action method
public ActionResult Edit(Manager manager )
return View(manager);
which wass called from a view with the Manager (derived type) as strong typed Model variable, when hovering the manager variable, it shows me the base class (it actually said: base: Person ) AND the one extra property for the manager
tried the formcollection too, and that also works:
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection formCollection )
Manager manager = new Manager();
UpdateModel(manager );
return View(manager);

My custom ASP.NET MVC entity binding: is it a good solution?

Suppose I want to allow to select our entity (from a dropdown, etc) on a page, let's say Product. As a result I may receive this:
public ActionResult SelectedAction(Guid productId)
But, I want to use model binders power, so instead I write model binder to get my product from repository and instead use
public ActionResult SelectedAction(Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid) {} else {}
My model binder will set model state to false if product is invalid.
Now, there're problems with this approach:
It's not always easy to use strongly-typed methods like Html.ActionLink(c => c.SelectedAction(id)) since we need to pass Product, not id.
It's not good to use entities as controller parameters, anyway.
If model state is invalid, and I want to redirect back and show error, I can't preserve selected product! Because bound product is not set and my id is not there. I'd like to do RedirectToAction(c => c.Redisplay(product)) but of course this is not possible.
Now, seems like I'm back to use "Guid productId" as parameter... However, there's one solution that I'd like to present and discuss.
public class EntityViewModel<T> where T : BaseEntity
public EntityViewModel(Guid id)
this.Id = id;
public static implicit operator EntityViewModel<T>(T entity)
return new EntityViewModel<T>(entity.Id);
public override string ToString()
return Id.ToString();
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public T Instance { get; set; }
Now, if I use
public ActionResult SelectedAction(EntityViewModel<Product> product)
if (ModelState.IsValid) {} else {}
all the problems are solved:
I can pass EntityViewModel with only Id set if I have only Id.
I don't use entity as parameter. Moreover, I
can use EntityViewModel as property inside another ViewModel.
I can pass EntityViewModel back to RedirectToController and it will keep its Id value, which will be
redisplayed to user along with the validation messages (thanks to MVCContrib and ModelStateToTempData / PassParametersDuringRedirect).
The model binder will get Instance from the repository and will set model state errors like "Not found in database" and so on. And I can use things like ActionLink(c => c.Action(Model.MyProductViewModelProperty)).
The question is, are there any drawbacks here? I can't see anything bad but I'm still new to MVC and may miss some important things. Maybe there're better and approved ways? Maybe this is why everybody uses entity IDs as input parameters and properties?
Overall that looks like a good appoach to me...
As an alternative, you could use POCO for your viewmodel then I think all 3 problems would be solved automatically. Have you seen the Automapper project that allows an Entity to DTO approach? This would give you more flexibility by separating you ViewModel from your EntityModel, but really depends on the complexity of you application you are building.
MVC's ViewDataExtensions might also be useful instead of creating custom containers to hold various viewmodel objects as you mention in number 2.
MVCContrib's ModelStateToTempData should work for any serializable object (must be serializable for any out of process sessionstate providers eg. SQL, Velocity etc.), so you could use that even without wrapping your entity classes couldn't you?

MVC Custom ViewModel and auto binding

I have a custom ViewModel defined as :
public class SampleFormViewModel
public SampleFormViewModel(SelectList companies, Widget widget)
Companies = companies;
Widget = widget;
public SelectList Companies { get; private set; }
public Widget Widget { get; private set; }
In my Edit POST handler I have the following entry:
public ActionResult Edit(SampleFormViewModel model)
Edit form is set up as:
And it just blows up, not sure what’s going on, has the following error:
No parameterless constructor defined for this object.
Certain I’m missing something really obvious here. Some background, the GET works perfectly and display the dropdown from the SelectList as expected.
I’m guessing the auto-binding back to the custom view model is what is failing but not sure what to do about it.
You need to have a parameterless constructor and I believe that the properties need to have public setters. The default binder creates the object using a constructor that takes no parameters, then uses reflection on the public properties to set values from the form/query parameters.
public class SampleFormViewModel
public SampleFormViewModel() { }
public SelectList Companies { get; set; }
public Widget Widget { get; set; }
I suspect, though, that what you really want to do is not get the view model, but the underlying Widget model and select list value on form post. I don't think the binder will be able to reconstruct a SelectList on post since it only has the selected value in the parameters.
public ActionResult Edit( int CompanyID, Widget widget )
MVC requires, on strongly typed views, that the view can create the class used on that view. This means a constructor without any parameters. And this makes sense. Folks new to MVC will see similar "huh?" issues when they forget/fail to make parameters public and all such related errors that popup when the view attempts to put itself together (as opposed to a compiler error).
But what is "interesting" in this class of parameterless constructor problems is when a property of your class also does NOT have a parameter-free constructor. I guess this is the pessimistic approach?
Having spent some learning time on the SelectList class - a class specific to MVC - I wanted to hopefully help some folks save a few minutes/hours.
This really important tool/class for dropdown list creation, has the following constructors:
public SelectList(IEnumerable items);
public SelectList(IEnumerable items, object selectedValue);
public SelectList(IEnumerable items, string dataValueField, string dataTextField);
public SelectList(IEnumerable items, string dataValueField, string dataTextField, object selectedValue);
..and therefore, if these are properties on your class (the one used for the view), MVC will give you the elusive "No parameterless constructor" error.
BUT, if you create something like a helper class, cut-n-paste the exact code from your original class, and then make that helper class a parameter (NOT a get/set) on your original class; you're good to go.
And in this manner, you can use a single view for gets and posts. Which is more beautiful :)
Personnally, I'd have either created the compiler to recognize the associations and requirements of strong typed views, or let the dropdown (or other "customer" of the SelectList) just fail to work rather then wonder if there's a specific level of recursive checking on paramerterless constructors.
Thankfully, the current version seems to only be top-level. Feels like a hack and I hope it's by design.
